Do you think you should be allowed to kill kids in games?

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
Kids annoy me in games. I can't stand the little bastards. In Skyrim the kids have health bars. What's the point in giving them health bars if you can't even kill them? Anyway, would you like to be able to kill kids in games?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
YeS. Why? Kids are annoying , and sometimes i just want to shut them up . Either make them killable or don't add them at all , assuming all the other npcs are killable of course , making adults invulnerable but children killable probably wouldn't go onver well . It would be funny as hell thought .

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
The way I see it, it's wasteful designing to put several similar models of something (people, in this case) but only allowing certain ones to be harmed by any means. They can just as easily replace the kids with something more acceptable to kill for being annoying, such as hobos, mutants, or random animals. Not to mention it would give some people a sense of power to know that they could end a child's life on purpose or on accident but avoid doing so because that's what they feel should be done. Or going out of their way to get rid of every child because they can.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
If you put them in the game then I would say why the hell not, but why would you put them in the game... Skyrim would be an awful lot better without them, they could even spend some of that free time on fixing bugs.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Revolutionaryloser said:
I think if the developers decided to not implement it, It would be disrespectful to then go and mod it in.
That makes the least sense of any arguments against the idea I've ever heard. Why would modding a game designed be modded be disrespectful? Do you feel the same way about high resolution texture packs? UI mods? Randy Savage dragons?

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Mr.K. said:
If you put them in the game then I would say why the hell not, but why would you put them in the game... Skyrim would be an awful lot better without them, they could even spend some of that free time on fixing bugs.
One of the complaints(or maybe it was just a peculiar observation) about the previous Elder Scrolls games is that there are no children in the game. Then they put children into Fallout 3 and made them invincible(for obvious ESRB/Fox News related matters) and people complained about that. Personally, I have the child death mod installed, but I've never actually killed a kid in the game. I just don't want them to be immune to dragons and the like.


Nov 11, 2011
I dislike kids in the real world. But I am not crazy so I will not harm them in anyway.
I just keep my distance, and hope to god that kids keep there distance.
But if there are kids in the gaming world, sure, shy cant i slap them around a bit everynow and again?


New member
Apr 15, 2009

If a game puts kids in the game, then makes them really really annoying (Little Lamplight, Pretty much every kid in Whiterun ect.) and makes them immortal... I get really annoyed.

I mean if I can go around putting live explosives into friendly peoples pockets or fire nukes into cities (Be they mini-nukes or the real deal the-city-is-gone kind) why can't I kill a kid thats being disrespectful and annoying?

Hell in Skyrim I go around stealing things and ruthlessly murdering people because a corpse told me to. I even have the choice to sacrifice my wife to please a god. But I'm not allowed to teach a stupid, spoiled kid some manners about assuming that I'm one of her new servants?

Gah... Either make kids killable or make them tolerable...


New member
Oct 30, 2011
Which is worth more, a kitten or a human?

Well, you wouldn't kill a kitten would you? Perhaps what is important in a game, to make it feel realistic and get immersed in the game, is that there are no artificial barriers, no invisible walls

I mean you could make the child killable, but then if you actually kill a child, basically no one will talk to you and everyone will try to kill you and it'll basically be game over without actually saying "Game Over"


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Revolutionaryloser said:
ignoring the wishes of the developers and the experience they wanted to offer.
What if they wanted it implemented but couldn't get around the hassle and taboo that came with it in the rating system?

him over there

New member
Dec 17, 2011
I don't think we should be able to kill kids just for the sake of killing kids or have parts where we specifically kill kids as objectives, but there absolutely shouldn't be scenarios that would kill everyone but the kids are mysteriously unaffected because there are invincible children. At the very least there should at least be some effort to make it more realistic without killing them. How about you give each child npc an adult figure npc, like a parent or guardian and if they die the kid dies shortly after. At least then I could burn down a town and the stupid brats wouldn't be playing soccer i n the middle of the blaze. So if you don't want them killed don't put them in and if you do try to find a tasteful way.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Revolutionaryloser said:
Hammeroj said:
Revolutionaryloser said:
Hammeroj said:
Yup. Everyone who says no and is still in favor (in a sense) of all the violence present in video games is a hypocrite, plain and simple.

Revolutionaryloser said:
Scars Unseen said:
Revolutionaryloser said:
I think if the developers decided to not implement it, It would be disrespectful to then go and mod it in.
That makes the least sense of any arguments against the idea I've ever heard. Why would modding a game designed be modded be disrespectful? Do you feel the same way about high resolution texture packs? UI mods? Randy Savage dragons?
It's my opinion and I stand by it. If you want a reason, I will unashamedly quote Yahtzee when he presented the question, if the developers had stopped players from having sex with only the children in the game, would it be OK to mod that limitation out of the script? You can accept my opinions and my arguments or not, it won't change them. I am not trying to convince you. I am only answering the question that was asked.
Red herring. Killing someone, in general moral terms, isn't that different whether it's a child or an adult. Having sex, on the other hand...

Stand by your opinion all you want, but at the very least realise that its premise is false.
Red herring. If you had ever read the laws in your country, killing a child is much more serious a crime than killing an adult. Obviously you didn't know that and that general apathy towards order and protection of basic human rights shows in the terrible treatment children receive world-wide.

And straw man for ignoring my point. Not whether actions in videogames should be judged by the morals of the real world but by ignoring the wishes of the developers and the experience they wanted to offer.
Not really. By your logic mods simply shouldn't exist at all, unless they accomplish what the developer expressly said they wanted to accomplish. It's a lame argument and I wasn't going to indulge it.

Read up the definition of a bloody red herring, would you kindly?
Fair enough, but you read up the definition of argument. And by my logic, if a developer went right out of his way so that a player was prohibited from doing something that the game originally allowed the player to do, by my logic, the developer did not do that so that someone could pigheadedly override that prohibition and cause a bunch of controversy and bad rep for videogames. If you are telling me, that Bethesda knew someone would unlock childkilling and they locked it knowing so and wanted it to be unlocked, then by my logic, Bethesda are total douchebags who secretly hate videogames and want laws that censor videogame content.
Of course Bethesda knew, this sort of stuff exists for their other games as well. Its only "controversial" because people are trying to decide morals for other people now for some reason.