Do you want more "making of the game" videos on games' extras?


New member
Dec 6, 2010
After playing through oblivion again in preparation of Skyrim, I decided to have a look through some of the special features on the second disk. And to be honest I really loved seeing how they got the textures for the imperial city and animated the horses; with Half Life 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 being the only other games (that I have) which have any other form of "behind the screen" material. I've always thought I would like a game so much more by having those interesting details shown to me by those who made the game.

So Escapists... What do you think? Should we have more of this on games?


New member
Sep 2, 2010
I love the making of videos for games. Sadly many of the ones I have seen have a lot less to do with making the game, and more to do with the team just dicking around and talking about the game and what's in it, like some pre-release featurette. Rather than giving you an idea on how it's made.

I think every major release should have a making of video. I'd like for devs to explain the corners they cut and why :p How they got certain effects. Hearing about how they got around a certain hitch in an animation, how they got that texture to look that way when it's really a tiny resolution, or interesting facts like how light refraction through glass is ~100% accurate in Half-Life 2.

>> I really find those sorts of things interesting.


New member
Jul 20, 2011
Agreed I love those special features, especially the motion capture video in DMC3, but hate it when it's just a random shmuck sitting there blabbing on.