Does Javik add alot to the lore of the game? Is Omega worth it? (Mass Effect 3)

Sep 9, 2010
So I'm about to begin the last legs of my Mass Effect playthrough. I've bought Citadel, and decided I wanted to play Leviathan.

Here's the screw I'm laying with, are Omega/From Ashes worth it? Just from the description/price the only one I'm personally interested in is Ashes because it would give me Javik. But I don't want Javik if he ends up being like Kasumi and Zaeed in MassEffect 2 (you know, basically incomplete characters that don't add anything to the game, which is a shame because they're both very interesting characters)

Also, does Javik add anything interesting to Leviathan?

Also can anyone seriously reccomend the weapon pack? Because in 2 the only gun I really enjoyed using was the Phalanx Pistol.

On an unrelated note, my God does a second playthrough really help the mind grasp the story better. I didn't fully understand the first time I played that the Collectors were Reaper Ants and former Protheans.

Redd the Sock

New member
Apr 14, 2010
Omega's the easy one: it's fun, but it doesn't add much, serving as the untold story of getting Aria back to Omega station, but really nets you nothing but some extra resources and a look at a female turrian. It's a decent length chapter though, so you get your $10 worth.

From Ashes is shorter by far, but they did a better job at crafting Javik as a character than the ME2 ones. He has his own dialogue wheels and backstory segments, and certain story segments get some expansion and insight by having him along.He can even be pretty funny in a rude way.


New member
Jan 26, 2013
I can give approval on From Ashes. Not fantastic, but it differs from ME2. The mission for Kasumi was fucking awesome, even if your interaction with her was limited. The opposite holds true for Javik. You have a lot of interaction with him, but his mission is bare bones and feels like it was whipped up 24 hours before deadline.
SaneAmongInsane said:
On an unrelated note, my God does a second playthrough really help the mind grasp the story better. I didn't fully understand the first time I played that the Collectors were Reaper Ants and former Protheans.
...I'm sorry I have to ask. You played two right? That was literally a major plot point when you boarded the collector ship. Please don't take this comment as me being aggressive (I'm a bit drunk right now and don't want to seem like I'm trying to be an ass), but I'm honestly shocked that anyone into Mass Effect doesn't know that.

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
I enjoyed bringing Javik with me, just because he's obnoxiously blunt and a total asshole at the most hilarious times.

He's worthless in combat, though. At least, I thought so. He couldn't do anything that I didn't already do better.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Javik = Maybe

Omega = No

Not that the Omega dlc is bad, it's just that it adds absolutely nothing to the overarching plot. You can safely skip it and know that you're not really missing anything that will have expanded the Mass Effect universe or influenced the main story or characters in any real way. I mean I guess if you really want to interact with a female Turian or if you really like ME3's combat Omega is worth it, but that's all that springs to mind. Honestly I was pretty disappointed with it myself.

Javik meanwhile is alright. He's more interactive than the ME2 dlc characters were and he does interact with the crew in a believable way, but he doesn't really do much otherwise. His mission is pretty boring and he doesn't change the games ending or anything, but he does have some neat stuff to say and, as mentioned, he fits in much better than ME2's DLC characters did in that he doesn't just hide in one room doing nothing.

If it's story you're after I'd say Javik might be worth getting as he does contribute. Omega however is mostly side-content and as such is easily skippable.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Javik is good value as a character, Omega is pretty disposable but a good lark (plus you can get a pretty neat Biotic attack out of it).

The only two I'd definitely get are Citadel and Leviathan.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
From Ashes is a must IMO. Whilst Javik in combat isn't fantastic, his dialog is worth it. He adds a lovely insight into the Protheans and if you ask me, should've been in the game from the start. Defs a get.

Omega comes down to two questions: Do you like Aria as a character? And Do you care about Omega? If yes get it. I like Aria so I really enjoyed it. The female Turian is cool also. The final fight in it is completely fucked on harder difficulties so can be a challenge.

I say get both, if you're enjoying Mass Effect 2 and 3 thus far I say get them. But I am typing this in my N7 hoodie

Sep 9, 2010
Judging from what everyone said, Javik is a fully fleshed out squadmate with a dialogue wheel? If so, then I'm buying. I can't tell you how disapointed I was that Zaeed and Kasumi didn't have a dialogue wheel, especially since they're both really interesting characters. Both would of been fantastic romance options.

Sounds like I'm skipping Omega. They want 15 dollars for this, and I'm not willing to shell out unless it adds something neat which apparhently it doesn't (maybe my feeling will change as I need to get my "galactive readyness" up, since I refuse to play Multiplayer)

Again, no open on the weapon DLCs?

karma9308 said:
I can give approval on From Ashes. Not fantastic, but it differs from ME2. The mission for Kasumi was fucking awesome, even if your interaction with her was limited. The opposite holds true for Javik. You have a lot of interaction with him, but his mission is bare bones and feels like it was whipped up 24 hours before deadline.
SaneAmongInsane said:
On an unrelated note, my God does a second playthrough really help the mind grasp the story better. I didn't fully understand the first time I played that the Collectors were Reaper Ants and former Protheans.
...I'm sorry I have to ask. You played two right? That was literally a major plot point when you boarded the collector ship. Please don't take this comment as me being aggressive (I'm a bit drunk right now and don't want to seem like I'm trying to be an ass), but I'm honestly shocked that anyone into Mass Effect doesn't know that.
I just finished two, but yes, I only realized it this play through. Funny, I recall way back, my first playthrough being disoriented by the presence of the collectors inlieu of reapers, but at the time I was playing in a more distracted environment (also I'm drunk as well. Fratz!)


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Javik is quite easily my favourite character in the entire trilogy. He's that damn good. In fact, I originally had little interest in the trilogy until I started watching an LP and was utterly impressed with Javik. Seriously, $10 is a massive fucking rip off, and Bioware and/or EA are pricks for even doing that, but if you can put aside morals for a second, it is worth the investment just for how great a character he is. Besides, in Mass Effect 3, you need all the interesting characters you can get because several of them are duds.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Javik is pretty essential to the game. It's an absolute atrocity that he was cut out of the main game to be sold as day one DLC. He's not like Kasumi or Zaeed where you can tell that they were planned to be added later. It's pretty obvious that he was supposed to be in the main game. And "From Ashes" cutscenes are fuckin' awesome.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
Get Javik. He is a must. Well, not a must. The game works perfectly fine without him, but his quips are some of the funniest in the series and he adds a hell of a lot of historical context to the Reapers and even other species. There is one mission (involving the Asari), if you bring him on, it completely changes the tone and dialogue of the entire mission and frames an entire faction in a whole new light. His DLC is about adding more to the overall game than the unique content, but what it adds is quite good.

Omega? Only get it if you really, really like Mass Effect 3. It is so unconnected to the overall plot, it doesn't feel like you accomplished much. I liked it, but it isn't really all that essential.

I can't remember anything being added to Leviathan by the other DLC, outside of a single line or two. It just seems like a logistical mess.

I'll be honest, the weapons pack only has two weapons that are any good. Every other gun has some novelty that just gets in the way. The good weapons are the Harrier and the Reegar Carbine, each with some good points and bad. Harrier, Pros: An automatic version of the Mattock from ME2 and all the awesomeness that entails. Cons: Limited ammo, but there are boxes everywhere, so only protracted firefights on Insanity should be any trouble. The Reegar Carbine, Pros: Say goodbye to enemy shields and barriers. Best weapon if you want to take out non-armored units quickly. Cons: Extremely low ammo (you will burn through a clip in a second) and extremely limited range (max of about 20 ft). Basically it is situational as balls, but when an enemy closes in, they better watch the fuck out. I liked the pack, but only for those two weapons.

Citadel is a blast, which I have no doubt you will enjoy.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Happiness Assassin said:
Get Javik. He is a must. Well, not a must. The game works perfectly fine without him, but his quips are some of the funniest in the series and he adds a hell of a lot of historical context to the Reapers and even other species. There is one mission (involving the Asari), if you bring him on, it completely changes the tone and dialogue of the entire mission and frames an entire faction in a whole new light. His DLC is about adding more to the overall game than the unique content, but what it adds is quite good.

Omega? Only get it if you really, really like Mass Effect 3. It is so unconnected to the overall plot, it doesn't feel like you accomplished much. I liked it, but it isn't really all that essential.

I can't remember anything being added to Leviathan by the other DLC, outside of a single line or two. It just seems like a logistical mess.

I'll be honest, the weapons pack only has two weapons that are any good. Every other gun has some novelty that just gets in the way. The good weapons are the Harrier and the Reegar Carbine, each with some good points and bad. Harrier, Pros: An automatic version of the Mattock from ME2 and all the awesomeness that entails. Cons: Limited ammo, but there are boxes everywhere, so only protracted firefights on Insanity should be any trouble. The Reegar Carbine, Pros: Say goodbye to enemy shields and barriers. Best weapon if you want to take out non-armored units quickly. Cons: Extremely low ammo (you will burn through a clip in a second) and extremely limited range (max of about 20 ft). Basically it is situational as balls, but when an enemy closes in, they better watch the fuck out. I liked the pack, but only for those two weapons.

Citadel is a blast, which I have no doubt you will enjoy.
I dunno, the Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle was broken as fuck in the best, possible way. It automatically affected shields and synthetic enemies (including those FUCKING TURRETS!) and the micro-explosions did well to keep enemies back. Pair it with incendiary or warp ammo and there was very little it wouldn't just decimate.

It's only draw back was that if you had multiple squadmates using it the aforementioned micro-explosions could jolt the screen around a bit.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Javik is not like Kasumi and Zaeed. He gets roughly the same amount of as other party members, and it's presented in the same way. (Full dialogue cutscenes.)

He also gets the full suite of banter with the other party members. I particularly enjoyed his interactions with Liara. Her studies gave her a specific impression of the Protheans and Javik, well... he ends up really not fitting those expectations.

He doesn't add anything to the main plot. You won't be missing anything huge if you skip him. However, he does give some cool background on the Protheans.

He's a cool character in his own right with his own little arc that can go one of two ways. Hyper-jaded, bit of a jerk, very opinionated, sarcastic deadpan sense of humour.

Overall, I recommend getting him.

As for Omega. It often referred to as the combat DLC and justifiably so. The story is a bit lacklustre. It's basically just a series of combat-heavy missions to kick Cerberus off Omega. For what it's worth, I enjoyed it.

Sep 9, 2010
TopazFusion said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Judging from what everyone said, Javik is a fully fleshed out squadmate with a dialogue wheel?
I'm not sure what you mean. He has about the same amount of dialogue as any other squadmate.

But in ME3, (unlike in ME2), if you've exhausted all of a squadmate's dialog, there is no 'wheel'. You can't enter a dialogue conversation with the squadmate at all.
Javik is like this, yes. But so is everyone else.

In ME2, if you'd exhausted someone's entire dialogue tree, you could still go and talk to them, but only the default 'investigate' options were available.
They changed this in ME3.
What I mean is, Zaeed and Kasumi had no proper dialogue. You just kept tapping A and they'd just say something. Really rather ticked me off, if I had known they were like that I wouldn't of wasted money on them.... But well see what they do with ME3


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Javik is an enjoyable character with some strong abilities, BUT he doesn't really add much to the over arching story and especially lore wise. He's nothing but DLC-bait and the game stands fine without him.

You can probably read on the Mass Effect Wiki in a few paragraphs everything he says about Protheans and save yourself some money, if that's what you are really worried about.

Omega is glitchy as hell from what I've seen, but nothing game stopping. Apparently while Aria is giving an epic speech, she's swings around randomly. I haven't played it, it's the only later released DLC that I want to play because I enjoyed the Omega comics and love Aria, but I'm hung up on the limited dialogue/auto dialogue issues as well as the cost.

edit; Citadel you'll enjoy if you love reading horrible fan fiction. It's pure, vomiting, cringing fan service to the worst degree. Plus continues Shepard is Jesus by introducing a clone Shepard aka THE FALSE SHEPARD! Who, along with Brooks, is like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
If you're a Mass Effect fan, then I reckon Javik's essential. Simple as. This is completely subjective, but I think he works thematically as one of the most interesting characters in the whole series. There's a certain scene that draws some great, and well written, parallels between him and Shepard, giving them a kind of connection Shep doesn't really have with anyone else in the trilogy. There's also a key scene with Liara, that I think's one of the best in the game.

As for Omega and the weapon packs? I'm tempted to say if you're a Mass Effect fan then you'll just want them anyway - so just get 'em; the more content and the more options the better, surely?

I actually kinda hated Omega the first time I played it. I'd finished the trilogy, but then Omega came out. Why? Why release non-essential BS side story DLC once a trilogy like that has concluded? I think it was a cynically dumb strategy. Mass Effect's combat has never been good, and Omega just contains a whole mess of corridor shooting, so from a gameplay POV it adds nothing.

...and yet, if you're going through it again - or for the first time - then I do think it adds to the overall experience. It's a reasonably sizable mission, and I like that it locks you into the station once you trigger it. It's a bit like a very combat heavy vacation for Shep... Spend time away from your crew and the Normandy! Get shot at by new things! Etc. It also adds perhaps the most powerful biotic attack in the game (Flare), and I think adds the N7 Valkrie rifle for those who didn't pre-order it - and that's a damn fine weapon.

A serious downer for me is that it makes Aria come across like a petty, uninteresting oaf, and BioWare completely nerfed the female turian character (great armour design aside).

Weapons: I bought everything, so I have no idea what weapon came with what pack or DLC. But I'd say yes - but they're only 'essential' if you're looking for some more esoteric (and frankly more weird) bits of gear that demand certain tactics to use effectively. Also, it's deeply subjective per player preference: for me the fully automatic Cerberus AR became one of my favourite and most used all purpose weapons. The Anti-Synthetic rifle is also very effective, and I think it looks (and sounds) nifty.

Actually, to contradict one of my above comments: yes, get everything - if you intend on playing through it again. I think the value of most DLC is very low if you only play a game once. But with RPG's that can be played multiple times, DLC enriches gameplay and role-play options.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Javik's mission, as everyone else is saying, is very boring and bland. You get a few little tidbits about being back on Eden Prime, and when Javik meets you and the other characters with you, it can be amusing. Liara switches back to her old, fangirl nerdy self if you take her along too, which was cute. But his mission is bland.

Javik, however, is well worth it. He's fleshed out much better than Zaeed and Kasumi combined, and offers some very interesting insight at certain points. Taking him with you when you go to Thessia is a must. Also, his dialogue in The Citadel DLC is, like everyone else's, hilarious. Can't remember if he adds anything to Leviathan, but I don't think he does.

As for, are you the type of person who needs to complete everything? Needs to know everything? If yes, then you should pick it up. If no, if you're happy just knowing that Aria does take Omega back, then you can give it a pass. It doesn't really feel like it's part of Mass Effect 3, not in the way that the other DLCs do. It is a side story in every possible way.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Yeah, I agree with everyone else, Javik is worth it just for Javik, ESPECIALLY if you bring him to Thessia, and also on the Citadel DLC.

Omega's a good bit of (somewhat overpriced) fun, but not vital at all. It has, I thought, a very good villain and some passable supporting cast member and decent sequences, but nothing huge or game-changing.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
I'd say that Javik adds enough to the story to warrant getting him...though it sucks that they quite clearly cut him out just to sell him back in the first place. >.>

Citadel is the only DLC that I'd say is a must-have.

Leviathan was good, I thought, though I seem to be in the minority on that opinion.

Omega was sadly disappointing. It's a bit buggy at come parts and just seems kinda empty and pointless. Only reason to get it is if you're really dying to play through a mission with Aria as a squadmate.