Does me enjoying Call of Jaurez: The Cartel make me racist?

Aug 1, 2010
Absolutely not.

If you took everything in that game to heart, believed in the "Mexicans stealin our wemonz" and enjoyed the game BECAUSE it's racist, you would be.

Also, even if it DOES make you racist, so what???

Because as you should know:



New member
Aug 30, 2010
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Does enjoying Total War's battles make me genocidal?
only if you pick on a single faction... and never let any fleeing units make it to the edge of the map. (so i guess shogun 2 makes me a bit genocidal, but whatever, at least no units ever come back to bite me in the ass in the campaign)

OT: no not really, unless you believed every black person/mexican you killed in the game deserved it solely because they were black/mexican, or another variety of reasons which i cant really think of for 2 reasons (1. haven't played the game. 2. can never remember things off the top of my head).

racism is not the actions you take, at least not solely the actions you take. rather, it is your reasoning and justification behind those actions that makes you prejudiced towards certain people/things/groups etc.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
No, you are not. Neither am I.

I rented it on a whim. Enjoyed it a bit and sent it back.

It was a good waste-time-shooter. Nothing more, in my opinion.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Well it's a shit game, so you should feel bad for that. Does enjoying the game make you racist, no. Does it mean you have a bad taste in games, yep.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Well, that can be summed up with a few questions.
Did you spend the whole game laughing about killing minorities and calling them names?

If yes, you definitely have some racist tendencies.
If no, you need to play better games.

Did you enjoy killing minorities BECAUSE they are minorities?

If yes, you are a racist. Congratulations!
If no, you need to play better games.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
ThreeWords said:
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Does enjoying Total War's battles make me genocidal?
No, but exterminating the population of captured cities afterwards is a good reason to prevent you from entering the next elections.
but what if i am poor and need the moniez? plus, in Rome and Medieval 2, population can be a bit of a pain in the ass until you have some absolutely smexy infrastructure, so occasionally you do need to wipe out a city. it makes the survivors that much happier! (and can get some nice exp bonuses for your units/generals, should you manage the battle against the rebels well)


New member
Aug 4, 2011
Extra Credits is shoved so far up its own ass it can lick its own bowels.

They are not the final word on what is and isn't okay in the video game industry. Don't let those pretentious assholes tell you how you should feel about the game.

Let me ask you, do you feel like a racist?


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Yes, enjoying a game that has racist stereotypes in it makes you indicatively racist. <- Internet Debate Logic 101 right thar


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Really? I got a warning for an obvious joke?

Okay fine.

No, it doesn't make you racist. That's the exact same stupid BS that people were talking about Resi 5 when it was announced. "Derderpderp, oh, you're a white guy killing black-which I will conveniently not take into account they are poseessed by a hellish bioweapon bent on eradicating mankind-must be RACIST!" People who try and claim a game is racist without hard evidence are dumb. So they kidnapped some American girls, whoo. Were they also wearing sumbreros and sitting in the shade playing a little guitar next to their donkey while eating tortillas? No? No.


New member
Aug 13, 2010
It certainly does! Playing a videogame can easily make you hate people of a different ethnicity.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
No, the fault lies entirely with the developer and publisher. Extra Credits is merely pointing out why it is bad that a game like that got made. The fact that people consciously chose the direction that game took. As for players out there, it is OK to like what you like. I too enjoy Extra Credits but their word isn't law. They have the advantage of only showing their perspective on an issue so it is easier for them to appear right. This is why so many people swear by Yahtzee, Jim Sterling, and Moviebob too. There is only 1 point of view provided, so unless the viewer can spot what is wrong their argument, the argument looks flawless.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Smeggs said:
Really? I got a warning for an obvious joke?

Okay fine.

No, it doesn't make you racist. That's the exact same stupid BS that people were talking about Resi 5 when it was announced. "Derderpderp, oh, you're a white guy killing black-which I will conveniently not take into account they are poseessed by a hellish bioweapon bent on eradicating mankind-must be RACIST!" People who try and claim a game is racist without hard evidence are dumb. So they kidnapped some American girls, whoo. Were they also wearing sumbreros and sitting in the shade playing a little guitar next to their donkey while eating tortillas? No? No.
You got a warning for a low content post. The Mods are pretty strict about certain things. It's actually in the rules. As long as you write a couple sentences, you should be okay. Also, NEVER post "FIRST". Even if you actually are saying something else in your post. The mods really frown upon that sort of thing. It's not that hard to stay on their good side. I've never gotten so much as a warning.


New member
Aug 4, 2011
Father Time said:
TheJesus89 said:
Extra Credits is shoved so far up its own ass it can lick its own bowels.

They are not the final word on what is and isn't okay in the video game industry. Don't let those pretentious assholes tell you how you should feel about the game.
All they said was that the game was racist, they didn't say people should feel bad for playing it.
You misread me. I know they didn't call anyone playing the game racist. What I mean is that what they say shouldn't dictate how he feels about playing the game.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
ABLb0y said:
Ok, so I was watching Extra Credit's video on Racism in Call of Jaurez: The Cartel, and it got me feeling quite bad about myself. Why? Because I enjoyed the game. I mean, I know the whole thing about Mexicans kidnapping American women is bullshit, but does me actually having fun playing it make me a bad person?
Well, did you enjoy it because of the kidnapping of American women and the achievements for killing black people, or did you just overall enjoy it as a game? That should answer your question.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
PatrickXD said:
Does having fun with friends playing Rapelay make me a rapist?
No. It doesn't specifically, but that is on another level. It isn't a game with a few rape scenes here and there. It is ALL about raping women and nothing else. No, it doesn't make you a rapist unless you actually rape someone, but the fact that you can play it with your friends and not feel disgusted the whole time is telling about your views on women, and sexual violence.