does your family annoy you?

the darknees abyss

New member
Mar 29, 2012
My family have been on my case a lot recently, and just pissing me off. So my question to you is how do you stop it from bugging you, and how do family members in your house-hold annoy you?

Relish in Chaos

New member
Mar 7, 2012
My mother can be a strict and stubborn ***** who, once she gets going on a rant, will not. fucking. stop. Seriously.

I never had much problems with my father, but he's left now and is the source of many of my mother's, and thus my problems, especially with money.

My sister can be really sarcastic and scathing. She's, like, 22, and it's almost as if she never grew up out of the awkward pubescent stage of teenagehood, because she still occasionally acts like a pent-up hormonal *****.

My brother is generally a lazy shit who, when you're in somewhat heated discussions with him, it's like he's just talking to himself and you're just something for his words to bounce off at, with no more contribution than "Yeah. Uh-huh. Hmm. Yes. Right."

I wish I had a different and better family, but I guess they're not all bad. Could be worse. My mum's a good person who raised me well, I've already mentioned my dad, and my siblings are quite good too (especially my sister, who's been supporting me through some problems I've been having in my life).


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Pretty much everyone is annoyed by their family from time to time, no matter how well you get on with them. When you're living at home, you spend enough time together to drive anyone crazy. Combine this with the fact they have authority over you and it's a recipe for agitation.

Just ride it out, and try and remember they're real people too. You don't have a choice with your family unlike with friends, so personalities, interests etc clash. You probably piss them off as much as they do you.


New member
May 3, 2012
My mother apparently can't go a day without nagging, bitching, and/or complaining. She always seems to be lecturing me about pointless shit and constantly barges into my room without knocking first solely to ***** at me about nothing of importance.

My dad's alright, though he can get a bit annoying at times.

My brother is a lazy ass who is incapable of cleaning his room or putting discs in their proper cases, or any cases at all. It's not just his stuff he can't take care of; he frequently ruins the basement, which both of us use since the 360 is there, even though he has his own, as well as a TV. While I was on vacation with my parents, we left him at home. During the time we were gone, he completely trashed my room for no reason. Considering it just so happens to be MY room, there was no reason for him to be in there unless he was using our only PS2, which he wasn't.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2008
I'm not a people person so too much of any human contact annoys me, but I get along well with my family and can spend a lot more time with them than other people. Except my brother, he's a filthy disgusting alcoholic freak. He's entertaining in short bursts but I have no met a single person who said they could deal with him long-term, even his friends admitted that to me.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
To make a long story incredibly short: Yes.

But to expand on that, I would need quite alot of time and patience, and I just wasn't born with enough of the latter to sit down and type it all out. So, the short version is that my family does annoy me and I like my girlfriends' folks better.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
My mom's super spacy, like she'll forget names of people I've introduced her to 5 times, or be baffled by something I've taught her 10 times, or wonder where someone lives despite the fact that she'd been to that person's house the week before (and I don't mean she forgot what road, I mean she forgot what state). At the same time, she doesn't hesitate to regale me with 15 minute stories of how she saw a turkey or something. She's a wonderful mom, but sometimes, it's hard to get things done with her.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Yeah but isn't that normal? I mean all families had to go through with that?

In saying so however they had been off my case now that I got a proper job. Before that they always ***** about me trying find work harder or going back to University/ college which I just don't care for anymore, yet again they telling me to find another part time or a better job (longer hours) since my job sometime gave me less hours (less than 16). I ain't doing that since I'm grateful for my current job now and I want to work for there for a while to build up some work experience for my CV (sure I like more money like anyone else but at least I getting some money now as oppose to being broke).

That aside thought they still get on my nerve like still demand me to learn to speak Chinese yet they count on for for speaking someone (English) on the phone, helping them to use the pc because they are forgetful as hell and they speak loadly so I can never get a well rested sleep.

My brother on the other hand is abit of a love/ hate relationship which he doesn't know I can hate him. Likewise he's also off my case now that I got a job (he was far worse than my parent). He does however often question my social life as in a bad way especially since he's the oppersite to me (I'm antisocial while he's a social butterfly) but still I do love him most of the time.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
My mum can be very annoying because shes a massive hoarder and im very structured and stuff.. i guess thats what you get when a Multiplicity meets an Autistic :p fun times ensue! but sometimes we seriously feel like strangling each other but im hoping to find my own place sometime soon so its no big deal.


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Eh, it's pretty much just my parents who annoy me.
Haven't seen my Dad in over a year, and when I say `seen` I mean he was up for a weekend and before that I hadn't seen him in four(five?) years.

Mum's annoying cause she lies about stupid things (she has problems, I don't think she can help it). I don't hold it against her.

But when you move out and you think `No more family to annoy me!`- neighbours.
Neighbours who live above you and stomp like an elephant up and down the stairs. Slamming and banging.


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
'You can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.' - The motto that has kept me forgiving my family when I find them frustrating, alongside the knowledge of my own failures.

To add to the pile of family gripes:
My mum is incapable of reasonable discussion, and my dad handles everything like he's mediating an office dispute in his team at work. I've traditionally gotten on well with my sister, but she's taking on a slightly bossier/self-righteous attitude lately.

The Artificially Prolonged

Random Semi-Frequent Poster
Jul 15, 2008
My younger brother can be a right diva at times although I find telling him to stop being such a girl tends to do the trick.

My mother is the worst person to try and teach new stuff to. For example she recently got a job as a training unemployed with basic skills that are useful for employment; basic maths and the like. Bearing in mind she failed maths at school and she needed to able to teach these things to others, she asked me to help her, right after I got home from work (I work early evening hours). Nothing more stressful than trying to teach someone in their 40s GSCE level maths at 11:30 at night. I was happy to help mind but she would get really irate with me and complain that my working out was wrong and that my people and training skills left much to the imagination to put it nicely. Again this from someone who completely failed maths -_-

However they're my family so I put up with them. At least till I find a way to make it look like an accident <.<


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
my family are fine...somtiems they do annoy me in that I don't feel like they take me seriously...I'm just the retard in my own little world of games and action figures....

but really I got nothing to complain about


New member
Oct 27, 2009
It's pretty dichotomous. I get on with my dad's family fine, and am pretty close with a few of my cousins on that side. They're all just very chill people. My dad and my sister are in this group.

My mother's side is a different story. So much drama. My mom has been having trouble in all of her interpersonal relationships, so much so that I suggested she go to therapy to help it. My brother is alright to hang out with sometimes. He's turning into a bit of a manchild though and sometimes it gets on my nerves when he's complaining about things that are entirely reasonable. I've literally heard him ***** about not having an ID one day and then ***** about someone who was going out of there way to get him an ID "nagging" him about it soon after.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
you're ghastly spelling is annoying me more...seriously did you even read this over before posting it?