"Don't judge me!" What does it mean to you?


New member
Dec 9, 2011
I feel like we hear this a lot in today's society, and frankly I get annoyed by it. Sometimes I get annoyed because it's used as a cop out to keep someone from any kind of accountability, but more often than not because the phrase is so nebulous and vaguely used. What does it mean to "judge" another person?

For me personally, judging another person applies mostly to judging their heart and relationship with God based on their actions, and I'm not supposed to "lest I be judged" myself.

Some people seem to use it a little more liberally. Say I walk in on a person shooting puppies and dancing around them, and they say, "Don't judge me". I guess that implies total moral relativism, and that they expect me to basically not have any kind of a negative opinion on the matter.

I guess another option would be for a person to say it after I find out something compromising about them. If I find out a person is using heroin, they could tell me not to judge them. This makes a little more sense as it implies there are extenuating circumstances, or in more general sense, that they are trying to improve upon themselves. On a slightly different note, if I found out that a person was using marijuana, they could say the same thing, but have it more directed at dispelling my possible preconceived notions about the activity or the person's character.

I'm going to guess that the most agreeable use of the phrase is to ward off premature judgement in light of extenuating circumstances. Say if a person misses work, but they have a good reason for it. But I would guess that also gets tied up a lot with differing morals and values as well (like say, alcohol use)

I'm sure there are more situations than this, and more meanings to the use of the phrase, so I'm interested in what other people have to say about this.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Weentastic said:
For me personally, judging another person applies mostly to judging their heart and relationship with God based on their actions
Ahahaha nice.

I've never encountered such a thing in the contexts you're referring to. I've only ever heard the phrase "don't judge me" used frivolously as a joke. For example, "I rarley play RTSs so don't judge me" or "I actually quite like Lady Gaga. Don't judge me". As for a serious "you have no right to judge me for X because you don't know what it's like to be in my situation" well, maybe they're right. I'll still judge them, just as I would judge someone who sucks at games or likes shit music. And in these cases my verdict would be "dumbass", "noob" and "douche", in that order.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Weentastic said:
I'm sure there are more situations than this, and more meanings to the use of the phrase, so I'm interested in what other people have to say about this.
Years ago i'd be inclined to say "no judging" means "Keep your f*cking opinions to yourself and help me or leave me be".
Nowadays i guess it's more about "I know i'm fat/dumb/wrong and i know it's my fault, but i don't want to hear it because i want to live in my inner world where everything's is alright and i'm the queen of the world, lalalalalala !" :|

I know you expected better answer, but it's the best i can produce right now. ;)


New member
Feb 6, 2011
Ive only ever heard it ironically or for humor.
"I like My little pony.....dont judge."


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Used ironically? "Ha ha, old joke is old".

Used seriously? "What an asshole, I'll judge who I want to judge!"


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Weentastic said:
I feel like we hear this a lot in today's society, and frankly I get annoyed by it. Sometimes I get annoyed because it's used as a cop out to keep someone from any kind of accountability, but more often than not because the phrase is so nebulous and vaguely used.
I see it the same way, but it doesn't bother me. To me, it means the person recognizes what they said is strange or unpopular (which usually has something to do with something they do, like eat a certain food, watch a certain show, etc.) but they don't want to sit there and explain why they like this strange thing. And I think they're in the right. Why should they have to sit there and share the particulars of why they like something just because a few people nearby think it's strange? That's their business, and if they don't want to explain themselves that is just fine. Nobody else has the unquestionable right to know why someone likes something as soon as they happen to mention they like it. If the person wants to leave it at that, then just let them leave it at that. There are far more important things to worry about than why somebody likes Justin Beiber or ketchup on their mac n cheese.


New member
Sep 29, 2011
In my opinion:

"Don't judge me!" = "I care about what others think of me but not enough to change my behaviour."

It is simultaneously showing a lack of consideration for other people and caring far too much about what the average idiot thinks.

Vampire cat

Apocalypse Meow
Apr 21, 2010
Hm, I never really hear people say this... I've seen it on TV and such, but it's always in combination with a joke, and I don't ever seem to find myself in a situation where someone can seriously say "don't judge me". I don't really get annoyed easily by language though, I don't mind that it evolves and changes constantly into ever more modern versions of itself, and I don't usually mind repeated lines. Then again I don't hang around "funny picture" sites, so I don't even absorb 1/10 of the meme culture I hear so much about. I DONT think arrow to the knee jokes have been made too many times. I don't like the now cronic misuse of "noob" though. It now seems to mean exactly what "newb" ment before, so now there is no surefire way of distinguishing between the two >>.

CODE-D said:
Ive only ever heard it ironically or for humor.
"I like My little pony.....dont judge."
These days I feel that "I DONT like My Little Pony... Dont judge" is more fitting =p. Everyone seems to be deeply into both that and this Phineas and Ferb stuff, but I just cannot grow to like it. It especially pisses me off when people then accuse me of not "connecting with my inner child" or trying to act cool or whatever else they have... Which pisses me off even more, cause then I get the impression people DONT like these things because they are actually good, but because it's cool to like them... In the same way it's cool to like Pokemon (high school being the exeption, at least where I come from. Nothing you do is cool in high school...).


New member
Mar 22, 2008
Ordinaryundone said:
Used ironically? "Ha ha, old joke is old".

Used seriously? "What an asshole, I'll judge who I want to judge!"

I'll judge who ever i want , when ever i want . Don't judge me judging you!

Also the best answer to someone that says "don't judge me " is "Too late".


New member
Aug 7, 2008
JesterRaiin said:
Years ago i'd be inclined to say "no judging" means "Keep your f*cking opinions to yourself and help me or leave me be".
Nowadays i guess it's more about "I know i'm fat/dumb/wrong and i know it's my fault, but i don't want to hear it because i want to live in my inner world where everything's is alright and i'm the queen of the world, lalalalalala !" :|

I know you expected better answer, but it's the best i can produce right now. ;)
I think it's actually the best answer.

Don't Judge Me should mean some iteration of the former definition. We should all be free from another person's stereotypes and preconceived ideals forced upon us. As we're all equal human beings with the same cosmic rights, we should be free of judgement upon one another and free to live out life as we choose. Unfortunately that lends to the side-effect of the stepping on of some peoples toes (hence civil laws & the Hammurabi code, and courts/judge/jury. Bad apples ruining it for the rest of us. le sigh)

Don't judge me is most commonly and unfortunately used as a "get out of Jail free" card as Jester's latter definition.


New member
Aug 8, 2008
My girlfriend says this anytime she suspects that I might in any way be forming a negative opinion of something she is doing or saying. Since the statement is retarded it then leads me to do just that. Demanding that people "Don't judge me" is a good way to ensure that they will do just that, and harshly too.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
I think it is a "you caught me doing something questionable/you found out a secret that I am ashamed of now don't start thinking I am bad person for it" ... which is always too late.

We are programmed to judge constantly what is or isn't best and or a threat, if I see an open man hole cover I don't fall down it and if I see a person I make a snap judgment on any threat they pose. I think that instinct has evolved with society ... like having a kid out of wedlock is a perfectly normal and accepted thing but a handful of decades ago is was something you could throw this phrase at.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
When people tell me to not judge them, it's either a joke or a sign of them really saying "If you're going to criticise me about this, then fuck off, that's not what I need right now." which is a reasonable position, sometimes you really do just need a supportive friend, not a lecture.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
orangeban said:
When people tell me to not judge them, it's either a joke or a sign of them really saying "If you're going to criticise me about this, then fuck off, that's not what I need right now." which is a reasonable position, sometimes you really do just need a supportive friend, not a lecture.
I like this interpretation. I agree.

- Omni ^_^


New member
Nov 7, 2011
"Don't judge me" is merely a way for those with motivations outside of the social norm who, whilst clearly demonstrating they have these tendencies, do not wish to be made accountable for them, essentially an escape route.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
ravensheart18 said:
I take it as a sign the person probably knows there is something wrong with what they are doing.
Or that the person who "judges" thinks that it's wrong.
Sometimes, you avoid getting caught doing something because you know that others will overreact (for example, smoking weed, being an atheist, being homosexual etc.)