As a 'Person Who Plays Videogames', i Agree and Disagree. Gamer is a sick Stereotype, one reason why i still remain a virgin, however, im alright with being depicted as a gamer. It only means i will have to work hard so that Gamers are no longer a Stereotype of Sweaty Fat Nerds getting hard ons for Princess Peach. I go to the Gym, I Write Books, I love Music, I rant about random things *more directly would be me talking about Greek Mythology*. But i am proud to a point of being a Gamer, though a crude Stereotype, I will just have to prove people wrong about what a 'True' gamer is.
A True Gamer is someone who has a life, can have that life remain intact, and still have time for his Videogames. That is a True Gamer, not a useless fuckbin sitting in a chair, trying to reach level 80 in a record time of 1 day, those people are the worst kind of people, and as far as im concerned, they are not 'Gamers', they are the sick vile stereotype that everyone looks at, and puts 'True' Gamers into the mix. Those people are called 'Those With No Lives', and I will be damned if they further hurt the name of Gamer, because I am proud of being a Gamer, I am not proud that 'Those With No Lives' are the sick stereotype that insinuates what a Gamer is.
So Yahtzee, you are Right, and you are Wrong, A Gamer is a group of individuals who were put together unwittingly without a second thought, with the 'Those With No Lives' put in front saying 'keep away from these guys, they are not human. I am Human! And I am a Gamer!
Though I was 'One With No Life', a Power Gamer on World of Warcraft, an idiot that for nearly 14 years played games nearly 24 hours a day, in full depression. But I plan on changing not only myself, but the minds of other people!
Shit, i ranted didn't I? Oh well, if anyone enjoyed my rant, write a comment, if you didn't, bugger off.