Don't Use the Word "Gamer"


Interzone Vagabond
Jun 10, 2008
Did someone lecturing about use of language on the internet just type, "status quo thing"?

You do understand that's redundant, right?

And, by the way, some of us say "gamer" merely to describe, accurately, a person's activities, not to create a tribe.

The star on my belly makes my tribe, you silly, starless hat-wearer.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm a gamer.

Most people who drink alcohol are no alcoholics.
Most people who play games are no gamers.

Yea, I do this gaming thing alot more than most people would like it. I do it competetivly, and not to skip time between cool RL stuff. Gaming is what makes me happy, and being happy is what I indentified as the meaning of life.

I don't care if people associate the term "gamer" with fat, ugly, antisocial retards.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
I find it funny when people label me a "gamer" just because I'm 5'10" and 200 lbs.

Do I play video games? Yes. I also read all kinds of books, go to Taekwondo classes, and play football with my friends.

But, no, I must be a stereotypical "gamer" simply because of how I look.

Also, if the Mana Bar does well enough that it goes global while you're still alive, perhaps you could open one near Baltimore? (I wouldn't recommend inside of it. It's a Clusterf***)


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Terrorist_school_drop-out said:
It's just a word, sure people make stereotypes about it like about many other things, but to my mind it's just something like driver: a person who drives or moviegoer: a person who enjoys movies or pedophile: a person who... you get the picture, it's a word that defines a group, nothing special. There is nothing wrong in beeing called a gamer as long as it's amongst other things, when it's an individual's only trait than yes the stereotype mentioned in the article sadly applies.
Anyway, interesting articele but come on, there's nothing wrong in the word gamer or all those beeing called gamers conforming to the stereotype of "that" guy....sure there is still that view from people who don't play games regarding our little hobby but it's like thinking that everyone who is called a reader of books also beeing a literary fag.
I definitely agree with you. I never had a problem with using the term 'gamer' as a way to generally describe something I like. I'm also a reader and a movie-goer. I see nothing wrong with being called any of these. It doesn't seem derogatory, and it's only mildly stereotypical because many people do not fully understand the diversity of games and gamers that exist.

And sadly enough, I'm sure there are plenty of people who hear the phrase, "I'm a reader." and immediately think you're some sort of book-obsessed paper-loving dingbat. These are most likely the people who haven't picked up a book unless it has phone numbers in it, or perhaps when dusting off the textbooks they used in high school.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Meh. I see what hes getting at, but im still going to use the word "gamer". Along with the words "eater" "breather" "sleeper" "watch TVer" "masturbater" "****" ect.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
as a sweaty fat neckbearded manchild, I have to say that I see no issue with using the word gamer to describe myself or any of my fat, sweaty, neckbearded, manchild friends (though most of them only have 2 of the above traits.) Though I am mildly put off by the accusation of weeping over my Aeris body pillow. I own no such pillow.

...see the joke is I haven't copped to not weeping.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
righthead said:
as a sweaty fat neckbearded manchild, I have to say that I see no issue with using the word gamer to describe myself or any of my fat, sweaty, neckbearded, manchild friends (though most of them only have 2 of the above traits.) Though I am mildly put off by the accusation of weeping over my Aeris body pillow. I own no such pillow.

...see the joke is I haven't copped to not weeping.
oop, you got me. Guess it pays to read the whole question before replying. On the other hand, I play more games than just the video kind. So perhaps I'm more entitled to the title than others.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
magnuslion said:
I have to agree with Yahtzee. I play games: Videogames, board games, card games and table top rpgs. But my other hobbies include powerlifting and training for MMA while in college. I hate the stereotype attached to being a "gamer".

Random douchebag: Oh you've probably never had sex and I can kick your ass because you are just a gamer!!

Me: I am 6'4, I can bench 400lbs and deadlift over 700. I have been in martial arts since age six. I have been married and divorced. If we get in a fight, I will ground and pound you until you cry for your mom. then I will let the legion of other gamers outside the gamestop teabag you for hours. Shut up.
Hahaha! Beautiful. Semper Fi.


New member
Sep 3, 2009
it's amazing how much this article seems to describe my major faults. On the other hand, I'm far too anti-social to be found in a situation where I would be put in a position to apply a label such as "gamer" to myself in any situation other than over the internet.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
I am a gamer. There's no doubt about it. It's one of my defining characteristics, something that I am seriously, seriously considering basing my life around. I happen to fit many of the stereotypes, and many more in the much, much wider "nerd" group.

I don't hide this, but neither do I flaunt it. I am proud, even of being a nerd. I am who I am, and gaming is an essential part of that.

Oh, and Yahtzee, I think you bruised something in me a bit when you said "Games aren't important." I was surprised and shocked that you said that. I believe that games have a potential beyond that of any medium, and I want to help fulfill that potential, that glowing light at the end of the dark tunnel of greedy CEOs and idiotic censorship laws, when games are considered art, just as much as books or movies.

I am a Gamer, and nothing will take that away from me.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
to be honest i never used the word gamer to describe myself. so many different kinds of people (who arent just nerdy stereotypes) play games now than ever before. its becoming somewhat ubiquitous. so the way i see it, the term gamer will die out soon enough.

Chase Yojimbo

The Samurai Sage
Sep 1, 2009
As a 'Person Who Plays Videogames', i Agree and Disagree. Gamer is a sick Stereotype, one reason why i still remain a virgin, however, im alright with being depicted as a gamer. It only means i will have to work hard so that Gamers are no longer a Stereotype of Sweaty Fat Nerds getting hard ons for Princess Peach. I go to the Gym, I Write Books, I love Music, I rant about random things *more directly would be me talking about Greek Mythology*. But i am proud to a point of being a Gamer, though a crude Stereotype, I will just have to prove people wrong about what a 'True' gamer is.

A True Gamer is someone who has a life, can have that life remain intact, and still have time for his Videogames. That is a True Gamer, not a useless fuckbin sitting in a chair, trying to reach level 80 in a record time of 1 day, those people are the worst kind of people, and as far as im concerned, they are not 'Gamers', they are the sick vile stereotype that everyone looks at, and puts 'True' Gamers into the mix. Those people are called 'Those With No Lives', and I will be damned if they further hurt the name of Gamer, because I am proud of being a Gamer, I am not proud that 'Those With No Lives' are the sick stereotype that insinuates what a Gamer is.

So Yahtzee, you are Right, and you are Wrong, A Gamer is a group of individuals who were put together unwittingly without a second thought, with the 'Those With No Lives' put in front saying 'keep away from these guys, they are not human. I am Human! And I am a Gamer!

Though I was 'One With No Life', a Power Gamer on World of Warcraft, an idiot that for nearly 14 years played games nearly 24 hours a day, in full depression. But I plan on changing not only myself, but the minds of other people!

Shit, i ranted didn't I? Oh well, if anyone enjoyed my rant, write a comment, if you didn't, bugger off.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Ok So to get away from using the term "Gamer" im going to say I am a normal high school guy, and to get away from calling myself a "Gamer" i can go by what i really am a "Musician" or hell even Im just a normal guy that likes to play video games. And just to throw this out there Video Games FTW!!!!


New member
Apr 28, 2009
What's wrong with calling yourself a "gamer?" I think the stereotype is definitely starting to wane especially with the population who grew up playing video games grows older and the population who began the stereotypes starts to die off.

Associating a label of "gamer" is like associating with "alcoholic" or "bookworms." I don't really see the problem with using that word. Afterall, if anything, the word is not conjuring these images of stereotypes, it's the people who are adamantly biased with these stereotypes. So label "people who play games" with any word you want, it's not gonna change a damn thing.


New member
Dec 24, 2007
I tend to agree, it's annoying to be put in a box. Especially when the box is sorta smelly and a little cramped.
What's odd is that the remark on the game bar has locked me into thinking how strange it is that a internet cafe actually doesn't offer any cafe-related services. It is now the only thing I have carried away from the article.