DotA 2 Champions Win $1 Million


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
llagrok said:
That's cool.

Zenith's probably falling apart now so you can try and pick up a few of their players and make your own team, wwwww.

Kind of wish I had the dedication to compete on that level, but it seems like a lot of work for a relatively meagre payoff. Beyond having made it into one inhouse against testie I've never seen any kind of high-tier action :(
I've moved back to Asia, so I'll have a better chance being picked up by MUFC or Orange.

Getting noticed is also a bit of luck. I only got my chance because I impressed some random clan in a pub match. And it so happened the clan leader knew Milkfat. And it so happened they were one short one time when they wanted to go against Testie, so my clan leader invited the first person on the list (me!). And it so happened I did pretty well (support Nymphora, left the carrying to the other scary players) so they invited me for another, and another, and another...

Never got the chance to go against MoonMeander though. Would have been hilarious.