DOTA 2: "Sorry, no new people welcome"


New member
Sep 14, 2010
Aircross said:
eventhorizon525 said:
LoL actually snowballs harder than DotA/Dota 2.

Everything in LoL scales while very few abilities in Dota 2 scale. Feed a Queen of Pain 4 kills and Scream of Pain is not going to do any more damage than what it's hard coded to do, and Scream of Pain's cooldown never changes. Feed an AP mid 4 kills and their abilities will be hitting harder and more frequent thanks to Ability Power, Cool Down Reduction, and Magic Penetration.

The stat per gold ratio for items in DotA decreases as item tier increases while stat per gold ratio for items in LoL increases as item tier increases:

Gold loss on death is actually a mechanism that can prevent snowballing. The enemy's carry getting a little too much farm? Well, gank him/her several times and she won't be able to farm his/her items.
Well, that is if the gank works out fine. Any mess ups and they just get more of your gold in addition to you losing time. The example with AP doesn't apply with all mids. Many of them will still require just as much careful timing (so the cd on their abilities is 6 seconds not 8, if they miss they still have close to nothing they can do) and aiming to take advantage of their stuff.

Also, just based on what I've seen of both DotA 2 and LoL, while LoL may technically (depending on view) be easier to snowball in, I've seen teams come back from the brink a lot more often in LoL. Unless the player is really skilled (at which point they'd probably win anyway), a fed player is often a lot more risky and daring making it very easy to punish (though that is really just human nature in a lot of cases).


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Aircross said:
The game's still in a beta. Valve is working on a tutorial and coaching system.

In the meantime, read this guide:

Feel free to PM me if you have any further questions.

Ignore the worse part of the community, they do not represent everyone who plays DotA games.
But the pros play that way as well.And they getting banned for it.

Coach Morrison

New member
Jun 8, 2009
RaikuFA said:
Aircross said:
The game's still in a beta. Valve is working on a tutorial and coaching system.

In the meantime, read this guide:

Feel free to PM me if you have any further questions.

Ignore the worse part of the community, they do not represent everyone who plays DotA games.
But the pros play that way as well.And they getting banned for it.
Isn't that the League pros? I haven't heard of a single dota pro get banned for bad behavior in matches.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
zdog jr said:
Isn't that the League pros? I haven't heard of a single dota pro get banned for bad behavior in matches.
A couple of high profile LOL pros recently got banned for bad behavior, yeah.

I've only run into one really bad behaving individual in DOTA 2 through like 20 matches now. And one whiner. Of about 200 different people. Those are good odds. Some folks are perfectly friendly, and most just quietly play the game and cap it off with a GG when it ends.


What this
Jun 14, 2012

So, after playing DOTA 2 for an hour, becoming royally confused with...EVERYTHING, and not understanding a single thing in the game aside from the stuff I scraped together from trial and error (And there was a LOT of error), I decided to look online as to why the tutorial wasn't accessible to me, and what arbitrary bull I had to do to unlock it.

Turns out, that's just a placehold, and there really isn't a tutorial or any real help in the game at all.

Now, Valve, as a new player to this game, I have to ask one question:

I'm sorry, but in a game as big as this, with passes so widespread that its as accessible as fresh air, why isn't there any kind of system to allow me to learn this stuff outside of the one button which seemingly does nothing outside of coo you in so that it can knee you in the balls most more effectively!

I'd take a tutorial, a guide, a Japanese VCR Instruction Manual over knowing nothing in a game as in-depth as this, especially seeing how this is the FIRST game like this I have ever played (Long story, first gaming computer here). And now, because I was so broken by my first game, I don't WANT to learn now because my brain is so haggard from the ass-whooping I received.

So, people who understand DOTA: Next time a new guy appears and messes it up for everyone, don't blame him, he's just a lamb going into the grinder of his own volition.

And people with no understanding but are interested: Find friends, find a guide, find SOMETHING outside of the game to help you, or else you're in for the longest hour.

Anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to faint from fatiebgbgbgbgbgbgbgbgbgbg-
It's all your own fault in this case. There was nothing stopping you from being less hostile and making a thread more along the lines of 'Hey guys! Just got DOTA! What do I need to know?'

I'm just going to direct you to the thread that I made when I started DOTA: [link][/link]

There was no need to be hostile at the DOTA community at the lack of a tutorial.

Lictor Face

New member
Nov 14, 2011
Admittedly, the dota 2 community can get pretty extreme at times. But in all fairness, its not ALL their fault even if some of them are true-blue jerks. Think about it, last 5 games you've lost due to some idiot/new guy/pro-LoL player bitching about dota mechanics. Nerves get frayed and chatboxes turn into caps spam fests. And than you ( A green recruit fresh into the bright world of dota 2) end up in his sixth game.

Dota matchmaking is in a right mess now since its in beta and new servers are popping out day by day and non-english speaking players swarming onto the english speaking servers like ants on a sandwich. The average dota player is kinda angry honestly. I was once new to dota, first couple of matches i was getting yelled at and the like. I was thinking " Man these guys take it sooo seriously" I'd be lying if i said i didn't feel a bit hurt from all the anger directed at me. But still, now im an old hand at dota 2 and i have to say, eventually you will behave like an angry old man and you WILL eventually start yelling at someone for doing something dumb.

There is nothing wrong with the community in general. THe " unfriendly " feelings stem from the game dota itself. Many elements of the game hinge of the entire team doing well ( Or at least passably well, or even average . If just ONE or TWO people foul it up because they are new or dumb, the whole game is generally wrapped up.

Part and parcel of dota especially since dota doesn't hold your hand like LoL does. LoL-Dota transitions CAN be pretty messy. Take a dynasty warriors player and throw him into dark souls and you will get some premature white hairs.

But still, can't fault you there. Just because dota players are by nature angry, it doesn't mean we have to take it out on everyone. Restraint is a virtue i'd say.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
lRookiel said:
Hijack thread Snip
Here is a better idea!

Fuck Dota 2, come and play League of Legends instead :3

I started on Dota2, then got an invite from a friend to play LOL. Never went back.

Although there isn't much improvement on the community the game is so much more simple to get used to you wont be put into a situation where the community is against you. :3

Lictor Face

New member
Nov 14, 2011
imo , dota is a lot more interesting than LoL. in LoL, each match is more or less the same. ( Excusing the bad player who fouls up ) That guy is the jungler, hes going bot, she is mid. Its so rigid.

Dota jumbles it up and has no rock solid metagame. With a few basic criteria ( supports and carries etc ) each dota game is unique in a sense.

Admittedly, the initiation period of being introduced to dota is not fun. Its like being dunked into a hot tub after rolling in snow naked. Its going to hurt, but after a while. Maybe you'll appreciate the heat :))


New member
Mar 24, 2009
It's pretty simple to get into the game. It just takes some patience and practice.

Purge has an awesome guide [] that's really great for introducing the basic mechanics for noobies and he has a channel on YouTube [] that releases some good videos every now and again that'll also help out with visualising the more complex mechanics or going in depth about certain elements.

For learning how to play individual heroes, you should check out DotaFire [] which has hero builds that'll seriously improve your game with a particular hero. Or you could check out Alt Tab Guides [] which gives some succinct information on the heroes in bite sized pieces, perfect for a quick peek before a game.

Also, always try out a few bot games to make sure you're comfortable with a hero before heading into matchmaking. A little practice can go a long way in making the game more enjoyable for you and your team mates.

Sure it takes a bit longer to get into the rhythm of things and become an asset to your team than in LoL for example, but once you learn the basics and become comfortable with a core group of heroes, it's a really fun game (and from there you can get into stuff like randoming, single drafts or team games).

I played for a solid week in bot games learning the ropes which let me rage to myself when I got things wrong and didn't punish any team mates for my noobiness. Then, I jumped into my first game knowing exactly how to play my chosen hero and was an actual asset to my team instead of a blundering idiot who handicapped their performance.

A little preparation and practice can go a long way and helps make everyone's gaming experience more enjoyable.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Valve just released the first piece of their tutorial system.

It introduces basics like controlling your hero, last hitting, leveling up, and buying from the shop.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Anyone here notice that the BETA ingame guides are starting up for the closed beta game dota 2? Just wanted to point that out. Oh btw, try the dota communities. There's one on escapist.