DOTA2 or LoL?


Elite Member
Jun 30, 2010
LoL has a 'noob bots' option you can play and learn in.

Not sure about DOTA2.
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Are you more interested in winning games by means of tactics, adapting to new situations quickly and knowledge, or do you prefer skillshots and "fun"?

If it's the first, DOTA. If it's the second, LoL.
This is a good pun.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
The foulness of the community for MOBAs seems to be rather overstated...I think it's becoming something of an urban legend at this point. I've played something like 15-20 DOTA 2 games now, and have encountered precisely one misbehaving player in all that time...a trash talker on the opposite team. Not saying you won't run into jerks, but that's the risk you take in any multiplayer endeavour.

The learning curve for MOBAs has also been completely overstated. When you talk about a game having a harsh learning curve, it means you're forced to absorb a ton of information or deal with an extremely obtuse interface before you can even begin functioning in the game. This is not the case. They're mechanically simple and you can probably get your hands around 95% of the game play elements after a few hours and some key re-binds. This is not a savage learning curve. There is a lot of depth to them, primarily in the form of near infinite hero combos and tons of abilities and items to learn, much like you'd find in an MMO. But that's just iterative learning.

A new player can do just fine in either game. Choose the business model and graphics and play style that appeals the most to you.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
LoL is prettier to look at, has a somewhat less steep learning curve(still pretty steep though), has more on-map objectives to fight over and is a bit less punishing if you screw up and die. Dota 2 has more depth to it, both in terms of laning, movement, map control, warding and drafting. You also don't have to deal with having to buy champions and level up, so you start on a level playing field with everyone else.

I prefer Dota 2, by far. I've played quite a bit of LoL too, but I'm tired of how much of a laning game that is. I suggest trying out them both, though.

Also, don't play solo queue. The amount of shitheads you have to deal with if you do is ridiculous, and it's just not fun. Get some friends to play with.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
WoW Killer said:
If you're a filthy casual like me, you might want to give SMITE a try. I started playing it last week and it's a lot of fun. Much simpler in many ways, only you have to aim everything, like everything. Oh, and you can't see behind you, which is great. It's in open beta now, no key required, so give it a go. It shouldn't be long until release as they said they were going for 30 Gods; they're on 28 right now with a 29th coming next week.
Filthy, dirt-encrusted casual scum.

But seriously I hated that game mostly because they took away one of the most strategically important parts of Dota Games: Fog Of War when controlling your character. With SMITE it's just "Oh there he is I can see him from infinity away so he really can't do shit to me unless someone comes from behind AH SHIT!." The 3rd Person Perspective has done nothing to really improve the game, and all it did was make ganks both much more predictable and far harder to counter.

As for Dota 2 vs LoL, I have never played LoL but do know of some of its inner-workings. The laning structure in LoL is set in absolute stone with 1 top, 1 mid, 2 bot (All of a strict selection of roles) and a Jungler. Nothing else ever, whereas in Dota 2 I can think of at least 3 viable ways to set up the easy lane alone, two for the hard lane, mid depends on the hero, and even jungling can get a weird spin if you pick a hero like Tinker. No denies, because fuck it. Also no rune control, as the powerups are the same and in both team's jungles.

Items are also far, far more passive with their effects, usually giving things like cooldowns and movement speed rather than auras, passives and alt. abilities. Whereas in Dota 2 an Alchemist without his Holy Trinity of items (Which give passive chances to stun on melee attacks, an aura that reduces enemy armor and increases team armor, a chance to send out chain lightning on attacks, the ability to put a shield on teammates and an absolute fuckton of Attack Speed) is kind of a worthless one. That and Dota 2 was built from the ground up for the competitive scene with the features to show for it, while Riot funds most of LoL's themselves and haven't added particularly good secondary features for it. So LoL seems to have less depth to its metagame so it can be more accessible to casuals, and the competitive scene is there to make the game seem more impressive.

But aside from that, Dota 2 wins because all the heroes are free.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
BloatedGuppy said:
The foulness of the community for MOBAs seems to be rather overstated...I think it's becoming something of an urban legend at this point. I've played something like 15-20 DOTA 2 games now, and have encountered precisely one misbehaving player in all that time...a trash talker on the opposite team. Not saying you won't run into jerks, but that's the risk you take in any multiplayer endeavour.
Yeah, I do wonder whether this widely acknowledged claim is actually true. I'm pretty sure the number of unfriendly people is simply due to popularity of those games, as in more players = more jerks. And you can probably count in that since the games are free they're more likely to attract kids.
I played around 100 games so far and I hardly met anyone who swore/was generally unfriendly and wasn't Russian.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
They play very differently so I would say try both of them and see which one you like more. The nice thing about LoL is it is free to play so there really is no reason not to try it

Personally I like LoL more. Dota2 just has a lot of frustrating mechanics in it and the much smaller amount of champions makes it get a lot more repetitive for me


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Windcaler said:
Personally I like LoL more. Dota2 just has a lot of frustrating mechanics in it and the much smaller amount of champions makes it get a lot more repetitive for me
LoL: 109 Champions and counting.
Dota 2: 96 Heroes with 15 still in development, 2 about to be released, which totals at 111.

More or less even, really.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
The base mechanics for DotA are better, denying allows you to kill or "deny" your minions from the enemy, which in stops them from getting gold and experience. This mechanic makes the early game more active than LoL. The map has destructible trees and the jungle is build so you can hide in it (you can't hide in LoL's jungle).

Heroes in DotA are a lot more item-dependant than in LoL. In LoL most items give you passive bonuses ( attack speed, move speed, etc.), while in DotA they usually give you some other bonus ability as well (become invisible for X amount of seconds, move faster for X amount of seconds, disable enemy for X amount of seconds, heal teammates for X amount of seconds, etc.), so if you chose DotA, be prepare to use items as well as abilities.

DotA tends to be a lot more flexible early game as well, with teams having the option to have to jugnlers, three people in lane or just plain standard, while LoL has an optimum setting of 1 top/ 1 jungle/ 1 mid and 2 bot that is always the winning combination.

Hero abilities are less powerful in League, but they do tend to be better overall, with most of them being completely countarable - DotA has a lot of abilities that do nothing.

In DotA heroes are, roughly, separated in early game/late game types, with one being good early game and sucking on later and the other being vice-versa, LoL has mechanics that allow hereos to be viable all-game long.

Personally I prefer DotA, but League does have a few things going for it as well.

New member
Apr 18, 2011
Don't know about LoL. I started Dota 2 a couple of months ago with my friends, having no prior MOBA Experience alltogether. It was a rocky start, but now we've settled in and everyone has a handful of heroes they feel comfortable with. We've played between ~300 and 500 hours of Dota2 each by now and the game can be the most fun you can have online while it can also be the most frustrating experience you can have online, both at the same time. The game is just hugely complex.

If you want to know what you're getting into by starting out with Dota 2, I recommend reading The Dota Experience [] on Eurogamer. It's written by a guy in your shoes - no clue whatsoever and just starting out the game. It gives you a very good grasp of what to expect in your first hours, plus it's really fun to read.


If it ain't broken, get to work
Jun 9, 2010
It all comes down on you.

First, although both games are equally hard to master (zoning is a ***** in LoL and can only be tammed by the bravest of players, but Denying and counterpicking will leave the best strategy on his knees begging for mercy in their first run), LoL is much easier to get into, because there are less mechanics to learn(not any less complex, just less). Also, the Meta, that is, the function each champion should take and the position of said champion in the game world, is less of a burden than in DoTA, because there's only one (with much more possible variations than in DoTA, but that's pro stuff, so, later on). So if you want to be able to pick it up and enjoy 70% of what's to enjoy in a game instead of 35%, take LoL. If you like the RTS way of playing, starting completely hopeless and pathetic and learning each little mechanic as you go along, then take DoTA.

DoTA's playstyle, however, is much more reliant in you. It's easy to deny your opponents, and the slightest lead will make you way ahead of your enemy laner (considering that you lose gold when you die in DoTA). You can 1vs5 their team if you're fed enough, and single handingly carrying directly is possible.
LoL' playstyle is very, very team focused. No 1vs5 enemies, no snowballing without control, but on the other hand, everyone has a chance. The higher you go on DoTA, the more obvious it is that the game is decided in the champion selection and in the first minutes of the game. You can make comebacks, but that's much more likely to happen in LoL.
LoL tends to reward the team with the advantage, while DoTA punishes the team with the disadvantage.

So if you like team related games and/or have some friends playing, take LoL. But be advised your team can be your downfall, and it's hard/impossible to carry 4 people.
If you like to be "The Hero" and play solo, take DoTA. Just remember it's not as fun when being in the opposite team of "The Hero".

Remember, balance is much different from both games.

LoL tries to go to a "everyone's balanced" rule. Mostly it works well, and champions feel unique in playstyle but most of them never feel blantaly overpowered (Release Xin Zhao and Release Vayne were exceptions, but they have been dealt with). However, any champion who happens to be "toxic" (that is, having a low-risk, high-reward mechanic which is very, very hard to counterplay), it usually gets the wrong end of the stick, like Heimerdinger, whose turrets granted him a lifetime of unviability and a rework incoming, or pre-rework Evelynn, who was basically the LoL equivalent of a meat-made submarine designed to search the bottom of the ocean, because she was very good at surprising people from behind. So you must be ready for finding a champion who is in a bad spot.

DotA, on the other hand, has a different philosophy. Everything is unbalanced, so everything is balanced. As such, every champion is absolutely crazy OP, so it works. However, it leads to a scenario where if a champion is more OP than everyone else, you don't really know what to do. There was a time where Nightstalker was the shit, and no one knew why. Maybe it is the super duper attack/movement speed buff always on, maybe it's the silence, maybe it's the fact he goes completely batshit crazy at night, but he was way to powerful and stupidly simple to play (farm all day, wait until night, then rape everyone). Not to mention that it means that a hero who is behind his opponent (which happens a lot, given the snowbally nature of the game) will feel mostly powerless to stop it.

Finally, strategy-wise, it's day and night. LoL focuses on champion sinergy and counterplaying the opponent, and the moments of truth happen during mid game, but are much more subtle (letting your opponent kill 2 Dragons is basically inviting them to steamroll you), while DotA's moments of truth happen during early and late game, mid being the glue which holds these two together, and DotA focuses on counterpicking and adapting to your opponent. DotA's all about preparing to the teamfight, while LoL's teamfights, albeight shorter, are much more intense. The action happens in the teamfight, not before (In DotA there are two unnoficial phases, the Pre Teamfight, where the heros prepare their skills and tend to prepare their strategy, and the Teamfight itself, which is a consequence of the Pre Teamfight and it's almost impossible to turn around, sort of like chess: you plan your move and the moves ahead, and if you planned wrong, it's almost impossible to comeback. LoL has three phases - The Pokefight, where champions trade long range shots and keep their distance, and the tanks search for a possible initiation chance, the Teamfight, where the action happens, and the Aftermath, where the winners pursue the surviving defeated, because if they reach their base to regenerate and defend, shit can hit the fan fast. It's like an RTS: planning is still a very important skill, but how you react to your environment will be the most important factor).

I myself prefer LoL, but in the end, you will have to choose for yourself.


New member
Jan 19, 2012
I'm relatively new to both, and I'm finding LoL much easier.

Dota has a bit of an advantage in heroes in that they have lots of interesting and very unique characters, while LoL has several that are straightforward and fairly predictable in what they will do game to game (though there are still some pretty nifty champs in LoL). Dota does have all of its characters unlocked at the beginning, which is a bit overwhelming but still a nice touch.

LoL is vastly more streamlined, and that's what I appreciate most. If you want more attack speed, you just go to the attack speed section of the shop. If you're in Dota, you can either buy plain attack speed or agility, and then you have to go to the right shop to find the item (there are three types of shops scattered around), and then you have to know what to look for, and then you might have to send your flying donkey to fetch it, but someone else might be using the flying donkey, but at the same time there's a chance that your team isn't very good and no one has bought a flying donkey and you have to go back to base and buy that as well. There are more variables in play, which add strategy, but it's not always things I want to think about.

Furthermore, skills in LoL scale with your items (a magic type guy would have stronger spells if he bought more magic tomes), while Dota skills do flat damage forever. In my brief experience with Dota, it makes many skills seem more than a little underwhelming if your enemies invest in health or armor. Also, in Dota, you lose gold if you get killed, which, if one team is steamrolling the other, seems to eliminate much of a chance for a comeback.

All in all Dota is definitely more complex, but the benefit of that complexity is also a mixed bag in my experience. LoL presents much of its mechanics in a fairly straightforward manner, and skill is for the most part more important than overall strategy. Both are fun, but Dota trips over itself a little too much at times, especially for a newcomer.


New member
Sep 26, 2010
Both communities rival the CoD community.

League of Legends is more simple, more fun, but DotA is deeper and more enjoyable.
LoL is centered around the notion of grinding to get gold to buy power to win fights to get more gold and in this loop, the main objective of the game is to win team fights . Because of this mechanic of power grinding, most champions you pick have a standard playstyle and doesn't deviate too much allowing you to master your character easier.

DotA on the other hand is very strategic as there are multiple objectives as well as battle plans. DotA heroes and items are more diverse than that of LoL's. While in LoL, items are basically powerups, in DotA they range anywhere from the generic powerups to weird perks that can hard counter an enemy or just make life easier for you.

A big thing you need to know about DotA is that spells generally do not get stronger with gold. In LoL spells scale with gold but in DotA they do not and as a result DotA spells start out stronger and end up weaker. This is important because like many people has stated, in DotA there are a lot of heroes with multiple passives and the hero with more passives usually become stronger with gold. This comes full circle when you know that in DotA, if you die, you lose massive amounts of gold. This ultimately means if you're a spellcaster, and you die but kill a fighter in the process, the fighter will lose MORE than you lose because you don't benefit from gold anyway. This is a shut down mechanic. Unlike League of Legends, DotA's depth comes having more options for any situation. When you get good enough, you'll start to see ways to win even when you know that there is absolutely no chance of winning a 1v1 fight OR a full team fight. But that is a lot of thinking and that's the main difference. There are always multiple options. In LoL there is often a clear single best option and if that option isn't good enough, it's game over.

If I know nothing about you and make the assumption that you just wana have mindless fun, I would say League of Legends hands down. But in your opening statement you didn't exactly say what you were looking for. Either way, in both games, play against computer controlled bots first. If you do choose DotA though, message a few of us here to get you started. Also read this article

Here you watch a total noob start DotA in hopes of finding out exactly how long it takes to learn dota as well as his diary of experiences. Read it and ask yourself if that's the experience you want.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
I'd be first to admit that I'm not that good at MODA games. I've tried both DOTA and LoL and I prefer LoL for a few reasons.

1) I like the champions. They have their own play styles and personalities. The overall game has a charm to it.
2) As I'm not an over advanced or skilled player, I enjoy the relative simplicity of it.
3) Draven is in it.

I have nothing against DOTA 2, just that I couldn't get into it like I did LoL. The complexity of the game was too much all at once for me. It's probably easier to pick up if you're a vet player, which I'm not. I mostly only play shooters online, and even then I don't play online games in general that much, so imagine what it's like with MOBA games for me.


New member
Feb 5, 2011
id say high lvl (thats ur summoner lvl) matches in LoL are a lot more interessting than in dota2 since as some people mentioned before there are more actually skills (and the use their off) required to do well in those fights. True teamfights become bit of a clusterfuck IF ur team doenst work together and ppl dont have a clear FF regime but again thats part of why its a team game. in regards to item modification and letting u adapted to who u play against - cuz thats most of the time more important than what u play - are farily similar.
personally i prefer LoL since its faster paced...and yea deny can eat a bag of dicks lol
now some people commented on this or that community let me put it bluntly BOTH communities are a bunch of C***ZZZZes why? since it sucks to lose a match cuz one guy cant get his shit sorted - true story.
i read from somoene that u should start with dota (1) and i would have to say dont since half the effort of both dota 2 and LoL is learning the heros u play. now fair enuff technically dota 1 and 2 should be the same heros but in my experience they not exactly the same so better start with those heros that u will be playing for a long time
hope that helps ;)


New member
Feb 23, 2012
Why? Any post in this thread, even before it is going to descend into a flame war, will be highly subjective meaning it is going to be of little value to you making the right choice and i'm not even going to mention that there is no right choice... oh, well.

Both are free to play games (well Dota 2 is still in closed beta but getting a key now is easier then finding the song you are searching for on youtube, i mean i have like 6 or 7 worthless keys by now)so honestly the only way you can determine which to play is by playing both and choosing your favorite.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Triforceformer said:
Windcaler said:
Personally I like LoL more. Dota2 just has a lot of frustrating mechanics in it and the much smaller amount of champions makes it get a lot more repetitive for me
LoL: 109 Champions and counting.
Dota 2: 96 Heroes with 15 still in development, 2 about to be released, which totals at 111.

More or less even, really.
To be fair, my info on champion selection is a bit out of date since I put the game down a long time ago. I wasnt aware of new champions in development or otherwise but Ill concede the point