Dragon Age 2 Lead Writer Blasts Homophobic Fan


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I am very impressed at Gaider's reaction. It makes me feel a little more accepted knowing there are developers like that.


New member
Jan 11, 2011
So, someone making an unwelcome advance after you were nice to them is utterly unacceptable in a game. Why? Because it happens in real life? Seriously, have none of these people never been hit on by someone they weren't attracted to?


New member
Oct 25, 2008
snfonseka said:
They should have introduced some characters as straight, some as bi and some as gay. It is more realistic than turning all the romance-companions into bi characters.
~darkspawn explodes into a fountain of blood~


snfonseka said:
They should have approached this sexuality issue in more creative manner, where the sexuality is part of the personality. For example, Merrill is straight and Isabela is bi.
Really, it's strange enough for Merrill to fall in love with a human, so how far of a stretch would it be for her to fall for a woman?

As for Aveline, who has displayed interest in multiple men but no women, I'm going to say "straight + Hawke". It's not unheard of that people fall for specific people who don't fit their identified orientation.


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Dec 25, 2008
theriddlen said:
If one is straight, he doesn't want to see people of same gender hitting on him. Why is that a problem for anyone?
Uuh, judging by this thread and my own personal experiences, maybe you should refrain from saying things that are specific to you as a general rule and pretend the majority are behind you. I, and many others, have no problem with either guys or girls hitting on them. Wanting it to not exist just seems a bit weird IMO.

but please stop rubbing homosexuality in my eyes why don't you? Is it too much to ask for? You can add it in games, but please, when i try to make friends with Zevran in DA:O to get his specialization he shouldn't suddenly ask me if i want to do it with him, why can't the player be the one to initiate (or not) romance?
Jeez, what do you have an issue with? "rubbing it in your face" apparently= there are clear romance options for gay guys and you don't have to enter the freakin konami code for the gay option to be unlocked. So could you explain what problems you have, and what "rubbing it in your face" means? And I presume you're completely against Isabella, because she rubs EVERYTHING in your face =p


New member
Jan 18, 2010
Stupid thing to complain about, but I think it's pretty unfair to proclaim someone a homophobe for being made uncomfortable by that.

Way to alienate someone for thinking differently...


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I personally don't feel like the romances were plotting against my own straight sexuality. Also Fenris never attempted to flirt with me he was too busy moping and trying to figure what a friend was. However I am a little disappointed in the dry romances of the females. Unlike in DA:O in DA2 nothing really ever changed Merrill, she was still obsessed with that damned mirror (that should have brought Morrigan into the picture or something spectacular to that degree) after you romanced her and thats all she was about and Isabella is and will always be forever a slut. Where as in DA:O Morrigan and Leliana both showed changes in demeanor at least when talking to them and I felt as if really got to know them. DA:O even went so far as to challenge your relationship with Morrigan in the end.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
As I've said in many other posts about this, the option for a male-female relationship is made a bit too difficult. First off, your options for female companionship is either a known whore or, a childish Dawlish elf (sadly, there is no incense in this game) I could be missing someone but after 15 hours of gameplay, those are the only 2 options I've seen.

I have only played as a male Hawke and it seems like every other male I can party with (except for Varric) wants to flirt with me. I'm trying to hook up with Marrill but as of Act 2, I've yet to see a romantic option on the conversation wheel with her. Just about everyone else has given me the option to be flirtatious.

I don't mind same-sex couplings. The next male Hawk I play is going to chow down on Fenris' Elf but right now I want to get involved with Marrill (who is a 100% friend at the moment). I loved being able to get down and dirty with Zevran back in Origins (especially as a Dwarf) but that doesn't mean I want all of my couplings to be same-sex.

Maybe if I was a female Hawke I'd get a better chance at hooking up with Marrill...it sounds like it based on what I've heard so far.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
theriddlen said:
Homophobic? If one is straight, he doesn't want to see people of same gender hitting on him. Why is that a problem for anyone?

You people are heterophobic. We, straight people, are flamed just because we don't enjoy seeing things like that. And don't get me wrong (i know you will, you always do, you are blinded by your own hatred, the same argument you always use is your own trait), i don't have anything against gay people, i don't fight with them, i understand that they are the way they are, but please stop rubbing homosexuality in my eyes why don't you? Is it too much to ask for? You can add it in games, but please, when i try to make friends with Zevran in DA:O to get his specialization he shouldn't suddenly ask me if i want to do it with him, why can't the player be the one to initiate (or not) romance?

Also, i didn't read-through his (author of thread in BW social network) whole post, but from what I've read it didn't seem like a homophobic rage.
Rubbing it in your face?

In nearly every other game any romance shown is straight. In this one game out of hundreds, there happens to be a gay option. One you can deny flat out, by choice.

Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
theriddlen said:
You people are heterophobic. We, straight people, are flamed just because we don't enjoy seeing things like that. And don't get me wrong (i know you will, you always do, you are blinded by your own hatred, the same argument you always use is your own trait), i don't have anything against gay people, i don't fight with them, i understand that they are the way they are, but please stop rubbing homosexuality in my eyes why don't you? Is it too much to ask for? You can add it in games, but please, when i try to make friends with Zevran in DA:O to get his specialization he shouldn't suddenly ask me if i want to do it with him, why can't the player be the one to initiate (or not) romance?
Do you know.. there are NPCs in that game who talk about being married!

They're rubbing their heterosexuality in my eyes! MY EYES! The goggles do nothing! etc.

In other words, people behaving perfectly normally is not 'rubbing something in your eyes', get over it.

Sometimes people hit on you. I know you poor fragile straight men aren't used to it, but it happens. You don't get exclusive control over who tries to flirt with you, you can only control how you react, and sometimes how you react has consequences regardless of your good intentions. See.. The game is teaching you an important life lesson.


New member
Jun 10, 2010
I can see some people getting upset about the "trany-surprise" in the brothel. One of the elf girls is not a girl. You have been warned. Personally I found it hilarious, though I wish you could change your mind once you hear the voice.

Jaded Scribe

New member
Mar 29, 2010
GloatingSwine said:
Jaded Scribe said:
Ewyx said:
However, it would be nice if the characters in the game were either bi straight or gay. Everyone being bisexual is just lazy writing more than anything else.
I disagree. A lot of fans complained in Dragon Age that they had to play a certain gender to romance Morrigan or Alistair.

By making everyone available, regardless of Hawke's gender, you don't have fans who want to try a romance between their character and companion X being pigeon-holed into playing a certain gender.

For example, I play female characters. I don't like playing RPGs as male characters. Nothing wrong with them, just a personal preference. But to romance Morrigan, I'll have to do a playthrough with a male character. But I have no issues pursuing who I want in DA2.
I wouldn't say that it's "lazy writing", but it's certainly bad writing. Sexuality should be a part of the character, not an optional bolt on. If the character as designed is straight, then that's their character. I play both male and female characters in RPGs, and if that means I limit my choices for a romance for that character, oh well, them's the breaks. He-shep will never consummate his bromance with Garrus, and y'know, we'll just have to deal with that.
As I stated in another post, it was also frustrating to have only one homosexual option per character.

I think they did the best they could to accommodate everyone's taste, and give everyone the option to build their own story.

Sexuality does not play a large part in the characterizations of most of the characters (Anders is clearly bisexual, but if you don't romance him, it really doesn't come up. Isabela is characterized to be the kind that will have sex with anyone), and it really only comes up if you flirt with them.

Outside of Hawke, no other romantic liasons appear for any of the characters, so you can define their sexuality yourself. I saw both Fenris and Merril as straight. Someone else may choose to make them gay. Having a wider range of options prevents players from being pigeon-holed.

Either way, it's not lazy or bad writing. It's responding to the wishes of a large portion of the community who vocalized their opinions about the romances in Origins.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
So basically he didn't like the fact that there are gays in the game, and he didn't like the two straight romance options he was given, because they're 'exotic' (a black girl and an elf)
Think this guy needs to stop throwing his toys about and play the game.

Also, it seems to me like he's only playing the game for the romance option, has he tried porn? it's much less hassle.


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Dafttechno said:
MR T3D said:
someone get that webcomic where the male Hawke is talking to the elf-guy, and says to himself "Okay, just let him down easy, don't want any rivalry points here" and then the next frame they're in bed, with him puzzled as to why.
asked and answered http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/20110314
Funny, but the big heart icon kind of gives the romance options away.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
*blinks* This is a problem? I just don't see the problem. I never flirted with Fenris and never felt like I had to. Anders came onto my warrior but I told him no, he got pissy and then we were cool as it never came up again. My male mage said it was unexpected as I figured him for a slight ego problem but never flirted with him again nor did I feel like I had to.

I like the idea that everybody has somebody to love in the game. Hell, Anders always struck me as an equal opportunity hedonist. Zevran is pretty much elven typical when it comes to love as is Merril. Isabella is a woman drowning her insecurity in sex of all flavors. I ended up going for Isabella in two playthrough because I honestly like how it turned out. She deserved better and I was honored to give her better. Good times.


New member
Nov 11, 2010
Good for Gaider :)

Honestly, I don't find everyone being bisexual as lazy writing; I see it as giving oppertunities for the gamer to choose whicheevr romance they want regardless of their PC's gender (except Sebastian, of course).

And hey, Bioware isn't pandering to Straight Males? Go play the BGII romances and try to say that again.


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Shoggoth2588 said:
I'm trying to hook up with Marrill but as of Act 2, I've yet to see a romantic option on the conversation wheel with her. Just about everyone else has given me the option to be flirtatious.

I don't mind same-sex couplings. The next male Hawk I play is going to chow down on Fenris' Elf but right now I want to get involved with Marrill (who is a 100% friend at the moment). I loved being able to get down and dirty with Zevran back in Origins (especially as a Dwarf) but that doesn't mean I want all of my couplings to be same-sex.

Maybe if I was a female Hawke I'd get a better chance at hooking up with Marrill...it sounds like it based on what I've heard so far.
The flirting dialogue options with Merrill start appearing around her Act 2 companion quest, as I recall. I figure she's harder to approach because she's so shy.

A warning, though: Merrill's act 3 companion quest is currently non-functioning. It starts off with a huge spoiler for how it's going to end, and then it only has a chance of actually working. We're waiting for BioWare to release a patch.


New member
Jan 5, 2008
evilthecat said:
theriddlen said:
You people are heterophobic. We, straight people, are flamed just because we don't enjoy seeing things like that. And don't get me wrong (i know you will, you always do, you are blinded by your own hatred, the same argument you always use is your own trait), i don't have anything against gay people, i don't fight with them, i understand that they are the way they are, but please stop rubbing homosexuality in my eyes why don't you? Is it too much to ask for? You can add it in games, but please, when i try to make friends with Zevran in DA:O to get his specialization he shouldn't suddenly ask me if i want to do it with him, why can't the player be the one to initiate (or not) romance?
Do you know.. there are NPCs in that game who talk about being married!

They're rubbing their heterosexuality in my eyes! MY EYES! The goggles do nothing! etc.

In other words, people behaving perfectly normally is not 'rubbing something in your eyes', get over it.

Sometimes people hit on you. I know you poor fragile straight men aren't used to it, but it happens. You don't get exclusive control over who tries to flirt with you, you can only control how you react, and sometimes how you react has consequences regardless of your good intentions. See.. The game is teaching you an important life lesson.
As a straight man secure in his sexuality, I approve of this post. Granted, I've never been into dudes going at it but my ick factor has nothing to do with what reality should be like. Like you said, I only have rights to my reactions, not their feelings. Sometimes you're hit on, sometimes you're not.

I was annoyed that Anders hit on me first thing but I still came out ahead with max friendship after I turned him down. However, I will say that I feel it was tasteless of him to flirt with me right after he had... Ya know, Just fucking stabbed his ex lover out of mercy but I guess you just have to get right back on that horse. I just refused to be that horse. XD