Ferisar said:
HotHandedGamer said:
Well that was silly!
It looks more Oblivion-y / Skyrim-y but doesn't look horrible.
I have two major problems though - That I don't trust EA with my videa geams and that it probably won't run on my PC.
I hope for the best but expect for the worse.
Sidenote - I still think $170 for that edition is pretty ... extreme ? It doesn't seem like any of those things match the game other than a nice shiny thing.
That is actually a concern of mine as well, which is a shame since I just upgraded my PC and feel like it's about to become a mid-range machine again. Oh the absolute
woe. As far as the EA thing, yeah, meh. I'll keep some faith, although it's hard for me not to be hyped after I saw this a couple months ago. It just looks... Good. Maybe I got the visuals bug to bite me though (entirely possible, I'm a sucker for spectacle).
And yeah, the price is a bit out there, but I feel like it's the combination of items that's doing it, mostly. If they sold one BIG EHEMGERD EPIC +10 TO GIANT STATUETTE with the same price, it would probably be passable. Honestly, they could cut out about half of these things and keep the box and the map and lower the price a good 70 bucks. Or just put a good artbook in. As it stands, it seems like a lot of people are going to want just one or two things from the edition without having any interest in the others.
I think I would have to cut a deal with someone. I LOVE the Map and markers, but it isn't enough. My wall is covered in Maps from all types of games, mostly ones I had played but not owned and someone had gifted me the map because it's not their thing. I still have the plastic Morrowind one thats degraded to almost nothing other the years.
But, Lockpicks? Do lockpicks now sell in the game - are they a main feature ? Ink and Quill, Coins?
It seems ... random a bit. Not offensive but just out of place. I think they could of made one for cheaper with the nice box, map and maybe the book / notepad and sold it and I would be pleased and would probably buy it just for those nice bits because you can then switch it around if it's bad.
'Hey, I bought this map, artbook and this lovely box and it just so happened to have Dragon Age Inquisition with it'
... Hell, I still have the Fable 3 cards on my desk because they have a nice little box, And I hated the game ...
EDIT - It has one set of 4 maps instead of just the one.
Maps are good, Everyone loves maps. This improves in slightly but $170 is still loads!