Dragon Age Inquisition Will "Absolutely" Be Affected by Previous Choices


New member
Aug 7, 2009
Considering the only characters I killed were either Unimportant or named Logain or Anders, But I'm surprised that the Chantry doesn't kneel before my PCs because of how much of a nice guy I always am. the most morally questionable thing I do is support the plans of my mages outside the circle who aren't Anders, because Merrill is an amazing character and gaining the friendship of Fenris and Love of Merrill is a chore unto itself. So I doubt For the adventures of Chronos the City Elf Warden and Prometheus Hawke The Mage Hero Kirkwall needs not the one it deserves


New member
Jan 11, 2011
I'm actually kind of hoping that they're lying again. I don't really want to have to go and play through DAO three more times to get all the different state permuations I want.

Or they could make a thorough world state-editor for DAI...but that might hurt the sales of their older games, I guess. Can't have less people buying DA2!


New member
Sep 22, 2012
So... now it's official isn't it? Dragon Age IS Medieval Fantasy Mass Effect, Hope it doesn't end the same way (hurr hurr)


New member
Jan 26, 2012
mad825 said:
Dascuro said:
Fool me once (ME3) shame on you, Fool me twice (DA:INQ) shame on me.
I take it you never played ME2 then? Emails for after-effects FTW! >.>
And thats where you would be wrong, cause I did played Mass Effect 2 but that only add to the shame, they had it going well 2 games in a row, things mattered from ME to ME2, all was there for ME3 to be, well not what it ended up been.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
I like how people still have faith in Bioware and EA. This is shaping up to be a giant piece of shit. Let's not pretend it's not and have another DA2/ME3 situation on our hands.


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
My bet's on this being little more than the occasional overheard comments along the lines of "Things haven't been the same since THE WARDEN [KILLED/TOOK PITY ON] that mage tower." "I know, right? Just like that time they [KILLED/TOOK PITY ON] that possessed kid whasisname."

DVS BSTrD said:
I wonder what the effect will be of skipping DA2?
Certain characters will have a boosted "Innocence" stat, act surprised when more mooks zone in from the aether and respond less well to button-mashing in combat.


New member
May 9, 2011
Call me overly optimistic, but I'd like to think that after the giant clusterfuck and backlash over what was done with Mass Effect 3, BioWare is actually going to try a lot harder to respect the choices made in previous games and have those choices matter and actually shape the narrative and not just get abandoned in the third act of the game. People keep using the Leliana thing but, well, that was actually kind of/sort of explained.

In 'Asunder', as well as Dragon Age 2 (and, rumor has it, Inquisition), it's hinted that if you killed Leliana you *killed* Leliana; e.g. that shit happened. However she is restored to life by some unknown means. Magical, Divine, that's not clear. In point of fact if you killed her she may not be 100% Leliana anymore. Think Starbuck after she "died" in Battlestar Galactica.

Gaider decided that she was important to the narrative so she makes a return; that doesn't mean the choice to kill Leliana wasn't respected per say. Also I found that *all* my choices from Origins were reflected well in Dragon Age 2. I'm sorry that some people just can't get around something as banal as "I want that character to stay dead!" even if said character being alive is rationalized to even a minor extent.

Anyway, as to how they'll do it? Well, if it's going to work across all platforms there's really only two ways I can see them doing it for consoles; basically you'll have the option to save to the cloud (which both PS3 and 360 have access to at present) and both the Xbox One and PS4 will be able to scan your save files there, or you'll be given the ability to chose major plot events as you *somewhat* were able to with Dragon Age 2 where you could chose if the Warden survived, etc.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
I would imagine the easiest way to do it across platform would simply be to have an online hub where you basically upload your save files with your current console of choice and then download a story choices file to your new console. This would even allow for taking choices from, say, a 360 DA1/2 file into a PS4 DA3 game.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
Who wants to bet Bioware's idea of making the choices of the previous games matter will just be some 5 minute references to the events of the previous games or something else just as arbitrary and meaningless, not even a sidequest or 2 dedicated to the player's choices?


New member
Apr 22, 2012
MCerberus said:
I wonder what color lasers I'll be able to shoot into the Fade

on a side note, I hope they do make the choices matter more than they did in the previous game, but i'm going to have to play through DA2 again on PS3 to be able to import.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
It feels really really weird to be reading this while also still liking Bioware. Come on guys, DAII was good. Not origins good, but good. Can't speak for ME3, since I only got that a little while ago, and haven't got to playing it yet, but still, hopeful for DA:I.
edit: This meaning the forum.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
They said the same about Mass Effect 3. They fooled me once. I won't let it happen again.

As far as I'm concerned there is no Dragon Age 2 or Dragon Age 3. Origins had a perfect ending. I'll just leave it at that and save myself the money and trouble of playing another shitty Bioware sequel.

Seventh Actuality

New member
Apr 23, 2010
I look forward to choosing what colour magic wipes out the Darkspawn.

(I mostly kid, this is looking like it might be good).


New member
May 25, 2011
I'm going to avoid the Dragon Age 2 bashing and just go with - why? Mass Effect made sense. You played a single character through a single story over the course of three closely related games. Whether you think it actually worked or not, at least having choices made throughout the games affect things in later games made sense as an idea. But Dragon Age? There's the first game, where you can play one of 6 completely different characters. Then there's an expansion in which you can play another completely different character. And then a sequel in which you're forced to play a completely different character, which follows events that have no relation whatsoever to the first game.

On top of that, there's the simple practicalities of it. With Mass Effect, everyone knew that you were going to want to keep your saves so you could import them later. Presumably not everyone actually did so given the 5 or so years between the first and third games, but at least the possibility was there. But why would anyone have kept their Dragon Age saves? There's never been much indication that there was any point, and Dragon Age 2 made it very clear that there definitely wasn't any point.

So now we're suddenly told that we should have kept files for several years from three unrelated stories involving three unrelated characters? This is a painfully obvious case of blindly copying ideas from successful games without having any idea why they worked or if they're relevant to your current project.


New member
Jan 28, 2013
Ah, yes, `Choices´. "an act of choosing between two or more possibilities" We have dismissed this claim.
[sub][sub][sub]Yes, I did steal that middle part from oxforddictionary, please don't kill me[/sub][/sub][/sub]

After seeing the effects of previous choices in DA2 all I can say is:
This is going to work perfectly fine, right? Right!?


New member
Apr 26, 2011
"Oh ofcourse you actions will have an impact on your story... by the way... whats your favourite color?"

Yeah no Bioware... you can say what you want.. ill wait till the game has been out for a week and all the letsplayers have burned through it to see if THIS time youre not liars...