Dreams & nightmares you will never forget...


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I know there's one for sure I won't forget, but I'm not inclined to share it.

Although, when I was in 4th grade I had a dream where me and my dad went to the Y in Men In Black uniform and shot these big aleins worms that were in these giant golden AC ducts. I didn't sleep that night, but damn, in retrospect it was cool.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Looking back,I remember occuring Nightmares that happened,scarier than SM.

It was midday,I was working in the Tech Room for geeksquad (I did the job once,but ignorance pisses me off :() and every light went out,even the scented candles our hippie boss kept,which was unusual.I looked around,There were people talking,checking email,and a guy drinking something from a bottle,but they were gone.I wandered outside,and all the people were gone there too,Fires had broken out,Cars wrecked,a dog came rushing up to me,a pug,and barked,all the animals were there.I started walking,the pug followed.Until I looked up.Naked people,flyinnnng away.The animals looked at me worridley,before melting,leaving a skeleton behind,I looked at my hands,melting,the sensation was like being stung by a giant bee.Pain over took my body and I woke up after this.This dream occured 5-10 times in the past 2 years.Even still it happens,I no longer work at geek squad.

Uber Evil

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Yokai said:
OH! One more! Two days ago, I was sure I was awake, and found I had a three-foot-long prehensile tongue. Then I woke up, feeling slightly disappointed.
You would have made your wife/girlfriend very happy.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I was quite young at the time I had this dream.

I am visiting a small town outside a large cave. There is a very long table set up where the towns folk are making chocolate. Being quite young at the time I start to eat some and the people all shout not to. There is a rumbling from the cave and everyone starts to run screaming about the "chocolate monster".

I leg it into a nearby house and hide between two suitcases that are far too small to conceal me. My cunning hiding place seems to work however as, rather than going for me, the chocolate monster goes for a guy who is hiding behind a chair on the other side of the room. The unfortunate man is turned into chocolate and consumed.

There was a follow up dream and I think that first one was recurring for a while.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I actually have this dream where I kiss the girl I fancy over and over again. Not filthy or anything, and I swear to God there's music playing. It's nice, because I doubt it would be that good IRL :')

Tri Force95

New member
Apr 20, 2009
I have two, one nightmare, one dream.

1. Essentially, its this forever repeating image of a wolf carcus standing upward, with birds flying through its eyes the entire time, with a fool moon in the background.

2. I was in a space shuttle with my friend Megan M (who is really retarted sometimes) and she hits the button starting it, and sending into space. Then we go to hyper space. Hyperspace is essentially, a huge empty white area, with things to the side of a "road", and you drive the space ship one this "road". Anway, I pulled into this one part, and there was a big blue tent. I open the tent, and my entire 8th grade english class was in there. Then, my dream changed to me lying down, with my friend Megan B, sitting on my legs, talking to her friend Christina. Megan B tries to do an impression of Clint Eastwood, and fails, so Christina and I make fun of her. Then I try, and then the dream ends.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Last night I had a dream that there was a Civil War in New Zealand, and I was a "rebel".

It started with me in a tent, and some old dude pointing a gun at me. Then two complete strangers tackled the guy, I grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him. I was like "Okay, what the shit."

One of the strangers that saved me had a cut, so I gave him a band aid and he said "Thanks." and walked off.

I don't remember how, but I ended up on a rugby field protesting with a bunch of other rebels, with the "bad dudes" on the other end. A bit of violence broke out, I stabbed some people, some other people stabbed some people, and in the end we decided to settle it all by playing a game of rugby, which somehow turned into a piggy-back race.

This story is being about as easy to follow as Braid, I know, but that was my dream. I don't know who won, because I woke up near the end, which I ALWAYS FREAKIN' DO.

That was my dream.


This Title Will Be Gone Soon
Apr 13, 2008
A dream I had that has got to be the most awesome was the one where I dreamed I was the son of Cloud Strife and I'm fighting my arch nemesis. We're both flying around in the middle of a storm that periodically switchs from a hurricane to a tornado and I'm shooting lightning out of my sword. I'm fairly certain that this dream was inspired by a bit of fan fiction about FFVII me and a cousin of mine wrote about eight years ago when we were both twelve. The main character was the son of cloud and aeris and his magic specialty was wind, which I believe was where the storm and the lightning was coming from because his ultimate pretty much turned him into thor.

The dream that I would have to say is the wierdest... I was playing quidditch on the back of a giant flying turkey. I repeat, on the back of a giant flying turkey

Iron Criterion

New member
Feb 4, 2009
I used to have outlandish nightmares about monsters and that, but those don't really bother me anymore.

My nightmares are now more realistic and I guess rooted in my subconscious, I dream about loved ones being killed in horrible ways or the love of my life falling in love with someone else.

quantum mechanic

New member
Jul 8, 2009
Listed in spoilers for your convenience:

I have had several dreams that are like low-quality animated movies, the sort of thing that was popular for little kids about 10 years ago (I was one). The only one I remember was watching a blonde woman and a black-haired woman climb around on rocky cliffs on either side of a river, fleeing some strange opponent. They fell into the river and almost got eaten by sharks...which makes no sense.

Then there's the one where I thought I woke up, but was actually still dreaming. I must have "woken up" eight times, and then either discovered I was paralyzed or missing a limb or an eye, or walked downstairs to find that my family had turned into lobsters or something. Freaked me out.

Best unforgettable dream: I was captaining a ship in Star Trek. It was all completely realistic until I woke up. Very disappointing.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
In my dream, I lived a whole year of my life...the best year. Time seemed to flow normally. I woke up, went through the day, and fell asleep. I actually woke up and was confused as hell.

Advent Ech0

New member
Feb 5, 2010
I gots one:

I was running through a city on a distant planet, and there were people in a state of mass hysteria doing the same thing all around me. We were fleeing some apocalyptic event that had befallen the city, presumably caused by a group of religious zealots who awakened the ancient alien technology hidden under the city.

There was a shitload of backstory to it, but this about sums it up:

- This city was the only human colony (and civilization at all, for that matter) on the entire planet, and it was ruled by a totalitarian government.
- The religious zealots worshiped the long-gone beings that had once inhabited the planet before it was colonized by humans. They were successful in recruiting members partly because they were a militant underground organization that was against the government, and partly because they had a kind of "charismatic fanaticism" thing going on.
- It was surrounded by a huge alien wall that was entrenched in conspiracy and mysteriousness, etc.
- Nobody knew what was beyond said wall because the government discouraged that type of curiosity, but the general unspoken consensus was that it was used to keep citizens in as much as keeping whatever was outside it out.

Everybody was heading towards the wall, as it was the only way to escape the city. Running through the streets I passed by torn propaganda posters, burning government buildings, and religious zealots trying to preach to the fleeing masses that they should stay and "be transformed" - whatever the hell that meant.

Once at the 4-story high wall, I saw tons of people trying to climb it, and they were using each other as handholds. A lot of people were getting savagely crushed trying to escape the impending doom. Some even fell off the wall to their deaths.

I had an epic struggle to the top, looked out over the wall, and saw something that was totally mindblowing - but I can't for the life of me remember what it was, only that it was insanely awesome. Or maybe just insane.

It was the most vivid dream I've ever had. It was like watching a movie.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Here are mine, also spoilered for your convenience
Hokay. It started with me being in a small house in one of those villages. It was like a retirement village, but it was actually for people with slight mental problems. People who weren?t criminally insane or violently insane, but weren?t still ..right. It was some kind of government scheme to keep them out of society without actually killing them. As they had their own small houses, they could all live relatively normal lives, but they were all fenced in together with a largeish brick wall than ran around the outside of the village. There were gardens and ponds and things like that. Kind of like a cushy concentration camp, I guess. Anyway. I was in a small house. I remembered being put there by some relatives of mine, though I didn?t know them or why I was put there. In my dream I just found it odd, and wondered when I?d be able to get out of there. I had a roommate, whom I didn?t know. She was about 25, friendly, but my gut reaction was to be suspicious of her. One day I was talking to the woman and one of the staff in charge of the village, and they told me that it was their duty to inform me that my dad had died. After freaking out a bit, I fell asleep on my bed that night.

The next morning, I woke without remembering ever going to sleep. The woman wasn?t around, but I went for a walk to a garden anyway. I stumbled across a pit, with contained a number of skeletons, and a skeleton that I had recognised to be my own. Don?t ask me how I knew, heh. I ran back to the house, found the woman and demanded an explanation. She was shocked that I was alive, but managed to explain that she had been sent by a rich relative of mine to kill me so that the inheritance of some kingdom would go to the rich relative instead of me. The original plan was to tell me that my dad had died in the hopes of causing me to commit suicide. {So the good news was that he wasn?t actually dead.} But seeing as that hadn?t worked, she had killed me in my sleep and dumped my body in that pit near the garden. Somehow I had been resurrected and given a new body.

I demanded to see this evil relative, and the woman, still amazed that I was alive after she saw me die, took me to him. I asked the guy what the hell was going on, and he explained to me that I was now Hamlet (from the Shakespeare play) reincarnated and that he was Claudius (the bad guy) reincarnated. Only he must have been some hybrid of Claudius and Diablo (from the game), going by the way he could switch between the human Claudius form and the demonic Diablo form. He told me that after six years of having control of my kingdom, he would turn it into a dictatorship and raise demons from Hell, dooming the world. Apparently his plans to send me to the second-lowest level of Hell for 6 years (so that even if I got out of Hell, the world would still have been controlled by evil) had been foiled by my coming back to life. Some force had brought me back from Hell and replaced my dead body with an identical, living one so that I could stop the Claudius guy.

Claudius seemed impressed with this, and decided to put me through a couple of tests before I could actually face him in a battle. The first test was the ?longpit,? where I was to be thrown into a rectangular pit of Claudius? disciples of eeevil, and I had to kill all 16 using only weapons I could take from them. I killed one, a man, using my bare hands and took the small vegetable knife that he had been wielding. All the other 15 hung back, jeering and talking amongst each other. It started to get graphic as I began fighting them all off by using kitchen knifes to slit throats and what have you. Lots of stabbing. Anyway, I passed that test and woke up. I never found out what the next test was, assuming that the third test was Claudius/Diablo himself.

My boyfriend and I were on holiday with my family in our holiday house. I woke up next to him and cuddled him as we lay in bed. Suddenly I saw in my mind a flash of red, like when you?re remembering dreams but only remember a glimpse of it. There was something unsettling about it and I somehow knew to ignore it and went back to loving my boyfriend.
Thanks to dream-editing, we were then on the beach near the holiday house, watching the sunset. I told him how much he meant to me, he smiled and we just hugged. As we hugged, I heard again in my mind another ?glimpse?, this time a fractured sound of broken glass tinkling to the ground. And again, I felt completely unsettled and put it out of my mind.
The next day, we went out to a scenic place in the area called Castle Rock, where he and I played on the rocks. Again with a glimpse- myself bawling my eyes out. Even more freaked out than the previous times, it must have shown because he asked me if I was okay. I said I was fine, and we hugged.
The night of the next day, we were falling asleep together and I had another glimpse- of blood seeping across a roadside. Increasingly freaked out, he told me it was a bad dream and held me until I fell asleep.
The next morning, I got up alone to go to the local morgue (as I had been doing every morning, I now remembered) to pick him up so that we could go out again today before going home. I got there and saw him lying still on a metal table, pale and wearing only morgue shorts. Casually, I walked over and he got up from the table, I smiled and hugged him. I asked him if he was coming home with us today, and he just looked at me sadly and said ?I can?t.? I blinked, and he was back on the metal table- cold, still and lifeless.

At that point my mind exploded- all of the glimpses came together to form a fractured memory of my boyfriend being hit and killed by a red van. He had been dead for days, but my mind was in such denial that I actually saw and felt him being with me. The glimpses were pieces of the traumatic memory that my mind gradually uncovered as I got closer and closer to leaving denial and realising that he was dead- the final straw was him saying that he couldn?t come home- because in actual fact, it was my mind making him say that he couldn?t. So I cried and hugged his body until I couldn?t breathe.
Then I woke up bawling, and called him at 6am to make sure he was still there.


I'm stuck because demonic spider
Sep 29, 2009
AshPox said:
I shall explain to you what a fucked up dream really is.

I had this dream just the other day.

Okay, well my dream started by showing a house with a family inside and they were happy and stuff, but there was a little kid outside in the snow and he was going hungry but the family refused to feed him, and then my dream skipped to a bunch of men in black suits talking about the family and then a ghost of the little kid apeared and made everyone start chanting this weird demonic chant. After a little while one of the men snapped out of the chanting thing and saw that there was a small ghost watching them and laughing and then suddenly the ghost killed the man by pulling his lungs out of his mouth (Im not even kidding) and then all the other men saw the dead guy and started running away screaming but the little ghost was killing all of the people in gory disgusting ways.

then it went on to show me lots of random disturbing images like car crash victoms and people going to kiss other people then seeing that they were dead a mutilated.

And no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop looking, when I looked away the images would move with me and when I closed my eyes the images would apear on the inside of my eye lids.

Also, for people who have seen pan's labyrinth, there was that freaky white guy in it and he was all mutilated to.

Messed up eh?

This is not fake.

this was the first dream I have had in like 10 years that I have wanted to wake up from.
I was to lazy to write it all again.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
i have the recurring one where im walking and then i just fall in to nothing the next thing i know i wake up in a pool of sweet. this happens about 2 time a month im just trying to figger out if it means something

Space Cowgirl

New member
Oct 21, 2009
Mine do get pretty random at times. I feel like putting them in spoilers... So I will.

This one was about two or three years back:

I was randomly drifting/walking about in a computerized world a la Tron and suddenly these, like, computer/space pirates come outta nowhere using 1520's-ish period ship. For some reason, they started chasing me trying to get me to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Also, for some reason, it involved the Peanut Butter Jelly Time banana... Yeah.

I think this one was later on the same year:

I was in a darkened room/space/cave or whatever and suddenly this really bright laser web thing turns on so I have the natural reaction of 'Oh, ow, my eyes.'. Then, I guess some guard dudes or whatever bring this male prisoner in and force his still-living body through this laser grid thingy and then it just gets dark again and I wake up. If anyone's watched The Road To El Dorado, you'll know what I'm talking about when I say that the prisoner guys looks like Tzekel-Khan from that movie.

This one's more recent, rather short as well:

This heterosexual couple were having a nice wedding on the beach and after the ceremony, they go get on this little boat and are 'bout to ride off into the sunset. Then, the bride is somehow tied to the back of the boat and being eaten alive by piranhas.

This's the most recent one I had:

So I'm running along this fog-ridden, desolate, and rather creepy road Silent Hill style with the town on one side of me and a cliff on the other, unbeknownst to moi in a black pinstripe vest, pants and fedora, a white collared shirt and black tie, those shiny-like shoes, and a pair of cardsharp bands on my arms. Then out of effing nowhere, Pyramid Head shows up and is after me. I try to run faster, but I seem to be going at the same speed I was going at previously, if now slower. So old Pyramid Head grabs me by the back of the shirt and the only thing I'm thinking is "ShitShitShit! Oh bloody hell, I'm dead!". But he doesn't really do much at first for some reason, but just holds me up in the air for a minute and then sets me down off to the side of the road and just pats me on the head, activating my 'wtf' response. Then pushes me off the cliff anyways, and as I fall I'm making this 'Bwaaaaah' sound. It was really weird and also made me think that Pyramid Head has an odd sense of humour.

The last one made me laugh as I was typing it up.

KP Shadow

New member
Jul 7, 2009
While I was younger, I was having one of those falling dreams, and, since I was lying on my stomach due to me falling and hurting my ass in real life, when I woke up, I actually bent backwards, hurting my back.


Jan 25, 2009
I had a dream last night that I went sailing to a mysterious island. On the island I spent many years, and finally I decided to head back home. But instead of home, I found myself in the middle of some Asian country, and I had no idea how I had gotten there, as the previous night I had fallen asleep in a thunderstorm which blew me way off course. So I had to find a way to get back to the States and got a ticket for a flight into Indianapolis, but when I arrived, the whole country was in shambles, and soldiers were everywhere. They had declared martial law in the time that I was gone, and my home was no longer my home.

Then I woke up.
What kind of scared me is how realistic the dream had been, as if everything had actually happened.

And the worst nightmare I've ever had was when I was about 10 or 11, and I had just seen the movie Volcano. I dreamed that a volcano came up through our garage and started spewing out great chunks of rock. One hit the room I was in and I died.