DS Pirate Lands Two Years in Prison


New member
Sep 1, 2007
This is good but I wish they would focus on this far more than shearing.
Sharing is a basic right,digital or other wise, making a profit off something you do not have a contract for now that's worth societies time to police.


Elite Member
Jun 4, 2009
Harsh, in my opinion.

The fine would probably be enough to ruin his life, don't really need the jail time.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
i would say this sounds ok actually, the fine is to compensate for the money he effectively snatched from game developers, and actually 2 and a half years seems lighter then i would expect it to be.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Well given that it is Nintendo I am surprised he got off with only two years, I thought they would have pushed for more.

It is harsh, but really what was the guy expecting to do? Just let people download a few roms and hope that nobody would notice?


New member
Feb 25, 2009
ZippyDSMlee said:
This is good but I wish they would focus on this far more than shearing.
Sharing is a basic right,digital or other wise, making a profit off something you do not have a contract for now that's worth societies time to police.
I see your point but i dont think this guy had all of those games.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
esperandote said:
ZippyDSMlee said:
This is good but I wish they would focus on this far more than shearing.
Sharing is a basic right,digital or other wise, making a profit off something you do not have a contract for now that's worth societies time to police.
I see your point but i dont think this guy had all of those games.
they never are, humans take the easiest road available, big business takes the "lowest" of the easiest roads....

Even still the spirit of the law says you have personal rights and freedoms even if they are heavily restricted because they(gov/bis) can make more money off you.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
The real source of piracy is the sheer assholery by nintendo when it comes to devkit for the wii and the ds. According to them, they own everything you make with them and have the right to decide wether ot not you can sell them. Because of that, if you make, upload, download or play a homebrew which had absolutely no input from nintendo beyond the licensing of the creation of the devkit by another company, you are a pirate.

I've been to this guy's site and most of the things there are games nintendo had never heard of until they started calling their lawyers.

This is blatant protectionism and abuse of their position. I hope the guy wins the appeal.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
The jail time might be a bit long, but I guess the fine is ok. If people keep pirating games, then it takes away incentive for developers to make new games. Game take money to make, first and foremost, so if they feel that everyone's just gonna steal their games then they won't make any.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Jbird said:
Imagine if Nintendo were part of the Yakuza... The news would probably read a bit different:

"Man found dead today with mushrooms stuffed in his throat, and a lead pipe used in his apparent assault."
You sir or mam have made my day with this mock headline, I thank you for that.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
dalek sec said:
Jbird said:
Imagine if Nintendo were part of the Yakuza... The news would probably read a bit different:

"Man found dead today with mushrooms stuffed in his throat, and a lead pipe used in his apparent assault."
You sir have made my day with this mock headline, I thank you for that.
Heh :D


New member
Aug 30, 2009
mikecoulter said:
It's a shame that some people can't afford games, but feel the need to have them. I know some people can afford them and still pirate. But there are some people that genuinely can't...

Two and a half years is far over the top. They must be making an example of him.
If you cant afford games, dont buy them. Video games are a luxury(as lame as it sounds), no one is entitled to them, so dont try to pull that card here.

If you can afford games, you shouldn't be spending your time on the computer stealing video games, you should be getting a job.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
The_Oracle said:
Well, look at it from the company's perspective. They spent thousands and thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in development time to create the Nintendo DS and its associated games, and if someone was running a website that lets people get all of that stuff for free, and I was the company, I'd be rather miffed too.
If you charge a fair price for your products people will buy them.

How do you know when a price is fair? Is your product selling? If it is then it is a fair price.

It is a form of logic that has been used in capitalist situations for hundreds and hundreds of years, if not thousands.

Just lately people think items are worth what they say they are worth. That has never and will never truly be the case.

danosaurus said:
WrongSprite said:
They did the right thing here by striking at the source of piracy instead of the average pirate.
Agreed, it's the correct approach to the problem.
For every one site you attack you will create two more. People just get more creative and make it harder to find the next set of sites.

The real way of fixing this is by doing what I mentioned to the previous poster. Some of the worlds richest people in history (non royalty) have followed the above system.

Carnegie and Ford are two quick examples. Both believed and "supposedly" followed the system and they each had more money than God (Who actually works on a low budget).

Great example, Arkham Asylum, first game I've bought in 5 years that was worth the tag price. Didn't even look to pirate it, because the moment I sunk my teeth in I was hooked on it like a dope fiend on...well...dope.


New member
May 26, 2008
ChromeAlchemist said:
If he was in a British prison, 2 and a half years would have flown by. Some PS3, meet some contacts, etc.
Tea and crumpets at noon, jaunty tunes at 1:00...


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Zombie_King said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
If he was in a British prison, 2 and a half years would have flown by. Some PS3, meet some contacts, etc.
Tea and crumpets at noon, jaunty tunes at 1:00...
Not to mention elocution at 3:00PM, it's practically a holiday. I'm not lying though, you do get PS3 in prison...