Dungeons & Dragons Lures Back Old Players


New member
Sep 3, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Even people who are not especially keen on the 4th Edition rules - which Encounters uses - can agree that more people playing tabletop RPGs is a good thing.
Not if it's 4th edition, no. You can have my v3.5 books when you pry them out of my c--wait. No, actually, you can have them now. I'll stick with Pathfinder.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
Lure back old players? Invite back sounds good, too. I still like the artwork and potential of D&D. I just could swear that officials make the worst of it.

Being older I dislike certain moves, legitimate or not. Monte Cook gets faked a leading "maker"... I read 90% of that in original TSR works and dislike the thought that such opportunist plagiarizers are paid... he never made the job for real and such disgusts me about a company.

Pathfinder RPG fought on for D&D 3.5, maybe needed, maybe not. Still nobody dares to redefine classes, nobody brings new or creative in? I do not think the OGL was just so all could have a legal copy of D&D with their own name in it...

In 4th edition Dark Sun and Planescape go into a powerful revision, just that they brainlessly tag-along what I perceive as... "not the best solution".

In the end, what corporations think they can ignore: A proper group and a proper GM and nearly any RPG system is fun. A stable connection and a little bit of proper personality and one can make pals and enjoy nearly any online game...

Some of the best artists and illustrators, outside of horror, have always been dedicated D&D fans... maybe that somehow has a reason, too.


New member
Jun 20, 2010
Sartan0 on WoD: I think Wite Wolf made the mistake of betraying their old customers to please the younger ones... they split their market share and wasted their welcome and reputation from a lot of peoples perspective... even from people who did a damn lot of quality community work... it is weird, that people still think roleplay inferior... White Wolf made its bestseller time with roleplayers, maybe artists. Later the "marketing experts" and other creeps came in and made it slowly rot away... Always fire a spoiling team?