Lure back old players? Invite back sounds good, too. I still like the artwork and potential of D&D. I just could swear that officials make the worst of it.
Being older I dislike certain moves, legitimate or not. Monte Cook gets faked a leading "maker"... I read 90% of that in original TSR works and dislike the thought that such opportunist plagiarizers are paid... he never made the job for real and such disgusts me about a company.
Pathfinder RPG fought on for D&D 3.5, maybe needed, maybe not. Still nobody dares to redefine classes, nobody brings new or creative in? I do not think the OGL was just so all could have a legal copy of D&D with their own name in it...
In 4th edition Dark Sun and Planescape go into a powerful revision, just that they brainlessly tag-along what I perceive as... "not the best solution".
In the end, what corporations think they can ignore: A proper group and a proper GM and nearly any RPG system is fun. A stable connection and a little bit of proper personality and one can make pals and enjoy nearly any online game...
Some of the best artists and illustrators, outside of horror, have always been dedicated D&D fans... maybe that somehow has a reason, too.