E3 2016 Wishlist


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I expect the NX reveal to be better than the Wii U reveal though to be honest, the reveal for the Wii U was so bad it would be downright shocking if the NX reveal was worse. Other than that, I expect Nintendo to show off this Zelda game they've been talking about and teasing us with since...what, 2014? I would also be curious to see if other Wii games are announced for the Wii U and/or NX. Remember how Pikmin 2 was re-released on the Wii? I imagine Skyward Sword or something being updated and put on the Wii U but I'm not counting on it. I really want Project Giant Robo to be revealed as a Teleroboxer revival but again, I don't see that happening.

I don't really follow the other big names. I'll watch the E3 Nintendo Direct and as for the other stuff, I'll probably end up catching that in articles here unless something pisses someone off in which case youtube will be my info source. I'm hoping the PS4.5 or PS4 slim is released around the $200 price-point because it would be great to finally play games like Fallout 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Witcher 3, etc...


New member
Jul 15, 2015
I'm just expecting a whole ton of pre-rendered cinematic trailers that show us nothing about the actual gameplay of the game it's supposed to be showing us. But they will be hella pretty cinematic trailers.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Does "good fucking games" count? Get me some proper Metroid Prime, whatever the fuck NX is and a new .hack/HD Collection and I'll be set. But I shall get none of these things.

I'll settle for Ace Combat 7 footage/AC HD Collection.

Actually, I'll settle entirely if that supposed PS4.5 coming supports desktop HDDs because I can't believe we're using laptop drives for consoles.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
A release date for The Last Guardian (with or without trailer) would make my E3. Bonus if there's a downloadable demo.

More from ZeldaU will also be great, and info on the damn NX would be great too.

Texas Joker 52

All hail the Pun Meister!
Jun 25, 2011
Ishigami said:

Ghost in the Shell RPG announcement from BioWare
Why hello there, thing I didn't know I wanted, but suddenly really, really do. As a fan of both the Ghost in the Shell universe and someone who is still reasonably fond of Bioware despite their flaws, I would be all for a Ghost in the Shell RPG, especially one that followed the same player-character convention of Mass Effect, where you make your own PC, maybe recruit specialists as help or even go it alone, but the idea of making my own cyborg? I'd love it.

Barring that, I'd be happy to see some gameplay footage of Mass Effect: Andromeda, possibly ReCore. Hopefully even a new single-player IP that I'd actually be able to play that catches my interest.


Enthusiast Magician
Jan 16, 2011
I'd mostly want Nintendo stuff. maybe confirm if N-Stars is either a Mario Party/Amiibo Festival spinoff (supposedly Stars is a codename used for MP titles) or if it's a Dynasty Warriors spinoff (think Hyrule Warriors) featuring Nintendo characters with only Amiibos as optional temp-unlock/early costume unlocks. maybe talk about Zelda U and show something about Pikmin 4 since the last thing we heard was a vague reference by Miyamoto...how about that rumor that David Wise was doing a project for Nintendo? in N-Stars' case, they could vastly use the Smash cast if they wanted to, or pander to fans slightly by using characters that hasn't seen much use in recent years. you know you want to see Fire Hand Mario/Electro Hand Luigi as focus moves, heck, if they can figure out how to work in Paper Mario/Mario & Luigi characters, that'd be pretty sweet. even if Paper characters would be incredibly jarring, at least King of Hyrule/Tetra/Toon Link retained their proportions/graphics. I mean if Yo-Kai Watch and Zelda can have a DW game, why not Smash/the Nintendo mythos?

Otherwise, could always use a Dragon Quest Heroes 2 world footage reveal, a VII European date and if the rest of the world is getting Joker 3...or if we're missing out on them again just like the remakes of DQM 1&2, and Joker 2 Pro. Pokemon Sun/Moon would also be adequate...assuming they just don't reuse facts mentioned by CoroCoro or have videos...that's already been seen as if it's a major revelation.

Chester Rabbit

New member
Dec 7, 2011
Honestly nothing. I don't give a crap anymore about this bullshit industry and where its heading.

All I'm expecting is a whole lot of Bullshot bullshitting, staged, and rehearsed pre-recorded on stage "gameplay". Oh and more "spot on" online simulated chat to show us just how awesome the new online game will be.
Oh and TOOONES of newly announced always online schemes-Oh lol I'm sorry I mean games. Yeah more always online MMO like triple A games.

EDIT: *Looks up* Fuck...what happened to me?...