E3: Cortana Goes Bonkers in Halo 4


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Tharwen said:
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Tharwen said:
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Emiscary said:
Halo 4: proof positive the games industry will not innovate unless forced.

(Don't worry, we've got 2-3 more Halo games to look forward to by my estimation.)
How can you innovate the FPS genre? You point, click, kill. That is how all FPS are like.
Ever played the first Halo? Crysis? Battlefield? Half-life? Modern Warfare?
Yes I have. I don't see what they did to "Innovate" anything. Half-life and Halo are the only ones who innovated anything in your sentence. That is only because Half-Life added a story while Halo managed to get FPS on the Consoles successfully.

I am not saying any of them are bad, I just don't see why people continue to ***** saying "INNOVATE THE FPS GENRE!" when they really just want a game that isn't Kill Aliens or another Modern Warfare game.

Please, tell me how they could innovate the FPS genre, I truly can't figure out what you people want from it. I still play FPS games, I still love them, yet no one has answered my question. They simply say "Well what about XX AND XXX AND XXXXX?! THOSE WERE INNOVATIVE!" Instead of simply saying "They could do XX and XXX and XXXXX to improve the genre." No, you people instead throw out names of FPS genre instead of answering my damn question.

Answer it. Now.

If you forgot the question, "How can you innovate the FPS genre today?"
If it was that obvious, it would have been done already.

However, my point is that it already has. If you really want, I'll go through exactly why I think each of those brought something new.
Once again, the same shit.

Yes, I know that there were some small innovations in the past, yet people continuously ***** about "Oh, great. Another X. Games cannot innovate unless forced." Yet, when asked the question, they shy away. Just like you did.
I don't actually know what your point is...

At first, I thought you were saying that it's impossible to innovate in the FPS genre, but now it seems more like you're saying that I can't create innovative FPS games myself.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
The absolutely only interesting part about this to me is the thing about Cortana. All sexualisations about her aside, she has remained the most interesting character of this franchise, in that she has more personality than the Chief or the Arbiter combined.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Tharwen said:
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Tharwen said:
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Tharwen said:
Capitano Segnaposto said:
Emiscary said:
Halo 4: proof positive the games industry will not innovate unless forced.

(Don't worry, we've got 2-3 more Halo games to look forward to by my estimation.)
How can you innovate the FPS genre? You point, click, kill. That is how all FPS are like.
Ever played the first Halo? Crysis? Battlefield? Half-life? Modern Warfare?
Yes I have. I don't see what they did to "Innovate" anything. Half-life and Halo are the only ones who innovated anything in your sentence. That is only because Half-Life added a story while Halo managed to get FPS on the Consoles successfully.

I am not saying any of them are bad, I just don't see why people continue to ***** saying "INNOVATE THE FPS GENRE!" when they really just want a game that isn't Kill Aliens or another Modern Warfare game.

Please, tell me how they could innovate the FPS genre, I truly can't figure out what you people want from it. I still play FPS games, I still love them, yet no one has answered my question. They simply say "Well what about XX AND XXX AND XXXXX?! THOSE WERE INNOVATIVE!" Instead of simply saying "They could do XX and XXX and XXXXX to improve the genre." No, you people instead throw out names of FPS genre instead of answering my damn question.

Answer it. Now.

If you forgot the question, "How can you innovate the FPS genre today?"
If it was that obvious, it would have been done already.

However, my point is that it already has. If you really want, I'll go through exactly why I think each of those brought something new.
Once again, the same shit.

Yes, I know that there were some small innovations in the past, yet people continuously ***** about "Oh, great. Another X. Games cannot innovate unless forced." Yet, when asked the question, they shy away. Just like you did.
I don't actually know what your point is...

At first, I thought you were saying that it's impossible to innovate in the FPS genre, but now it seems more like you're saying that I can't create innovative FPS games myself.
Sorry for the confusion. The original point I tried to make was "How can you innovate the FPS genre?" Yet, everyone kept listing games that innovated in the past. Half-life gave Shooters a great story. Halo allowed Shooters to be placed on Consoles. None of those were what they could do TODAY.

Here is an updated version of the question, "How [today] could you innovate the FPS Genre"
Well, Modern Warfare was pretty recent by my standards.

Anyway, it's valid to say that I don't know of any innovations that would improve the genre as a whole, because (as I said before) the ones that people have thought of have already been done.

Saying that I have no point because I don't have any ideas myself is a lot like saying I can't criticise a bagel because I don't run a bakery.

Anyway, how is an innovation today different to one 10 years ago? Ideas still work in the same way.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Ahh I was wondering when they were going to let Cortana go full-batshit. They've been building to it for a while.
Looks like more of the same again; a pretty, fast paced shooter in space. Greatly preferably to COD10 or whichever number they're at now. I'll be buying.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
it looks great. like the first halo. and the second. no real reason to exist since we have those. well i suppose the graphics are... oh wait they updated halo 1. so, this game really has absolutely nothing justifying its existence other than money.

halo had some interesting lore that never really went anywhere because big budget games dont need to bother with plot, they just have to be as technically impressive and loud as possible to make interesting trailers. the books are awesome, but i really, really, dont care to play the same god damn FPS again with QTEs and CoD-style cinematic fight scenes being shoved into where gameplay should be.

and why are we fighting elites again? you couldnt come up with some elite-esque forerunner enemy? you really had to contrive some excuse to fight the same covenant we've spent 4 games fighting? are you that afraid to try something new? where did the chief get new armor, and why does it look suspiciously based off of mass effect? hasnt he been stuck on the planet this whole time?

halo has run its course. the story is over and now they are forced to contrive a new one for a sequel, and the multiplayer is stale beyond imagination. everything halo did right has been rehashed and misused and exploited so god damn much that at this point there is nothing a new halo can offer that i cant get from 20 other games.

Cannibal Johnson

New member
Dec 29, 2011
DancePuppets said:
This does look very interesting. I'm a big fan of the Halo mythos and have loved the gameplay of the previous games. I like the way that the art style appears to have evolved in the trailer, even the new aliens look like they "fit" the universe they're a part of while still being very different. No idea if the game will be good of course, but at least, thus far, the direction looks good.

Just one question, as someone who hasn't really read many of the books, quite why are there covenant attacking humans? I thought that the Covenant-human war was over. I could sort of understand if it was left over brutes/prophets + armies etc. (ie. those that are still in existence after 3), but why Elites?
In Glasslands (a book that takes place after H3 and before H4) the Elite race or as known by there proper race name, Sangheili, are debating whether or not to ally themselves with the humans or attack them while they're guard is down. The Arbiter is currently trying to advocate peace but another Sangheili is trying to get a war started against the humans.
Captcha:The all-new Chevy Sonic.....Seriously?....No, seriously? My captcha is an ad.

Farther than stars

New member
Jun 19, 2011
erttheking said:
I thought "Saw" proved to us long ago that when confronted with the option to hack off limbs in order to extend out lives, we are perfectly willing to do so. Anyway, it's not my intention to upset anyone; I'm just being frank about my opinion that this plot detail is complete malarky. And the longer the explanations get the more they seem to become filled with plot holes. Think of it what you will, but as far as I'm concerned this is all just contrived nonsense which serves no other purpose than progressing an isolated story arc.
Mar 26, 2008
Mr.Grim said:
DancePuppets said:
This does look very interesting. I'm a big fan of the Halo mythos and have loved the gameplay of the previous games. I like the way that the art style appears to have evolved in the trailer, even the new aliens look like they "fit" the universe they're a part of while still being very different. No idea if the game will be good of course, but at least, thus far, the direction looks good.

Just one question, as someone who hasn't really read many of the books, quite why are there covenant attacking humans? I thought that the Covenant-human war was over. I could sort of understand if it was left over brutes/prophets + armies etc. (ie. those that are still in existence after 3), but why Elites?
In Glasslands (a book that takes place after H3 and before H4) the Elite race or as known by there proper race name, Sangheili, are debating whether or not to ally themselves with the humans or attack them while they're guard is down. The Arbiter is currently trying to advocate peace but another Sangheili is trying to get a war started against the humans.
Captcha:The all-new Chevy Sonic.....Seriously?....No, seriously? My captcha is an ad.
Some Covenant obviously didn't get the memo. Given that the war was being fought on so many fronts it should be unsurprising that it takes time for word to filter through to certain groups. It's certainly happened in human history that even though a war was "officially" over, certain groups kept fighting because word hadn't reached them yet that the person they were lining up was no longer "the enemy". It's not like a light switch you can just turn on or off. I remember my grandmother being incredibly suspicious of Japanese immigrants to Australia because of the war and it wasn't until she was really old that she got used to them. It happens and old hostilities take a while to cool off. I'm surprised people are getting their panties in a bunch about this.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Farther than stars said:
erttheking said:
I thought "Saw" proved to us long ago that when confronted with the option to hack off limbs in order to extend out lives, we are perfectly willing to do so. Anyway, it's not my intention to upset anyone; I'm just being frank about my opinion that this plot detail is complete malarky. And the longer the explanations get the more they seem to become filled with plot holes. Think of it what you will, but as far as I'm concerned this is all just contrived nonsense which serves no other purpose than progressing an isolated story arc.
First of all, in the saw movies, practically all but a select few die considering that they "lost" the game. In other words, not all of us have what it takes to hack off a random body part without a second's notice. Secondly, it's a different world of fiction than halo, there are different rules. Third, what's more traumatic, having your leg ripped off or having half of the memories that you ever had in your life being ripped from your mind? If we're using fiction as examples to justify our arguments that its pretty well established in...well just about everything that touches on the subject of the mind that your thoughts being tampered with is a traumatic experience. Evangelion, Star Trek, even Halo touched apron this in the third game, whatever the Gravemind did to Cortana...it messed her up. If you really, REALLY want a different explanation, then I think it's safe to assume that her time spent as the prisoner of the hive mind of a 100,000 year old parasitic race would really screw her up. Then you might want to consider rethinking how you work your statements, "I'll decide what's intriguing" is a very good way of taking someone else's opinion and crushing it underground, because it more or less says "NO YOU'RE WRONG I'M RIGHT!" BTW, just about everything in fiction can be dismissed as "contrived nonsense" Where the Hell did the Combine come from in Half Life 2? They weren't mentioned in Half Life 1, it's all contrived nonsense to get a new enemy in the half life games.

Cannibal Johnson

New member
Dec 29, 2011
Programmed_For_Damage said:
Mr.Grim said:
DancePuppets said:
This does look very interesting. I'm a big fan of the Halo mythos and have loved the gameplay of the previous games. I like the way that the art style appears to have evolved in the trailer, even the new aliens look like they "fit" the universe they're a part of while still being very different. No idea if the game will be good of course, but at least, thus far, the direction looks good.

Just one question, as someone who hasn't really read many of the books, quite why are there covenant attacking humans? I thought that the Covenant-human war was over. I could sort of understand if it was left over brutes/prophets + armies etc. (ie. those that are still in existence after 3), but why Elites?
In Glasslands (a book that takes place after H3 and before H4) the Elite race or as known by there proper race name, Sangheili, are debating whether or not to ally themselves with the humans or attack them while they're guard is down. The Arbiter is currently trying to advocate peace but another Sangheili is trying to get a war started against the humans.
Captcha:The all-new Chevy Sonic.....Seriously?....No, seriously? My captcha is an ad.
Some Covenant obviously didn't get the memo. Given that the war was being fought on so many fronts it should be unsurprising that it takes time for word to filter through to certain groups. It's certainly happened in human history that even though a war was "officially" over, certain groups kept fighting because word hadn't reached them yet that the person they were lining up was no longer "the enemy". It's not like a light switch you can just turn on or off. I remember my grandmother being incredibly suspicious of Japanese immigrants to Australia because of the war and it wasn't until she was really old that she got used to them. It happens and old hostilities take a while to cool off. I'm surprised people are getting their panties in a bunch about this.
Also not to mention a good amount the Sangheili think the humans are a bunch of barbaric mongrels who should be exterminated. As much as I like the Sangheili I have to admit that some of them do tend to get a superiority complex.


Aug 25, 2008
Frotality said:
and why are we fighting elites again? you couldnt come up with some elite-esque forerunner enemy? you really had to contrive some excuse to fight the same covenant we've spent 4 games fighting? are you that afraid to try something new? where did the chief get new armor, and why does it look suspiciously based off of mass effect? hasnt he been stuck on the planet this whole time?
I'll say what i said 2 pages ago :p

I'm guessing that after the events of the first Halo, these Elites, Grunts, jackal's (and Probably Hunters) Crash landed on this world, An i don't mean one ship, i mean probably a fleet of ships. (I say that because 1: The Grunt called the Chief "Demon" which didn't happen until he blew up the first Ring, and 2: Because there was a Jackal there, who after the events of Halo 2 did not work with Elites due to the Brutes taking over and the Prophets ordering for the Elites to be killed.) During this time, they haven't been able to contact High Charity (Probably communication Problems) so they would still think the Great Journey is on-going. And they would still see any Human as a threat. This is the only plausible explanation i can think of and to be honest, makes the most sense.

But by the looks of it, the Covy's aren't the main threat anymore.


New member
Oct 17, 2011
I'm intrigued by Halo 4. It looks to me like they might be attempting to take it back to its roots. I'm disappointed to see will still have to be fighting the same old enemies from the covenant though. I'm pretty bored of sniping Jackal hands and plasma pistoling elite shields. Hopefully the Forerunners make up the majority of enemy types in the game with the odd bit of Grunt head-shotting in between for nostalgia.

I'm glad to see that it appears to be as cliched and cringe-worthy as previous installments. It wouldn't be the Halo I love without all the corn.


New member
Oct 26, 2010
erttheking said:
It´s curious you know.
I feel the entire rampancy issue is actually the one of the few things that vaguely makes sense in Halo when it comes to science.

As anyone who ever took a semester of CS could tell you, there ARE datastructures which are designed to "burn out", due to their inability to, literally, "forget". The principle behind this is that imposing restrictions on a system, such as not allowing certain fundamental data operations (such as search, insert or, in this case, delete) makes it possible to execute all other operations much more efficiently (and AI presumbly require a lot of "efficiency" to run).
It´s similar to how some sorting-algorithms get around the nlog(n) barrier by limiting the space of legal numbers.

The very fact that they included rampancy actually helps me personally accept another, much more fantastical concept in halo. Namely the very idea that human-like AI exist in the first place.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
What a terrible script on the gameplay part - Cortana just won't stop commenting on the obvious and saying exactly whatever you can see for yourself.

"I don't think we're the only ones in here."
No shit, that must have been the sound we just heard.

"They've spotted us!"
No shit, he just pointed me out and called to the others.

"They're retreating!"
No shit, they're running away.

"More of them!"
Thanks Cortana, I have eyes.

"Whatever it is, it's not organic"
That'll be why a machine just flew out of it's head then.

If they can tone down the tutorial level sounding script then this is looking a lot better than I expected visually.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
Saviordd1 said:
Wait, forerunners are VERY organic. They're kinda bird like to.

343, if you skullfuck everything we know about the lore just to make a quick buck (Halo reach) I will hunt you down.
They already have. In the gameplay vid, there is a tangle with Covenant forces.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Frotality said:
and why are we fighting elites again? you couldnt come up with some elite-esque forerunner enemy? you really had to contrive some excuse to fight the same covenant we've spent 4 games fighting? are you that afraid to try something new? where did the chief get new armor, and why does it look suspiciously based off of mass effect? hasnt he been stuck on the planet this whole time?
I feel like a lot of people misunderstood the alliance between Elites and Humans. The Elites didn't suddenly: "Oh we were lied tooo, WE LOVE HUMANS NOW!"


No, they still hate each other, just as many said it was like the US and USSR during WW2, buddies until the war ended and then the Cold War broke out. And ONI has basically helped the Elites start a civil, and most likely this was exposed and now at war again.

And Master Chief is still wearing his same armor he was wore at the end of Halo 3, they just changed the look, like they did with many of the armors and enemies. Just a different art style.

And you do realize that the covenant are secondary enemies and you won't be fighting them much? The huge majority of the time you will be fighting the Synethic Promtheans, and possibly Precursors leaving the covenant in the dust.

Also Halo 4 takes place roughly 4 years after Halo 3 ended, and Master Chief has been on this world for all of maybe an hour when the Infinity arrives.

Also what looks like it's based on Mass Effect?


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
bandman232 said:
Saviordd1 said:
Wait, forerunners are VERY organic. They're kinda bird like to.

343, if you skullfuck everything we know about the lore just to make a quick buck (Halo reach) I will hunt you down.
They already have. In the gameplay vid, there is a tangle with Covenant forces.
No they didn't. Skullfuck would mean that they established something and then suddenly changed it.

The covenant being their don't make sense only for the fact that the next book hasn't come out yet and we haven't seen much of Halo 4's story.

Also if you notice, there is only Elites, Grunts, and Jackals. No signs of Hunters, Brutes, Drones, or anything. Meaning this isn't the same Covenant.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
After Halo 3, it was all to obvious that the gameplay and story segregation were null. Grunts and Hunters were still on the Brutes side, and the Brutes were just outfitted to be Elites.

They're too scared of alienating players from the original enemies, so they keep them and just add new enemies as well.

Korten12 said:
I feel like a lot of people misunderstood the alliance between Elites and Humans. The Elites didn't suddenly: "Oh we were lied tooo, WE LOVE HUMANS NOW!"

No one is saying that it's like that, but the war is over they have no reason to fight each other.

And ONI has basically helped the Elites start a civil, and most likely this was exposed and now at war again.
Clarify this.