E3: Dead Space 3 Sends Isaac Clarke to an Icy Grave


New member
Jul 28, 2009
E3: Dead Space 3 Sends Isaac Clarke to an Icy Grave

The Dead Space series get a little chilly.

Fans of the Dead Space series may want to invest in some thermal underwear for the next entry into the action-horror series. Electronic Arts revealed the latest trailer for Dead Space 3, which sends series protagonist Isaac Clarke to a hostile and ice-covered planet in search of a way to end the Necromorph threat once and for all.

Along with the trailer, EA showcased several minutes of co-operative gameplay footage, featuring John Carver, a new character to the series who was introduced in an animated short [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/117506-Animated-Dead-Space-Short-Introduces-a-New-Character] last week.

In the gameplay demo, both players fought their way through a mining facility full of Necromorphs and an automated gigantic drill. Upon disabling the drill and escaping back outside, the pair engaged in a brief firefight with heavily armed soldiers before a giant Necromorph intervened, leading to a spectacular but brief boss fight. The demo ended with Isaac and Carver getting sucked into the boss' stomach, which implies that things in Dead Space 3 remain just as icky as they have in the past.

One thing to note from the footage is that there appears to be much more gunplay in comparison to the previous two games, hinting that Dead Space 3 may be leaning a little more towards "action" than "horror" in its gameplay.

Dead Space 3 is scheduled to arrive in February 2013 for the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

See all our coverage directly from the E3 2012 show floor. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/conferences/e3-2012]



New member
Dec 27, 2011
I'm a little cautious about the co-op but that doesn't change the giant fanboy boner I have right now. Color me excited.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Dead Space 2 was a disappointment already. I don't think I will get this co-op cover-based action shooter...


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
So its Dead Space... but not in space...

Whatever, as long as Visceral give a decent AI compainion for the co-op intergrated gameplay i might decide that i got nothing else for early 2013. Except for C&CG2, but i hardly expect that to sate me for more than a week at this point.


New member
Jan 27, 2012
Mcoffey said:
Plus has co-op ever worked in scary games?
From what ive heard, if you dont play co-op there wont be an Ai character with you, itll be issac on his own, source may be wrong but hopefully!

OT: i cant wait for this, Dead space 2 wasnt scary anyway but it was intense and gory! as long as the 3rd one is as intense and gory bring it on! love the series and love the storys and lore, hell i love the characters too!


New member
Jul 17, 2011
I've been skeptical about the news so far...

...but that trailer was AWESOME! My inner geek is squealing with glee.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Am I the only one wondering why they're sending an engineer (technician... whatever he is) instead of some kind of heavily-trained assault team to do this?

Eric Morales

New member
Dec 6, 2011
Ok, so it may not be the worst idea ever for Dead Space to discard horror entirely, the series never really did grasp subtlety, but that's fine, not the end of the world.

Giving us human opponents. Um... alright, they've already established that there are humans out there who might want to kill Isaac. Kind of frustrates me that there would be people in the game world who prioritize fighting Isaac over killing the slavering alien monstrosities.

Co-op Partner. Putting aside that adding another player is likely to smother the last vestiges of horror left in the franchise, this doesn't bode well for anyone trying to attempt the single player game, presumably with an AI partner. These games tend to require a certain level of finesse that at this point I think is beyond an AI. Remember how Sheva's AI in RE5 was pants on head retarded? That's what I'm predicting here. I hope you've got friends, because if not you get to suck on scythe blades.

Guns, really? One of Dead Space's best features is its weapon design. I've got loads of games where I shoot monsters with guns, but not nearly enough where have a weapon that pins monsters to walls with a two foot titanium spike which can then be electrified and exploded (and has tits and is on fire). I hope guns in Dead Space 3 don't crowd out the arsenal of surprisingly effective industrial equipment. That would be a real shame.

On the bright side, I'm a sucker for good monster design and it looks like Dead Space 3 is going to continue that tradition if nothing else.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
WMDogma said:
Dead Space 3 may be leaning a little more towards "action" than "horror" in its gameplay.

Whoah, no kidding? Dead Space? More focused on action than horror?

OT: I'm genuinely excited. I love Dead Space. I'm a big horror fan, but Dead Space has never really scared me. However, it makes up for it with A: really cool art design (everything from Clarke's armor to the enviornment to the necromorphs themselves), and B: extremely fun gameplay.
Also, why do all of these horror franchises implement a co-op feature in the 3rd installment? First F.E.A.R. 3 (which I actually really liked), and now Dead Space. Well, I guess here you'll have an AI partner, rather than your ghost brother haunting your mind.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
WMDogma said:
One thing to note from the footage is that there appears to be much more gunplay in comparison to the previous two games, hinting that Dead Space 3 may be leaning a little more towards "action" than "horror" in its gameplay.
This doesn't surprise me, like, at all. Pretty soon we're going to see Fifa turning into a semi-action game. I can picture it now, the football is now a bomb and if you don't score in a certain amount of time it explodes and penalty shoot-outs become live fire shooting contests.

imnotparanoid said:
I predict... Jumpscares... and... thats it actually.
Well that's all the other two did, why stop now?

Rabid Toilet

New member
Mar 23, 2008
I was kind of hoping they'd have a different protaganist for this game. I think Isaac's been through more than enough at this point, guy needs a chance to rest.
ThunderCavalier said:
Am I the only one wondering why they're sending an engineer (technician... whatever he is) instead of some kind of heavily-trained assault team to do this?
Because they know just how much of a badass Isaac is. Dude makes Master Chief look like a pansy.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Honestly, I feel like this was the natural progression for the series. The article says the game will lean more toward "Action" than "Horror" and I agree, but I also want to make it clear that that has always been the case. Dead Space has never been scary, like, ever. It's only ever had the ability to startle people, it's never really been about horror in my opinion.
Sure it has always -called- itself Survival Horror, but it's never, ever been true.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Co op sounds fun to me. However, one very important thing must be put in place:
Allow people to jump into random peoples' games! Resistance 3 made it so you could only play with friends, and more recently, Future Soldier did that too. Sadly, none of my friends have Future Soldier, so I'm very alone. So get co op right Dead Space.

And I swear, if Ellie is dead, I'm going to be upset. Very upset. Game still looks fun though.