E3: NeverDead


New member
Apr 22, 2011
E3: NeverDead

You can tell NeverDead is a Japanese title, because it is absolutely nuts.

After viewing the game's baffling trailer during Konami's pre-E3 conference, I knew I had to seek out NeverDead on the show floor. It's every bit as frantic and insane as I hoped it would be.

In NeverDead you play as demon hunter Bryce Boltzmann, a dual-gun wielding, sword-slashing quasi-zombie who can kick ass while hopping on one leg. One of NeverDead's most interesting features is the ability to rip-off Bryce's limbs and use them to your advantage.

Early on in the demo, Bryce is attacked by a pack of demonic hounds which - like all good demonic hounds - love the taste of savory zombie flesh. So, why not rip-off your limbs and chuck them across the screen, sending the dogs in its direction. While the dogs gather around your arm, press the shoulder button and watch Bryce's limb explode along with everything around it. No worries, however: Pressing in the left analog stick regenerates his limbs. That's anatomically correct. I think?

Later in the level, you must infiltrate a room by using your head. Literally. After removing your head, you toss it into a fountain which shoots it over the gate. Once inside, you regenerate your body and open the gate for your A.I. partner. If all of this sounds incredibly amusing and silly, it's because it is. With a heavy metal soundtrack and self-aware, cheesy dialog, NeverDead is fully aware of its stupidity without being obvious about it. I chuckled every time Bryce ripped-off his head and shouted, "For the win!"

The game's combat resembles Devil May Cry on the surface, as you shift back-and-forth between swordplay and dual-wielding gunplay, but the controls of each and the transitions between the two are nowhere near as polished and fluid as Capcom's series. The gunplay is decidedly different. Each gun has its own trigger and on-screen reticule, but they line-up to become one when standing still. It makes for a game that doesn't control like others, but that's not necessarily a good thing, in this instance.

The swordplay is even more cumbersome. After pulling out my sword and pressing every button on the controller, I was ready to call the game broken. Then, in disbelief, I discovered you control the sword with the right thumbstick - immediately, I'm reminded of the late 90s when developers were still coming to grips with the idea of a second thumbstick. To say the least, this odd control design makes the swordplay a chore rather than a visceral thrill.

NeverDead earns good-will for its silly premise and offbeat design, but its controls hold it back from becoming more than a curiosity. Regardless, heads will roll later this year.

See all our coverage directly from the show floor. [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/conferences/e3_2011 ]



Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Sounds interesting... not necessarily good, but interesting nevertheless. I will need to watch for this and see if it will be worth a buy.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
I don't know what to think of this game's gameplay. No actually, I know exactly what I think from descriptions at this point. It sounds problematic but I commend them for trying something different. It will probably garner a small cult following upon it's release who love it's quirky humor, strange gameplay mechanics and praise it's inventive yet clunky controls (which that niche will love somehow). While the majority of people regard it as a bargain bin title if nothing more due to it's less than impressive graphics and the aforementioned controls.

Myself, I love a good, strange idea, I love me some cheesy dialogue and the story actually has me interested. I'll probably pick this up when it's not asking full retail price.


New member
Aug 23, 2010
So.... Stubs the zombie in an AA, 60 buck HD package? no thanks, i'll stick to the original

Professor James

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2010
allistairp said:
E3: NeverDead

In NeverDead you play as demon hunter Bryce Boltzmann, a dual-gun wielding, sword-slashing quasi-zombie who can kick ass while hopping on one leg.


OT: I don't think I'm going to get this game. It sounds like an over the top too human with slightly clunkier controls.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
cursedseishi said:
You know what an equally cumbersome and even more fitting example for the melee combat would be?

Too Human.
I was JUST about to say how this sounds like the inverse of Too Human. Instead of guns on the stick, its now the sword. Which sounds even more silly.

Ekim Takusan

New member
Nov 13, 2010
Jondare said:
So.... Stubs the zombie in an AA, 60 buck HD package? no thanks, i'll stick to the original
Stubbs was, and in some ways still is a very good game. I'm curious to see more on this title just because the review made me think of one of my favorite last-gen funny games.

Digital_Hero said:
cursedseishi said:
You know what an equally cumbersome and even more fitting example for the melee combat would be?

Too Human.
I was JUST about to say how this sounds like the inverse of Too Human. Instead of guns on the stick, its now the sword. Which sounds even more silly.
I, for one, didn't mind Too Human's controls. It took some getting used to, but once you got it down combat flowed pretty well.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Maybe they'll listen to people about the controls. The only time the second thumbstick was good for swordplay was in Metal Gear Solid 2, and that wasn't a shooter.

I was actually looking at this game a bit, but after hearing that about the controls, I'll just go grab Wet instead.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Ekim Takusan said:
I, for one, didn't mind Too Human's controls. It took some getting used to, but once you got it down combat flowed pretty well.
My main gripe wasn't that the controls were so obscure, but more that I couldn't really control my camera and something would happen while platforming and I would get that GOD AWFUL resurrection sequence with the Valkyrie.

Haha that game makes me so confused. I don't know whether to like it or not. It turned me so many different directions my head is still spinning.

but unlike the guns, i'd imagine there will be combo's to mix in with the sword. I'm curious as to how we would execute these with the thumbstick. Would it be more of just mashing, or tilting the stick in a specific direction in combination with a button?