E3: Tanks for the 8 Minutes of Battlefield 3 Gameplay, EA


New member
Mar 1, 2010
azzxl said:
Raikov said:
azzxl said:
Awexsome said:
Looks good... but lets see some console version of this first. Bad company was a snoozefest online with only 12v12 on such big maps and almost all the gameplay has been on highest grade PC stuff.

If they want to come even close to CoD they'll need to show just as strong on consoles as they will for the PC.
On consoles it's apparently still 12v12 but with smaller versions of the same maps on the pc which are 32v32.
Problem is the limited hardware of consoles. Especially the lack of RAM. The PS3 only have 256 megs of it.

If you remember the original Red Faction, I bet you also remembered the amounts of RAM you needed to get a decent terrain destruction effect going.

If you wanna whine about Dice not programming good enough for consoles, just get Sony and Microsoft to release decent hardware.
Thats not whining it's a statement, I couldn't care less about battlefield 3 or what Dice does.
I'm surprised then what you are doing in this thread, since it is about Battlefield 3 that is produced by Dice.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Despite my well trained cynicism, I am getting really, raelly excited about BF3.

With every trailer it looks more and more like the single player will be the game I was hoping Modern Warfare 2 would be.

With any luck the multiplayer will be as addictive as BF2, then it will be the one game this year I go out and buy brand new, full price.