EA announces new single player Star Wars game by Respawn


Master Lurker
Mar 24, 2010

Well I'm not sure why EA is course correcting now, maybe Disney is putting some pressure on them? The timing is a bit weird since it is getting overshadowed by the new star wars reveal. Hopefully this doesn't mean EA lacks faith in the project, maybe we will learn more at E3. Respawn has been doing pretty well so I'm hoping this game ends up being good.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Whats this? a single player star wars game about a young padawan on the run from the Empire? I shall now strip naked and prepare for the end as the Universe is clearly collapsing because someone went ahead and made something interesting in the Star Wars IP.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
It's about time Star Wars gets something other than that Battlefront shit again. I'm cautiously optimistic.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
That they showed a dead clone trooper has me excited. So many of post-Disney Star Wars seems allergic to the anything from the Prequels. I know the movies have a terrible rep, but the extended universe of that period was GREAT. Seeing EA ignore the Clone Wars in their first Battlefront really pissed me off.

I trust Respawn to make full use of the wealth of content Star Wars offers. That said, I'm REALLY hoping this isnt a first person game. Doesn't look like it will be, thank God. Some Force assisted parkour sounds amazing.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hey, EA, can we get some actual game play and not a cg trailer please? I do find it funny they go on and on about how "single player is dead/don't sell", yet the releases of DMC5, Re2make, God of War, Horizon, Mario Oddyssey, and others proved them wrong. And they're publishing a single-player game. I trust Respawn, but I know EA is going to fuck it up somehow.
Nov 28, 2007
I think this game actually looks pretty good. I'm hoping that it is, because I really want a good Star Wars game that isn't an MMO or about a decade old.

I hope, and this is a weird thing to say, that it is just as dark and desperate as that trailer makes it look. With this particular plot, I don't want a "go through tough times, but it is all worth it in the end and you win" story. I'd rather have a "fight for your life, struggling to hold onto your morality in the effort", as hinted at when his co-worker/friend/boss was falling. If we could get a dark, serious Star Wars game, one actually able to hold its moral ambiguity without chickening out partway through (BATTLEFRONT 2), I would be quite happy with that.

Plus, Respawn is a very good developer, so I'm not as concerned with gameplay issues as I would be if, say, Bioware were making it (given Bioware's recent games, they are past their KOTOR/Mass Effect days for good).


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
I want to be hyped for this... I really do. ReSpawn is a good studio, and a part of me is anxious that their staff said no microtransactions and no multiplayer, 'cos that's what EA pushes to the hilt.

So, here's how it goes... MTX & MP added a year or two down the line, everyone shrugs in apology, EA bigwigs force ReSpawn management (the handful that made the pre-announcement statements re said MTX/MP) to resign, replaces them with fucktards that will go ahead and dump the SP, they'll develop an online SW MP game bloated to the gills with MTX, then public backlash leads to ultimate cancellation and ReSpawn gets shutdown.

I look forward to none of this happening, but will not be surprised if it does.


Trash Goblin
Apr 1, 2016
United States
B-Cell said:
not EA. its Respawn Game and they are solid developers.

this could be good.
Respawn is a wholly owned part of EA...


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
So this gets a release, but not Project Ragtag?



Elite Member
Mar 8, 2013
The Netherlands
CoCage said:
Hey, EA, can we get some actual game play and not a cg trailer please? I do find it funny they go on and on about how "single player is dead/don't sell", yet the releases of DMC5, Re2make, God of War, Horizon, Mario Oddyssey, and others proved them wrong. And they're publishing a single-player game. I trust Respawn, but I know EA is going to fuck it up somehow.
I don't think EA executives consider games like Mario, God of War or others like those to have proven them wrong. If anything they likely look down on those titles and consider themselves fully justified. When comparing those games with their own library EA will see some single player titles that sell very well and their own titles which ALSO sell very well AND can exploit its players for extra money.

When they say single player don't sell they don't actually mean it but use it as a way to say its less profitable without having to admit its due to microtransaction schemes.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Hades said:
CoCage said:
Hey, EA, can we get some actual game play and not a cg trailer please? I do find it funny they go on and on about how "single player is dead/don't sell", yet the releases of DMC5, Re2make, God of War, Horizon, Mario Oddyssey, and others proved them wrong. And they're publishing a single-player game. I trust Respawn, but I know EA is going to fuck it up somehow.
I don't think EA executives consider games like Mario, God of War or others like those to have proven them wrong. If anything they likely look down on those titles and consider themselves fully justified. When comparing those games with their own library EA will see some single player titles that sell very well and their own titles which ALSO sell very well AND can exploit its players for extra money.

When they say single player don't sell they don't actually mean it but use it as a way to say its less profitable without having to admit its due to microtransaction schemes.
I am well aware of their mindset and how they think and use mental gymnastics to justify their bullshit. This is just me calling them out on it. Like I said, I'll save my impressions when actual gameplay is shown. Respawn can make good great games, but we know for fact EA will screw it up somehow. I know EA promised their won't be microtransacs, but I am not holding my breath. I really miss the days when you had different and multiple Star Wars games from different publishers and developers from walks of life. Fuck you Disney for shutting down Lucas Arts. And fuck you for acting like EA did nothing wrong. You are just as responsible...no even more so.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
that sure is a star wars cinematic videogame trailer all right. vague, unhelpful, but still it...exists! like a christmas card from an estranged overseas family member letting you know they ain't kicked the bucket just yet, but nothing more

am going to assume the iffy, early-ps3/xboox-era quality of the animation is merely a sign that the talented resources are focusing their talented efforts eslewhere such as the actual game, because that is the kindest assumption and I am nothing if not the kindest happiest piece of cotton fluff ever who would never dream of saying anything negative about beloved things ever


New member
Mar 25, 2015
If any of you have any hope this game will be good, don't hold your breath. It's EA and unless they are completely writing this game off in terms of live-service and DLC nonsense to try and win people over, then the game isn't gonna be a stand out.

EA has a lot to prove and I am assuming everything they make sucks until proven otherwise.

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
CritialGaming said:
If any of you have any hope this game will be good, don't hold your breath. It's EA and unless they are completely writing this game off in terms of live-service and DLC nonsense to try and win people over, then the game isn't gonna be a stand out.

EA has a lot to prove and I am assuming everything they make sucks until proven otherwise.
I'm kind of wondering if this didn't come out of the whole Battlefront fiasco and this is more of less EA trying to go to Disney and say "it's ok guys, really, the Star Wars license is in good hands, please don't take it away from us. Look, we can make a single player game with no micro-transactions, that'll make the fans happy."

I don't think they'll fuck this one up because I don't think they can afford to make Disney look bad again.