I think this game actually looks pretty good. I'm hoping that it is, because I really want a good Star Wars game that isn't an MMO or about a decade old.
I hope, and this is a weird thing to say, that it is just as dark and desperate as that trailer makes it look. With this particular plot, I don't want a "go through tough times, but it is all worth it in the end and you win" story. I'd rather have a "fight for your life, struggling to hold onto your morality in the effort", as hinted at when his co-worker/friend/boss was falling. If we could get a dark, serious Star Wars game, one actually able to hold its moral ambiguity without chickening out partway through (BATTLEFRONT 2), I would be quite happy with that.
Plus, Respawn is a very good developer, so I'm not as concerned with gameplay issues as I would be if, say, Bioware were making it (given Bioware's recent games, they are past their KOTOR/Mass Effect days for good).