EA Breaks a Billion Bucks in Digital


New member
May 25, 2011
glenbruton said:
The EA hate in this thread is pretty crazy . Like they are doing anything different to other major publishers....
And they will continue to get it until they have a few years under their belt and prove that they and your library aren't going anywhere.
They have a spotty rep and they could have started off on a better foot by sticking with Steam when they launched Origin, or at the very least gave the public an honest answer when they cut ties with them.
If they do stick to it, expand their library and come up with ways to enrich the drm experience, Steam will get some needed competition. If it's just another cash grab and they just do the minimum to keep it going, the hate will stay strong and it'll end up like another GFWL or Ubistore mess.


New member
Aug 29, 2008
I hope Origin crashes and burns in a big fire. BF3 was a definate purchase for me, until I read about Origin. I even emailed the PR person from EA and someone else cant really remember who it was but there was a list of people on a thread on reddit.

I basicly asked how the hell can you justify this program harvesting so much information, software, hardware and external hardware in the interests of "customer service". Needless to say I didnt get a reply despite sending a second email.

To date Origin has not earned a cent from me and never will until the people pulling the strings change their mo drastically.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
there's a difference between people buying because they want to, and forcing them at gunpoint to use the service or else


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Frostbite3789 said:
ph0b0s123 said:
Wow, Origin is worth 1 billion. Expect more spyware laden digital platforms in the future. With this consumers have sent a clear message that invading our privacy is just fine with us, good work.
And good work on doing research on the subject. Read the EULA. It's the same as Steam's and has been for somewhere around half a year now. And if Origin is taking information, do you think Steam isn't? I mean, really?
I read the EULA, and it isn't the same.
If you would like to point out the "same" bits. I could have missed something, entirely caps text makes my eyes bleed.