EA Executive Talks About "Re-Engineering" the Industry


New member
Jun 25, 2009
"EA holds about 25 percent of the "traditional packaged goods PC game market," but sales in that segment have either remained flat or declined. Hilleman blamed much of that on piracy and used game sales; most videogame sales take place within the first three to six weeks of a game's release, after which sales of used copies, from which publishers make no money, become dominant. That lack of a long tail ultimately ends up hurting the industry."

this guy is an idiot most stores do not rebuy pc games so him saying used games are hurting the industry is him talking out his ass. maybe if the games didnt suck ea would have better sells. although used games apply to everyone. if the game doesnt suck then it doesnt get resold. i have games that basicly have no replay value becuz i loved the game n if i ever want to go back i have that option since i loved the story and/or the gameplay. EA is a big disappointment. i started disliking them when the instruction manuals had only like 6 pages. i liked reading the manuals. also piracy is not going to cause them to lose a significant portion of sales. thats being done by ppl giving EA the finger n not buying there games.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Amnestic said:
Hilleman blamed much of that on piracy
Or you could blame it on people deliberatley not purchasing EA products as a big ol' middle finger towards invasive DRM schemes, the like Spore and Red Alert 3 had.

Just a thought.
World of Goo and Demigod proved that while a few pirates only pirate as a measure of protestation, most just pirate to get stuff for free.

Also, I believe there was a story a while back about how EA is cutting down on the DRM.

ChromeAlchemist said:
*sigh* I'm as serious as a heart attack on this one, that's very much real. You know we had people defending it on this site as well?
And I was one of them. Besides, do we REALLY want to drag that old argument out of it's grave again?


New member
Sep 27, 2008
We are friends with Japan and they seem more fun to go to and have better anime and manga and tech. Korea seems scary to go to though, even the good half. (Though I am still looking forward to Huxley >.>)

So I guess companies like me. I buy new, always. (Its completly mine, and that wonderous smell...mmmmmmm)


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
scotth266 said:
Amnestic said:
Hilleman blamed much of that on piracy
Or you could blame it on people deliberatley not purchasing EA products as a big ol' middle finger towards invasive DRM schemes, the like Spore and Red Alert 3 had.

Just a thought.
World of Goo and Demigod proved that while a few pirates only pirate as a measure of protestation, most just pirate to get stuff for free.

Also, I believe there was a story a while back about how EA is cutting down on the DRM.
In those cases I agree, but when Spore became one of the most pirated games in history (if not the most pirated game in history) it seems a bit too coincidental that it just happened to have the draconic DRM attached to it. They may be cutting down on DRM now but I assume the EA Executive was talking about past sales - which did have DRM like I mentioned.

Sadly, some pirates do just want others hard work for free even when they don't put DRM on things and that I cannot abide by. 90% Pirate rate on WoG is just depressing and frankly it made me hate my fellow PC Gamer a bit.

As for the guy saying that physical copy sales for PC games have decreased: Should we really be surprised after seeing how successful Steam has become? I daresay digital download purchases will have helped contribute to lowering physical copy sales even if there are people like me who enjoy that new game manual smell so much we can't bear to be without a physical copy.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Why don't they shut down the big pirating sites like Pirate Bay? I heard they were prosecuting the owners of that site, but why were people protesting? They broke the law and obviously messed with the economy. They deserve prison...

Lunar Shadow

New member
Dec 9, 2008
oppp7 said:
Why don't they shut down the big pirating sites like Pirate Bay? I heard they were prosecuting the owners of that site, but why were people protesting? They broke the law and obviously messed with the economy. They deserve prison...
The protest was against draconian DRM on Spore, and people decided to prove to EA that it only harmed the legitimate customers because pirates got the unborked version.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
scotth266 said:
Amnestic said:
Hilleman blamed much of that on piracy
Or you could blame it on people deliberatley not purchasing EA products as a big ol' middle finger towards invasive DRM schemes, the like Spore and Red Alert 3 had.

Just a thought.
World of Goo and Demigod proved that while a few pirates only pirate as a measure of protestation, most just pirate to get stuff for free.

Also, I believe there was a story a while back about how EA is cutting down on the DRM.

ChromeAlchemist said:
*sigh* I'm as serious as a heart attack on this one, that's very much real. You know we had people defending it on this site as well?
And I was one of them. Besides, do we REALLY want to drag that old argument out of it's grave again?
Feck no. But we'll agree to disagree, it's in the past, and not something to make enemies over. Not at all.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Amnestic said:
In those cases I agree, but when Spore became one of the most pirated games in history (if not the most pirated game in history) it seems a bit too coincidental that it just happened to have the draconic DRM attached to it. They may be cutting down on DRM now but I assume the EA Executive was talking about past sales - which did have DRM like I mentioned.
I don't think that the draconic DRM is the major reason piracy of Spore was so high myself: I think it was just a little extra boost in the rates.

It certainly didn't CUT piracy rates though :D