EA On Downloads: Physical Releases Will Be With Us A Long While Yet


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Thoralata said:
Strazdas said:
Thoralata said:
Music is largely digital while games have stayed largely physical for one main reason.

A music album is around 100-200 Megabytes in size. A video game is anywhere from 6-50 Gigabytes in size. Not everyone has unlimited downloads, and to go purely digital (like a certain other hack is doing) is a monumentously stupid business decision.
a small correction: a music album of 60 minutes (roughly the lenght of most standart albums) takes at least 500-600 mb if you want something that is close to CD quality.
VIdeogames, so far whats the largest we had, 26 GB COD?
The Mass Effect games have reached upwards of 35 Gigabytes
World of Warcraft, SWTOR, and similar games have also broken 30 Gigabytes

The point is, until Internet Access becomes less expensive and faster, going purely digital is a dumb thing to do. It will always be faster to install a game from the disc as opposed to downloading it from a download service. And until Digital Distribution can come without installing it's garbage (Steam, Origin, UPlay, ect) onto your machine, it's not a feasible future.
Mass effect 3 takes 25-30 gb to the best i could found.
As for MMOS, i have already done some research on it in another post:
im basing my "most subscribers" data on this: http://mmodata.blogspot.com/
Now im googling values of side as i havent played all of MMOs, so could be discrepencies, but:
World of Warcraft - 21-30GB based on addon size
LIneage 2 - 26GB
Runescale - yeah, no
Second Life - 0.12GB
Warhammer - 15 GB
Age of conan - conflicting results, around 30 GB
Rift - 15 GB
Lord of The Rings Online - 8.92 GB
FInal Fantasy XI - 11 GB
Everquest II - 4.4 gb
DOfus - ~1gb
Eve Online - 4.7 GB

Lets see some free for all games:
World of Tanks - 3.5 GB
League Of Legends - 5-7GB
DOTA 2 - 2 GB
So no, no 30 GB thing and those that reach it are few and farbetween.

ALso isntalling from a disc will NOT be faster.
1x blue ray speed is 36mbps of read in perfect conditions. or converted to measurements we measure downloads - 4.5 MB/s. I download at the speed of 8.25 MB/s. Almost double. If i were to take fastest plan available in my location, i would triple that.
Now lets look at other side of install - HDD. A regular 7200 rpm hdd (standard in PCs) has a write speeds of 100-180mbps. SO at best it could handle a 4x blue ray disc and even then that would have to be the only thing its doing. (theoretically 5x, but they dont make 5x, only 4x and 6x readers) Most people use 1x blue ray players though as thats enough most of the time.
Also you need to get the disc, which involves driving to the store. When downloading - you dont. With downloading you also have pre-loading, like on steam, so you can get the game installed before the launch date and start playing couple minutes after midnight.
I agree with you about the garbage DRM though, but most people seem to not really care about that as long as the DRM isnt much intrusive.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I honestly prefer a physical library because I like having all my games on a bookcase. It makes my game room look nice having all those games. Also I prefer it because then that means my hard drive is free for more save data. Though my opinion could come from being primarily a console gamer and being very restricted on hard drive space.
Apr 28, 2008
Strazdas said:
Irridium said:
Of course physical will be with us for a while. If shit internet doesn't prevent an all-digital future, download caps sure as hell will.
If your internet has download caps it already falls under shit internet category.
Perhaps but I was referring more to speed. I'd gladly take a cap if it didn't mean having to wait for a game to download over the coarse of two goddamn weeks.