i enjoyed the other crytek games. farcry 2 sucked though overall imo. but of course EA would say that wouldn't they?
if they they dumb down the graphics for the xbox alot I will be dissapointed. I mean yeah you expect it to be different, ps3 exclusives always look a little better than 360 games imo but ps3 isn't THAT much more powerful. It should look crisper etc on the ps3 deffo but it shouldn't mean the 360 has to use cry engine 2 or anything.
go compare specs for ps3 and xbox 360 seriously, ps3 has some better specs but not really enough to make that much of a marked difference. more likely to be a marketing ploy.
Hardware is only the potential for graphics, the actual graphics are software. maybe by delaying the 360 version they could optimize it.
I'd buy it on pc anyway because my pc is more powerful than my 360 but I get 360 games for coop mode etc cos all my RL friends dont have gaming rigs. (wish they did so i could play coop dawn of war 2
. )