Earth is invaded, then we win.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Veylon said:
dyre said:
Veylon said:
senordesol said:
Veylon said:
They'd probably be shoved in concentration camps until the larger threat is dealt with and then used as bargaining chips in whatever peace treaty is ultimately struck.
How would that resonate with future generations? (Ours and theirs)

How will we feed hundreds of thousands of alien prisoners (wide-spread resentment of which will be palpable) while we pick up the pieces of our own world?

(I'm not saying any answer is 'wrong' here, just like to know what the 'short term' and 'long term' solutions of you Escapists would be with reasonable regard placed on social and economic stressors)
It would resonate badly with (hopefully free) future generations. It would be seen as an entirely unnecessary atrocity, similar to the way a lot of people feel about Hiroshima.

Feeding them would involve equal parts "nothing" and "garbage". Ex-slaves are unlikely to have much sympathy for their former masters and would only preserve the mass of them for bargaining chip purposes. Individual aliens could expect open brutality and gross negligence for their lives and safety. The "food" would be whatever is unfit for human consumption yet still has some modicum of nutrition. Sawdust bread, tree bark, vegetable leaves and the like. When there's not enough to go around, starvation happens.
Honestly, as bartering chips to ensure the survival of the human race against a massive revenge attack, I'd say it'd be in our interests to keep them well-fed. They would probably even be better-fed than lots of humans (the important ones, anyway). Sort of like capturing enemy officers in battle. You don't want to give the imperialist aliens more reason rally their citizens to blow up Earth.
True enough. But whatever leaders are in charge of the ragged ex-slave armies are going to have nothing going for them but their reputation in meting out destruction to their alien overlords. Most people (leaders included) aren't going to be coolheaded enough to want to patch up an amiable relationship with a nation that, shortly before, had invaded, conquered, and enslaved them. No, they are going to pay back every indignity they can upon their newly-helpless captives. Leaders unwilling to accommodate this aren't going to stay leaders for long.

Also, the aliens can't blow up Earth in revenge as long as their own people (in whatever condition) are still on it. It would be as senseless as nuking Tehran to force Iran to free the embassy hostages. And if they don't care about their own people's lives, then why were they upset in the first place? And why were we bothering with hostages?
Yeah, unfortunately we're a rather hotheaded race, and there would probably be more support for "justice" (revenge) than practical ways to save maximum human life. And you're right, it'd be a hard sell to spare the assholes who just slaughtered and enslaved our planet.

Assuming we keep most of the hostages in a one place or even a few camps though, the aliens could easily send a small army to take over the area, and then nuke the rest of us. And I'm guessing if the aliens are like us (at our worst), they'd be more interested in preserving their "honor" after being attacked by us savages than in individual lives of their soldiers.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
My my my 'kill 'em all' or 'use them as bargaining chips' seems to be the prevailing options.

No concern for the implications of 'sentient rights'? I guess we humans can get downright hardcore when it comes to survival.



New member
Apr 14, 2009
senordesol said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
The more practical side of me wants to say execute them. Can even kind of justify it since they were apparently fine with coming over there to take our world and enslave us. They're all scum anyway.

I'd say imprison them though. Don't feel comfortable with the idea of sentencing people to death if we can just imprison them. Do, however, get all the information you can out of them.
Imprison them where? (we're talking several hundred thousands still) Including children?
Three simple words "Fast food restaurants" nobody would notice the addition to the servant classes and hell in some shops they would fit right in thinking anywhere with a mascot

El Dwarfio

New member
Jan 30, 2012
senordesol said:
A hostile extra-terrestrial force invades Earth, slaughters untold millions, presses the vast majority of survivors into slavery, and proceeds to colonize Earth.

After more than a decade of this, a global resistance effort finally pushes the invading aliens off Earth and is able to do so in a way that will leave the galaxy at-large unaware of what's transpired (at least for a few months, maybe a year).
I thought this was gonna be 'aliens invade, topple earth's government and military, assume control... and then turn out to be pretty alright, bring world peace, an end to poverty and are just all around nice guys. We win.'

Now sorry, to me that sounds much more interesting, give me $50million and I'll make that into a film.

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
We hold them as hostages. I don't think it would work but it would be the only chance of surviving. We let them go, they kill us all. We kill them, they kill is all. We keep them as hostages, the will probably kill us all.

That said, this hypothetical situation is ridiculous. Aliens that have had the technology to travel between solar systems for some time (I'm guessing this isn't the first thing they did after getting spaceships) will be so far ahead of us that enslavement (let alone resistance) would be futile. What could we do that they can't? At that point they don't even need manual labor.

Disregarding this, how would we fight them? This would be like the entire american army (with satellite suport) invading ancient rome or even cavemen. Best case scenario, we stand about as much chance against them as we would against Daleks.

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
We study them scientifically, and find their weakness
Obviously not letting the hippies know
Keep them all hostage, underground where experiments take place

Random Fella

New member
Nov 17, 2010
Zorg Machine said:
We hold them as hostages. I don't think it would work but it would be the only chance of surviving. We let them go, they kill us all. We kill them, they kill is all. We keep them as hostages, the will probably kill us all.

That said, this hypothetical situation is ridiculous. Aliens that have had the technology to travel between solar systems for some time (I'm guessing this isn't the first thing they did after getting spaceships) will be so far ahead of us that enslavement (let alone resistance) would be futile. What could we do that they can't? At that point they don't even need manual labor.

Disregarding this, how would we fight them? This would be like the entire american army (with satellite suport) invading ancient rome or even cavemen. Best case scenario, we stand about as much chance against them as we would against Daleks.
Just because they have research into advanced transport doesn't mean they're going to greatly outnumber us nor does it mean that they will have more advanced weaponry.
So it is still a logical hypothetical situation


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Wouldn't happen, sorry. If an alien species came in to take our planet we could do little to nothing to stop them. think more like "the day the earth stood still" and less like "war of the worlds". The distances to the nearest stars let alone habitable planet would mean they could very well be thousands or hundred of thousands of years ahead of us technologically. We would be wiped out with little effort on their parts should they choose to.


New member
Jul 13, 2011
If this is a "what would happen if..."-scenario then I think we humans would avenge our fallen.

The premise is based on hostile aliens invading - a human story. We always tell these stories as "invasions" from "outer space," but inevitably use them to re-tell our own history of invasions and conflicts.

So I think It would not matter if the remaining aliens were hatchings and not soldiers. The human species exterminate enemies as a general rule.

If a hostile species ever invaded, they would release bio-toxins and engineered micro-organism from orbit designed to break us. These manufactured deceases and habitat-shaping chemicals would erase our ability to defend ourselves.
There would be no Hollywood-ending. There would not even be a recognisable human narrative to re-shape and fit into 90 minutes.


New member
Jan 21, 2011
senordesol said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
The more practical side of me wants to say execute them. Can even kind of justify it since they were apparently fine with coming over there to take our world and enslave us. They're all scum anyway.

I'd say imprison them though. Don't feel comfortable with the idea of sentencing people to death if we can just imprison them. Do, however, get all the information you can out of them.
Imprison them where? (we're talking several hundred thousands still) Including children?
I don't see how children would be a part of an alien invasion force.
Dec 3, 2011
At first they live in ghettos and are treated like second-class citizens; they deal with a lot of shit but over time they gain more and more rights, until eventually they are treated like everyone else, mingling into society comfortably.

And then their mothership comes and kills us all.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Torture them for information and then execute them. Is it an asshole thing to do? Yes but this is the survival of the human race we are talking about.
Us or them. They were ok with us all being killed or put to slavery, as far as I'm concerned, this really isn't worse.
They struck first. We should do everything in our power to survive. They have not earned any courtesy from us.


That which exists in the absence of space.
Nov 27, 2009
The Dreamlands
Lose 1d20 sanity points.
I say forgive them and try to integrate them into our culture, it sounds rather silly and myabe too optimistic but let's remember that what they did is not much different from what humans have done in the past the prime example being the USA of course, I mean do you think the English colonists should have been exterminated because they came to America and committed genocide to the cultures living there so they could take over?
I mean a lot of the trouble that was caused because of that has been healing over time and is finally changing for the better so I think the aliens could be integrated too.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
i don't think this would happen. they have mastered interstellar travel, they would so kick our asses. and even IF we could topple whoever is left to occupy us and even IF we made it they could never have earth because we would keep fighting, they will just come back with one tiny ship and destroy the planet or poison the atmosphere or whatever. WE could easily destroy our planet and if they have spaceships and are in the business of enslaving people they would be at least as good at that as we are


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Forgive all of them them, grant them safe living on earth in exchange for a combination of our knowledge and theirs, teach them that we think imperialism is fundementally wrong and in a couple of decades, bounce out to space together!


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
akeldama1984 said:
Wouldn't happen, sorry. If an alien species came in to take our planet we could do little to nothing to stop them. think more like "the day the earth stood still" and less like "war of the worlds". The distances to the nearest stars let alone habitable planet would mean they could very well be thousands or hundred of thousands of years ahead of us technologically. We would be wiped out with little effort on their parts should they choose to.
Er, the humans didn't do much of anything to stop the invaders in "War of the Worlds" (ok, the British destroyed one or two tripods, but were being utterly defeated[footnote]Human artillery was effective against them, but apparently at that time, British artillery was lagging behind the other European powers[/footnote]).

But otherwise, yeah. You don't need to have flashy tech, though, if you are in orbit, there's not much current militaries can do about you at the best of times...a little, but not much.


Under such circumstances, the Geneva conventions would be ignored/forgotten, massive slaughter of alien warriors, alien civilians, alien kids, human collaborators, human collaborators' families, various randoms you could pretend were collaborators et al.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
If we're going to go the Ender's Game route, then we're going to take the fight to them and launch a WMD at their home world. If we're going the Mass Effect route, we'll be welcomed into the intergalactic fraternity of intelligent alien life, and subsequently be forced to grudgingly let the captives go as part of peace negotiations. If we go with the Halo/Robotech route, we'll scavenge their technology, advance our own tech by decades, and take the fight to them (again) in an arms race over yet another alien race's even superior tech.

In answer to your scenario, though, I think we're fairly justified in killing them. The survivors would no doubt attempt to make contact with their main forces again, even if we manage to scavenge their tech and use it against them we'd still by outnumbered and outmaneuvered so soon after we liberated ourselves. Our best bet of survival afterwards would be to either mass relocate to another habitable planet, prepare countermeasures for the ensuing re-invasion to come (constructing defenses, mass militarization of the survivors, etc.), or to try to make contact with other systems they've conquered and foster the resistance even further.

And to all those in favor of adopting the survivors into our population, remember: They've had no qualms about killing us earlier. Assuming this was a first contact scenario where they opened with hostilities as soon as they landed on Earth, then we can conclude that they were either after our resources or land for expanding their population centers. Since they went straight to the mass murder and enslavement, this wouldn't be a simple regime change where citizens were left mostly alone and world governments just had to pay tribute to them. This was xenocide. Hell, probably the only reason we would even be left alive as slaves would be to act as cheap labor while they made us mine for rare minerals or as guinea pigs for genetic experiments.