Crono1973 said:
Deathfish15 said:
UnderCoverGuest said:
Yay. EA made a stupid marketing decision. Whoo hoo. Dorks.
How is it a stupid marketing decision? They've made in 10-15million in pure profits off of the idea of limiting things for pre-owned. They're finally dipping into Gamestop's take away from their sales and trying to recoup their loses. It's a great thing, and it's just starting out. Similar to Digital Distribution, which was a small thing at first which took time to boom to what it is now.
Most of that comes out of the conusmers pocket, not Gamestops.
Look at it this way. A new game that just releases is $60, the used copy is $55. So, the customer decides to completely CUT OUT the developer, manufacturer, deliverer, and producer of the game to save $5. Because, on a used copy of a game, all those people don't get paid, only Gamestop (or whichever seller) gets paid. So, but the developer charging $10-20 for an "online pass", it allows the developer to take some money sales on that 3rd party version of a sale.
So what if it comes from the customer, in reality, it pushes the customer to buy the game at retail and that way the money does cut from Gamestop (that figure is not even in this static provide).
However, when people choose to buy used and then buy the pass, it still gives those who had a hand in making the game actual money for the game. Money where credit is due, not to some know-nothing snot nosed Gamestop corporation.