If y'all are done seeing how far you can poke the bear, I'm calling this thread officially under Rule #1, which reads:
"We want Escapist Magazine to be a welcoming and safe place for creators and contributors of all backgrounds. Therefore criticism, harassment, shaming, or any action deemed by the moderators or staff to be inflammatory or abusive towards an Escapist Magazine staff member, contributor, or moderator is expressly forbidden. Anyone hired to work for, contribute to, or represent Escapist Magazine has been de facto approved of by management. If you take issue with the actions of a member of our staff, a contributor, or a moderator, you may send a letter to the editor. The forum is not the proper place for such activity, and it will be moderated harshly. "
Feel free to post disagreements, or alternative points of view. Insults, attacks, or ad-hominems will not be tolerated and will be moderated harshly.
The full, revised Forum CoC will be up soon.