Editor's Note: The Spy Who Fragged Me

Obsidian Rocker

New member
Mar 10, 2010
As much as I normally think the mods are right seeing as they usually have more experience, I gotta side with the member on this one. I would go so far as to say this is a case of a mod getting butthurt then throwing their weight around. Just calling it like I see it.

Also, Gilbert Munch makes a good point. The behaviour shown here reflects badly on the site when it's made by someone who is supposed to be an example for the community. Mods tend to ask (Sometimes even demand) respect but respect is earned, not given and the actions demonstrated by this mod, in this thread at least, don't warrent respect.

Anyway, drama aside, it seems that spying is an unrewarding job. What do you get for your troubles? Decent pay, yeah but it doesn't seem worth it. Too much hassle working for a government that, when all is said and done, sees you as expendable. Yay for politics?


Escapecraft Operator
Jun 25, 2009
Wow WTF Russ. Total over-reaction.

OP: Yeh spies are fucking awesome to bad you cant tell no one about it.

EDIT: To be fair if you glanced it at it doesnt look like ur name as well

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Blackadder51 said:
Wow WTF Russ. Total over-reaction.

OP: Yeh spies are fucking awesome to bad you cant tell no one about it.

EDIT: To be fair if you glanced it at it doesnt look like ur name as well
Actually, I got to side with Russ on this one. The guy was being way to aggressive. For example, when Russ took the joke and issued a warning, the guy continued. He called the mod "Precious" and accused Russ of calling him a "Dickhead." He runs the Escapist for us. Without him or any of the other mods such as Susan or Funk or any of the other guys who work behind the scenes, we wouldn't be here.

Show the man some respect.


Escapecraft Operator
Jun 25, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
Blackadder51 said:
Wow WTF Russ. Total over-reaction.

OP: Yeh spies are fucking awesome to bad you cant tell no one about it.

EDIT: To be fair if you glanced it at it doesnt look like ur name as well
Actually, I got to side with Russ on this one. The guy was being way to aggressive. For example, when Russ took the joke and issued a warning, the guy continued. He called the mod "Precious" and accused Russ of calling him a "Dickhead." He runs the Escapist for us. Without him or any of the other mods such as Susan or Funk or any of the other guys who work behind the scenes, we wouldn't be here.

Show the man some respect.
There is respect and then there is blindly following others, and what respect i had for this person has gone.

I understand that he works behind the scenes, but come on he bit some guys head of over reading his (not that good to be honest) signature wrong. I dont know the full details behind the banning and if there has been any problems in the past, but really on face value he did over react a lot and i can see were that person is coming from. Sure he didnt react quietly or send Russ a PM about it but he could have acted a whole lot worse and personlly if that was me who got banned i would be pretty pissed off and not have responded in such a mature way that the poster has done.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Blackadder51 said:
maddawg IAJI said:
Blackadder51 said:
Wow WTF Russ. Total over-reaction.

OP: Yeh spies are fucking awesome to bad you cant tell no one about it.

EDIT: To be fair if you glanced it at it doesnt look like ur name as well
Actually, I got to side with Russ on this one. The guy was being way to aggressive. For example, when Russ took the joke and issued a warning, the guy continued. He called the mod "Precious" and accused Russ of calling him a "Dickhead." He runs the Escapist for us. Without him or any of the other mods such as Susan or Funk or any of the other guys who work behind the scenes, we wouldn't be here.

Show the man some respect.
There is respect and then there is blindly following others, and what respect i had for this person has gone.

I understand that he works behind the scenes, but come on he bit some guys head of over reading his (not that good to be honest) signature wrong. I dont know the full details behind the banning and if there has been any problems in the past, but really on face value he did over react a lot and i can see were that person is coming from. Sure he didnt react quietly or send Russ a PM about it but he could have acted a whole lot worse and personlly if that was me who got banned i would be pretty pissed off and not have responded in such a mature way that the poster has done.
He wasn't banned for that post, he was most likely put on Probation for it and then banned a post or two later. If he was banned for it, then there wouldn't be a link under it. Chances are, the post he was banned for has been deleted and the probation post had become the Ban notification post. Or maybe he was banned for his entire actions in this thread.

Either way, I still agree with Russ about this. He gave the poster a warning, the poster continued to act that way to him and he got banned. Lesson Learned: Know when to keep your mouth shut.

If you believe the mods are not gonna tolerate your post, then don't post it. Walk away. He should have done the same when he wrote his first post.


Escapecraft Operator
Jun 25, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
He wasn't banned for that post, he was most likely put on Probation for it and then banned a post or two later. If he was banned for it, then there wouldn't be a link under it. Chances are, the post he was banned for has been deleted and the probation post had become the Ban notification post. Or maybe he was banned for his entire actions in this thread.

Either way, I still agree with Russ about this. He gave the poster a warning, the poster continued to act that way to him and he got banned. Lesson Learned: Know when to keep your mouth shut.

If you believe the mods are not gonna tolerate your post, then don't post it. Walk away. He should have done the same when he wrote his first post.
There is showing power and then there is being a dick.

The actions that happen show very much that he was banned for this but alas neither of us know this for sure so thats all i say on that subject.

Russ still acted in a very immature way about all this, and he even bothered to get an image of a red card. Whatever his intentions were supposed to be im sure "look like a dick" was not one of them. He didnt show his power to me, or from what i can gather from the comments of others most other people. Instead of allowing respect and learning when to keep our mouths shut he has unintentionally helped to gather people that will more likely "keep talking back".

He should have dropped and not responded in the first place, this is the internet, a playground for many, if this adult can not take a joke on a forum, i would not like to be around him in real life.

But of course this is only my two cents and therefore could all be wrong :)

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Blackadder51 said:
maddawg IAJI said:
He wasn't banned for that post, he was most likely put on Probation for it and then banned a post or two later. If he was banned for it, then there wouldn't be a link under it. Chances are, the post he was banned for has been deleted and the probation post had become the Ban notification post. Or maybe he was banned for his entire actions in this thread.

Either way, I still agree with Russ about this. He gave the poster a warning, the poster continued to act that way to him and he got banned. Lesson Learned: Know when to keep your mouth shut.

If you believe the mods are not gonna tolerate your post, then don't post it. Walk away. He should have done the same when he wrote his first post.
There is showing power and then there is being a dick.

The actions that happen show very much that he was banned for this but alas neither of us know this for sure so thats all i say on that subject.

Russ still acted in a very immature way about all this, and he even bothered to get an image of a red card. Whatever his intentions were supposed to be im sure "look like a dick" was not one of them. He didnt show his power to me, or from what i can gather from the comments of others most other people. Instead of allowing respect and learning when to keep our mouths shut he has unintentionally helped to gather people that will more likely "keep talking back".

He should have dropped and not responded in the first place, this is the internet, a playground for many, if this adult can not take a joke on a forum, i would not like to be around him in real life.

But of course this is only my two cents and therefore could all be wrong :)
As could I. And he didn't gather people who will "Keep talking back." In fact, some of the posters who are siding with the Banned are very rarely put on Probation, let alone suspended (to my knowledge). Only two people joined the site to "Talk back" to Russ and neither have made a return. I'm still quite surprised that this keeps getting dug up every couple weeks. You think the site would have moved on instead of complaining about a ban that happened half a year ago.

We won't know what truly happened without a time machine (And unfortunately, I'm still several weeks behind on it's creations and my employers have threatened to pull the funding.) or without PMing Russ Pitts.

If you were to go up to a Referee to complain about a call you'd most likely get thrown out of the game or at the least warned. This is the example of the former. In which the poster complained about the Moderators response on the situation. (And in all honestly, he should have been put on probation for that first post considering it was low-content.)

On a side-note: If we're gonna keep going on about this, might I suggest moving to the PMs? I'd rather not keep bumping this thread over and over again with off-topic responses.


Escapecraft Operator
Jun 25, 2009
maddawg IAJI said:
On a side-note: If we're gonna keep going on about this, might I suggest moving to the PMs? I'd rather not keep bumping this thread over and over again with off-topic responses.
To be honest with ya mate, its clear were both of our opinions on this matter stand and no matter what we say is going to convince the other to change. If you do want to continue in PM ill still have a rebuttal for you :)

So with that said ill have to agree to disagree with you good sir :)

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Blackadder51 said:
maddawg IAJI said:
On a side-note: If we're gonna keep going on about this, might I suggest moving to the PMs? I'd rather not keep bumping this thread over and over again with off-topic responses.
To be honest with ya mate, its clear were both of our opinions on this matter stand and no matter what we say is going to convince the other to change. If you do want to continue in PM ill still have a rebuttal for you :)

So with that said ill have to agree to disagree with you good sir :)
And I will say the same to you. You have a nice day now.

The Ambrosian

May 9, 2009
I just lost a lot of faith in the mods, it's not like he was a posting newbie like me either, he had a couple of thousand posts. :/


New member
Oct 26, 2010
[removed by poster: got linked here from somewhere else, didn't know how old this way]