Elder Scrolls Online Director Explains Opting For Subscriptions


New member
Oct 26, 2011
I wish they would just make it pay once. Like every other Elder Scrolls games. I think that would be an "Elder Scrolls experience." I am sure that a lot of people will say "Screw this game"


New member
Mar 30, 2012
I am not surprised, they are also adding a cash shop because more money.
On top of that Bethesda are selling shitty statues for 300 bucks. These guys are quickly becoming the new EA, except worse.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
It's going to be a difficult move to make it work and I hope they're aware of that. Still, I wish them luck. Good MMOs are hard to come by.

I'd like to know whether they intend to take any sort of stance on user modding, as that has long been an essential part of the Elder Scrolls experience. I've not played Skyrim (PC's too old), but I've left months of my life in Morrowind and Oblivion, and in both cases I found them almost unplayable without heavy community modding. (I've heard some similar complaints about Skyrim at least insofar as the menu system is concerned.) In particular I hope they've finally started to put serious effort into character modelling. Vanilla Morrowind and Oblivion character models and textures are just plain ugly.


New member
Jun 19, 2013
Meh at first I was surprised that the game isn't B2P, but I see why they did it, since they don't plan to be like GW2, and have a base game, and then add more stuff funded by the cash shop which sells cosmetics and "convenience".

Here its more like TES, you aren't thinking about money, you bought the game, and you have access to everything out. I don't think its a particularly smart move unless this is an absolutely phenomenal game with lots of lasting appeal in RvR, in the business sense, but for the gamer this is a smart move. If they wanted the most money they would have went the GW2 route, everyone would have bought it, and, like GW2, if you feel let down, too bad, you already bought it!

EDIT: Nvm there's a cash shop too, f*** these guys. I think it will last longer than a year without a sub, but it will go F2P eventually.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Guild Wars 2 seems to be doing well with the P2P model, why couldn't TESO?

Mr.Pandah said:
...Are there pay gates or pay worlds? I was under the understanding that the F2P model had things you can purchase but didn't restrict access to areas/portions of the game.
My thought exactly. Why not make money from purely cosmetic items like TF2 does? Though personally, I would prefer to just buy the game in a single purchase and play it.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I'm sorry, but I'm not buying this as a legitimate justification. There are methods of sustaining revenue that aren't simply "pay 50 credits to access dungeon."

Star Citizen intends to sustain itself based on cosmetics and non-gameplay impacting microtransactions.

APB: Reloaded has managed to balance its microtransaction shop so that ingame items and weapons are effectively side-grades more relative to player preference over Pay 2 Win. It is obnoxiously expensive, however.

Firefall was- last time I was on there- undertaking a similar process.

Star citizen is rapidly approaching the $16million mark, APB is going from strength to strength and Firefall doesn't appear to be suffering. None of them (at present) appear to intentionally deny access to the game (Firefall may have changed).

This guy is clutching at straws and got a very short one indeed.


New member
Nov 23, 2011
So will the game still be 60 bucks when it comes out on top of this? I'm assuming you will get at least a month free when pay. I wasn't expecting free to play, but free after you buy the game like guild wars 2. And the game will only have the mages guild and fighting guild to start? That's less than skyrim and oblivion. They underestimate how quickly people will fly through those guild questlines if there are only 15 hours of content each. So many meh statements in this article.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
MinionJoe said:
The subscription model also keeps out quite a lot of trolls and griefers. People tend to be less of a dick when they have a monetary investment in a game.

Of course, EVE Online would be the exception to that... ;P
EVE players are paying for the RIGHT to be dicks to eachother. And I frankly salute that business decision

what I want to know is, will they still charge for the game at launch, if its subscription based, as that was always my biggest issue with the subscription model


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
A sub means everyone's on equal ground and the devs don't put time, effort, and resources into making the game frustrating enough to get you to pay cash... and someon just can't drop a wad of cash on OPing themselves and just stomp all over everyone who's invested time just playing the game.

I might give it a shot if I can get in on a trial.


New member
Aug 3, 2010
AzrealMaximillion said:
KeyMaster45 said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
Unless you your WoW or Eve, you can't survive on subscriptions anymore.
Or FF11, it's been chugging along nice and quiet like with a subscription model in the background of all the MMO hullabaloo. Its successor, FF14:ARR, will be following the same model.
The FF MMOs are a bad example of surviving on subscriptions considering they almost destroyed Square Enix. Especially FF14. Even so, WoW, EVE, and FF are the only games to have any success with a subscriber system. Everyone else either went F2P or went bankrupt.
"Square Enix president Yoichi Wada announced in June 2012 that Final Fantasy XI had become the most profitable title in the Final Fantasy series."

I kind of doubt it ruined square. Though XIV 1.0 almost did, XI subscriptions helped it survive to even attempt ARR.

A GOOD game that votes for Subscriptions, can help hold a company well. A bad game, however, can cripple it.


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Nurb said:
A sub means everyone's on equal ground and the devs don't put time, effort, and resources into making the game frustrating enough to get you to pay cash... and someon just can't drop a wad of cash on OPing themselves and just stomp all over everyone who's invested time just playing the game.

I might give it a shot if I can get in on a trial.
That is one thing checked off my list of points to make.

The second is that I am sick and tired of F2P and wish an mmo (other than WoW) would finally come out with all of it's content available from the start. I just need to wait and see if the game is worth it or finally decide to pick up GW2.


Social Office Corridor
Mar 31, 2010
I dunno. I'm not a fan of the argument "That's not an Elder Scrolls Experience" when he talks about building a free to play model. It's also not an Elder Scrolls Experience(tm) to lose all of your access to your progress if you don't pay $15 per month, which is the subscription model. So yeah.


My shoes hurt
Dec 30, 2009
Why not a free to play with subscription model? Like how Everquest or Runescape does it. Or buy to play.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
These MMO developers can throw in any excuse to justify putting in subscriptions they want to, but all of it is B.S. regardless. The real reason for it is they just want be able to just sit back have their customers keep throwing them money just to play a game they have already paid for in full while they do next to nothing, and definitely not anything to actually justify the cost. Subscription MMOs are all about greed and nothing more, always have been.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
There are other games out there I want to play. There are things that take up my free time.

I would very likely not be able to play Elder Scrolls Online enough to justify a monthly subscription. In fact, I can see myself not playing the game for months at a time, so why should I pay for that?

Guild Wars 2 made a flat price work, didn't it? Surely Elder Scrolls could do the same.


New member
Dec 20, 2009
I am happy, whether I am in the minority or not, that it's a subscription model. F2P is too scattered. Why does everyone think and compare it to GW2? GW2 is successful, maybe but it has only been out for a year and I know tons of people stopped playing, due to content. With that said, subscription worked fine for a while and if they actually intend to take some WOW players, those people are used to a subscription.

It seems everyone wants their stuff for free these days. These companies have to stay in business and want to make money. If you feel you are getting your money's worth buy it. No I am not telling you how to think or that you can't express your opinion, but ripping into a company for a business model just seems silly to me. I am surprised these f2P games can really survive for long, it's not a big money making venture.

I also hope EverQuestNext is subscription...