My thought exactly. Why not make money from purely cosmetic items like TF2 does? Though personally, I would prefer to just buy the game in a single purchase and play it.Mr.Pandah said:...Are there pay gates or pay worlds? I was under the understanding that the F2P model had things you can purchase but didn't restrict access to areas/portions of the game.
EVE players are paying for the RIGHT to be dicks to eachother. And I frankly salute that business decisionMinionJoe said:The subscription model also keeps out quite a lot of trolls and griefers. People tend to be less of a dick when they have a monetary investment in a game.
Of course, EVE Online would be the exception to that... ;P
"Square Enix president Yoichi Wada announced in June 2012 that Final Fantasy XI had become the most profitable title in the Final Fantasy series."AzrealMaximillion said:The FF MMOs are a bad example of surviving on subscriptions considering they almost destroyed Square Enix. Especially FF14. Even so, WoW, EVE, and FF are the only games to have any success with a subscriber system. Everyone else either went F2P or went bankrupt.KeyMaster45 said:Or FF11, it's been chugging along nice and quiet like with a subscription model in the background of all the MMO hullabaloo. Its successor, FF14:ARR, will be following the same model.Not G. Ivingname said:Unless you your WoW or Eve, you can't survive on subscriptions anymore.
That is one thing checked off my list of points to make.Nurb said:A sub means everyone's on equal ground and the devs don't put time, effort, and resources into making the game frustrating enough to get you to pay cash... and someon just can't drop a wad of cash on OPing themselves and just stomp all over everyone who's invested time just playing the game.
I might give it a shot if I can get in on a trial.