Election results discussion thread (and sadly the inevitable aftermath)

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Elite Member
Apr 24, 2020
United States

Protect Dr. Fauci!!!

Oh, and... Wray as well.



We must imagine Sisyphus horny
May 25, 2020
They're trying to beat the Dems in their own game
I think they are checking what day the ballots are postmarked, not that it matters provided they do the other check to see if there’s already a reported vote in another state, which is another thing that they check while counting. It’s an attempt tho.


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
They're trying to beat the Dems in their own game

To repeat what I said 19 pages ago: I'm tired of republicans being so ruled by demagogory that they can fall in line behind someone as grossly unqualified as Trump and look the other way on his every misdeed because "Democrats must be worse, otherwise they wouldn't be Democrats"


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
The battle between Al Gore and Bush in 2000 took 35 days to get a result, so that was a fact I learned today.

Can we just burn the government down and install people who will actually help the citizens instead of lining their own pockets from special interest groups? That would be better I think.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
I think the reason is that for every person prepared to crawl over broken glass for Trump, another would be prepared to crawl over broken glass to lock him away in a lead-lined box and throw it into the sea.
OK. At least that was funny. Cheered me up some.
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Previously known as an alleged "Feather-Rustler"
Apr 3, 2020
Corner of No and Where

To repeat what I said 19 pages ago: I'm tired of republicans being so ruled by demagogory that they can fall in line behind someone as grossly unqualified as Trump and look the other way on his every misdeed because "Democrats must be worse, otherwise they wouldn't be Democrats"
Hey whoa, don't question blind faith. Blind faith is all that's keeping Republicans from realizing they're stuck in dead end jobs in dying small towns and the rest of the nation moved on from them 50 years ago and think they smell and won't miss them when they're gone.


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
For the Russian Collusion thing once again, I remind everyone of this.

It's one of the reason Trump is fighting so hard to win this election. As Mueller said, once Trump is out, the government can start charging him for at least Obstruction.

I did find another one Politifact said is not true, don't recall what it is.
The shielding of the windows, under the circumstances, stinks. Appearances.
I'm having a very hard time believing a senile corporate whore hid in his basement, has 0 enthusiasm, but beat out a guy people would crawl over broken glass to vote for.
Because you're only seeing your side and your perceptive and how you feel about Trump.

Yes, There are a lot of people in the cult, and some republicans.

And there are a lot of people in this world that are utterly disgusted with Trump and what the Republicans have allowed. Take this forum as a microcosm. Most are dismayed that Trump even had 4 years.

It continues to baffle me that a lot of Republicans I meet say "God, stinking Democrats are everywhere, hating on everything Just Trump does" and then "How can there be these many votes for Biden?! CONSPIRACY BECAUSE THERE SIMPLY CAN'T BE THIS MANY EVEN THOUGH WE SAID WE SEE THEM EVERYWHERE!!"

And I say this genuinely. As someone who still have respect for you. I implore you to take a step back and look at what you're saying. It gives the air that you believe the only true outcomes are the ones that align with what you think is right. I don't doubt that Trump won 2016. I hate it. I wish it never happened. I see that Hillary got the popular vote, as most democrats have done since the Original Bush. But that doesn't erase that Trump got the College. And I never contested that. And Lord knows, the Republicans I've met along the way wouldn't even let you try. "GET OVER IT, HILLARY LOST" was the catchphrase of 2017.

But there must be some conspiracy if Trump loses?

Could it be that there are more people who dislike Trump than like him? That people look at the leader in a Crisis and see one who has failed? Who has admitted that he didn't even try? One who has let millions of jobs go. One who is trying to rip apart the environment protections, something polled as a bipartisan issue that people are concerned about. a leader who has rolled back countless civil right protections. Someone who's time and time again prioritized The American Economy over the American People. And those two things are not the same. Someone who dared say that he considered withholding funding from a state because they were mean to him? Someone who betrayed Veterans who came to this country, fought in our military, and still kicked them over the border even though they are OUR vets.

Or a party that feigns outrage if the opposite sides attempts to do an occurrence (Supreme Court), but can not wait at all to do the very thing they once feigned moral indigitation over. A party that does everything it can to strip away voting rights of an already marginalized people, but then tries to purge the votes that are already cast because it might make them lose? A party that cheers on Trump Trains and The Cult harassing others because they might not think like them for one election... but not understand what Minorities are protesting generations of torment from Government sanctioned police brutality.

If you can honestly look at all the things the Republican party did over the last four years and not understand why a new crop of people experienced it and are looking for a different way of governing... I don't know what to say to you anymore. I'm not saying I'm going to block you, because you've been largely respectful at all times. But people have experienced the things I've listed. I'VE experienced the things I've listed. How could any Republican look at all the things I've listed, that I say is important to me and that I and others have suffered though, and just say "The Economy, tho."
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Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine

To repeat what I said 19 pages ago: I'm tired of republicans being so ruled by demagogory that they can fall in line behind someone as grossly unqualified as Trump and look the other way on his every misdeed because "Democrats must be worse, otherwise they wouldn't be Democrats"
who is a republican
but you're winning! keep at it!
Or cheating and using the lie that Dems are cheating to justify themselves. You know, like Republicans have done for the last 30 years?
Hey whoa, don't question blind faith. Blind faith is all that's keeping Republicans from realizing they're stuck in dead end jobs in dying small towns and the rest of the nation moved on from them 50 years ago and think they smell and won't miss them when they're gone.
holy hell that's a lot of pent-up anger.
Dems made it so you could count ballots delivered 3 days after election day, so Trump campaign is reminding PA residents to mail in theirs... literally playing the Dem's own game. Or maybe you thought I meant the Dems were cheating, because you thought that article meant that the Reps were cheating? Because that's literally playing by their own rules HOLY SHIT WHAT IS UP WITH YOU GUYS


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
I'm pretty sure he means they died, dude.
They didn't die, dude.
Gib apology
Actually, no. They are alive and voted for Trump.

A few of our mutual acquaintances have passed. More have lasting complications. My mother, my Grandmother, my Uncle, and my cousin are not alive. They wouldn't have voted for Trump.

My ex-friends have met my mother on a number of occasions. They were treated like family. My mother asked how they were doing all the time.

These Politics that think Old people should die for the economy are politics I will lose friends over. Because they are politics that are immoral.

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Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
I think they are checking what day the ballots are postmarked, not that it matters provided they do the other check to see if there’s already a reported vote in another state, which is another thing that they check while counting. It’s an attempt tho.
They passed laws before the elections in PA so now they can still receive ballots in the mail and count 'em. Remember - count every vote!


Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
The battle between Al Gore and Bush in 2000 took 35 days to get a result, so that was a fact I learned today.

Can we just burn the government down and install people who will actually help the citizens instead of lining their own pockets from special interest groups? That would be better I think.
And let's not forget that Gore actually won Florida. But gave up. A good example of things to come with some members of the Democratic Party. That's why I became a Progressive.



Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
For the Russian Collusion thing once again, I remind everyone of this.

It's one of the reason Trump is fighting so hard to win this election. As Mueller said, once Trump is out, the government can start charging him for at least Obstruction.

Because you're only seeing your side and your perceptive and how you feel about Trump.

Yes, There are a lot of people in the cult, and some republicans.

And there are a lot of people in this world that are utterly disgusted with Trump and what the Republicans have allowed. Take this forum as a microcosm. Most are dismayed that Trump even had 4 years.

It continues to baffle me that a lot of Republicans I meet say "God, stinking Democrats are everywhere, hating on everything Just Trump does" and then "How can there be these many votes for Biden?! CONSPIRACY BECAUSE THERE SIMPLY CAN'T BE THIS MANY EVEN THOUGH WE SAID WE SEE THEM EVERYWHERE!!"

And I say this genuinely. As someone who still have respect for you. I implore you to take a step back and look at what you're saying. It gives the air that you believe the only true outcomes are the ones that align with what you think is right. I don't doubt that Trump won 2016. I hate it. I wish it never happened. I see that Hillary got the popular vote, as most democrats have done since the Original Bush. But that doesn't erase that Trump got the College. And I never contested that. And Lord knows, the Republicans I've met along the way wouldn't even let you try. "GET OVER IT, HILLARY LOST" was the catchphrase of 2017.

But there must be some conspiracy if Trump loses?

Could it be that there are more people who dislike Trump than like him? That people look at the leader in a Crisis and see one who has failed? Who has admitted that he didn't even try? One who has let millions of jobs go. One who is trying to rip apart the environment protections, something polled as a bipartisan issue that people are concerned about. a leader who has rolled back countless civil right protections. Someone who's time and time again prioritized The American Economy over the American People. And those two things are not the same. Someone who dared say that he considered withholding funding from a state because they were mean to him? Someone who betrayed Veterans who came to this country, fought in our military, and still kicked them over the border even though they are OUR vets.

Or a party that feigns outrage if the opposite sides attempts to do an occurrence (Supreme Court), but can not wait at all to do the very thing they once feigned moral indigitation over. A party that does everything it can to strip away voting rights of an already marginalized people, but then tries to purge the votes that are already cast because it might make them lose? A party that cheers on Trump Trains and The Cult harassing others because they might not think like them for one election... but not understand what Minorities are protesting generations of torment from Government sanctioned police brutality.

If you can honestly look at all the things the Republican party did over the last four years and not understand why a new crop of people experienced it and are looking for a different way of governing... I don't know what to say to you anymore. I'm not saying I'm going to block you, because you've been largely respectful at all times. But people have experienced the things I've listed. I'VE experienced the things I've listed. How could any Republican look at all the things I've listed, that I say is important to me and that I and others have suffered though, and just say "The Economy, tho."
I'm sure someone will start a "what do you think the Biden Presidency means" prediction thread soon. I don't think I should start one. A supporter should do so. I will try to contribute to it without hyperbole.


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
I'm sure someone will start a "what do you think the Biden Presidency means" prediction thread soon. I don't think I should start one. A supporter should do so. I will try to contribute to it without hyperbole.
Absolutely nothing with Senate and Congress under Rep control


Answer Hazy, Ask Again Later
Jun 15, 2011
who is a republican
but you're winning! keep at it!

holy hell that's a lot of pent-up anger.
Dems made it so you could count ballots delivered 3 days after election day, so Trump campaign is reminding PA residents to mail in theirs... literally playing the Dem's own game. Or maybe you thought I meant the Dems were cheating, because you thought that article meant that the Reps were cheating? Because that's literally playing by their own rules HOLY SHIT WHAT IS UP WITH YOU GUYS
That's a fundamental misunderstanding of the ruling. The ruling is not that the voting process was extended for several days, it is that ballots mailed before the polls closed but delayed at the post office will not be unduly penalized. The ruling actually is quite explicit on that point, noting that if a "preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that it was mailed after Election Day", it is not valid. What the Wisconsin Campaign is allegedly doing is literally a solicitation to commit voter fraud, albeit one that would be difficult to conclusively prove in criminal court because it'd be relatively difficult to prove mens rea.
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Elite Member
Apr 29, 2020
United States
I'm sure someone will start a "what do you think the Biden Presidency means" prediction thread soon. I don't think I should start one. A supporter should do so. I will try to contribute to it without hyperbole.
Then we should also make a thread about "How did Trump's Presidency affect our Country" thread as well. A supporter should make it as well.

It's fine to Predict what Biden could do. What direct he can take our Country. That's well and fine to do. But If the Trump's Presidency thread gets made, then everything should be counted. The things that when are brought up, people don't answer directly. All the things I said. The encouragement Trump has given to these Republican "Bad Actors".
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Elite Member
Jun 2, 2020
who is a republican
but you're winning! keep at it!

holy hell that's a lot of pent-up anger.
Dems made it so you could count ballots delivered 3 days after election day, so Trump campaign is reminding PA residents to mail in theirs... literally playing the Dem's own game. Or maybe you thought I meant the Dems were cheating, because you thought that article meant that the Reps were cheating? Because that's literally playing by their own rules HOLY SHIT WHAT IS UP WITH YOU GUYS
I mean you know that it's for mail in ballots postmarked before or on election day, not posted days after. I know you know that because you're not stupid. You know there's a difference so why are you pretending that there isn't.
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