Electronic Arts Repeats as "Worst Company in America"


Need superslick, Kupo.
Dec 7, 2009
But when "we live in an era marked by massive oil spills, faulty foreclosures by bad banks and rampant consolidation in the airline and telecom industries," as the site notes, does this poll really suggest that EA is the Worst Company in America, or is it just the easiest one for people on the internet to get mad at?
The impact of it's disasters isn't what makes it the worst company in America. It's the fact that they have the capacity to turn everything around and don't that makes it the worst company in America.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
mattttherman3 said:
Mass Effect 3 a mistep? REALLY? Fuck you EA. The only problem that the most vocal of us sited was the damned ending. Do not tell me your sales figures were poor, that is bullshit. I refuse to believe it. Especially since DLC(SOME OF IT FREE) was produced for a full year after release, you do not continue to invest in a failed game. Fucking jerks.
It was the Consumerist that listed that list of missteps. Not EA.


OT: This is why we cannot have nice things.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Daystar Clarion said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Not trying to downplay what EA has done because they are pretty shit in their own right, but out of some of the companies listed I think they are much worse than them. Some of those companies screwed with people's livelihoods and somehow a company that makes entertainment gets the top spot.

Makes me wonder sometimes.
Just goes to show, that vidja gaems are srs bsnss :D

I'd like post something from another thread about this, I think it's a rather good point.

itsthesheppy said:
The reason EA crushes it in a competition like this is because people have been conditioned to expect that utilities, banks, and energy companies are just going to be evil. Malice for mankind is built right into the type of business they're in. Nobody buys a plane ticket sure that their experience is going to be rosy. Nobody takes out a loan and expects to walk out of the bank smiling, feeling like they're a valued customer. We go into those businesses expecting to be bent over, and we're usually happy if the company uses lube first.

EA, however, is supposed to be selling us products that make life happier. They're selling a product that's supposed to be a pure positive. Not only that, but they are so big that their business practices are leaking over into and influencing the rest of the video game market, an area of business that is deeply important to many people. So when a company is evil there, we expect it less, and so the betrayal hurts more.

Bank of America lost (and lost big) because everyone expects them to be assholes. They can be proud of that; that they got the #2 worst company in america because everyone expects them to suck and they didn't disappoint. But EA won by a landslide because they're not supposed to suck, but they do it anyway. Not only that, they do it with an open contempt that even banks and utilities have learned to at least try and mask. EA is so new to the "being evil" game that they're naked and obvious about it, and that's doubly insulting.

That's why they won. Because they're not supposed to be able to trade punches with BoA and Comcast and Ticketmaster, but they do it anyway, and do it well. They're the Rocky Balboa of shit companies. A well deserved win.
Thanks for the plug, Daystar. You're a good guy. EDIT: Good person. I have no evidence you're a guy or a girl.

That's pretty much it, folks. If you're wondering why they won, it's because they're pretty much the only company on that list that shouldn't such but does anyway, and with such contempt for their consumers that we're insulted to the point where we'll happily send them messages like this.

Compounded with tone-deaf non-apologies from their COO and what you have is a recipe for a company in serious decline.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
So, any chance of a comment from Peter 'the tallest tree' Moore on this illustrious victory? I really hope they do try and winge about it as much as they did because they got to the semi-final, I need a good laugh and the SimCity fiasco was ever so long ago.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
EA is evil and all, but there's no way they should have won this. When a bank does evil, people go broke and lose their houses and stuff. When EA does evil, we have bad video game-related experiences.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Can people stop freaking out over how stupid gamers are? Please, for the love of god


New member
Apr 9, 2013
Everyone knows how awful BP, BoA, and Haliburton are. But they won't care about online polls. EA does, and if last year was any indication, actual stock losses and reprecussions (CEO stepping down) came about.


New member
Dec 7, 2009
itsthesheppy said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Fiz_The_Toaster said:
Not trying to downplay what EA has done because they are pretty shit in their own right, but out of some of the companies listed I think they are much worse than them. Some of those companies screwed with people's livelihoods and somehow a company that makes entertainment gets the top spot.

Makes me wonder sometimes.
Just goes to show, that vidja gaems are srs bsnss :D

I'd like post something from another thread about this, I think it's a rather good point.

itsthesheppy said:
The reason EA crushes it in a competition like this is because people have been conditioned to expect that utilities, banks, and energy companies are just going to be evil. Malice for mankind is built right into the type of business they're in. Nobody buys a plane ticket sure that their experience is going to be rosy. Nobody takes out a loan and expects to walk out of the bank smiling, feeling like they're a valued customer. We go into those businesses expecting to be bent over, and we're usually happy if the company uses lube first.

EA, however, is supposed to be selling us products that make life happier. They're selling a product that's supposed to be a pure positive. Not only that, but they are so big that their business practices are leaking over into and influencing the rest of the video game market, an area of business that is deeply important to many people. So when a company is evil there, we expect it less, and so the betrayal hurts more.

Bank of America lost (and lost big) because everyone expects them to be assholes. They can be proud of that; that they got the #2 worst company in america because everyone expects them to suck and they didn't disappoint. But EA won by a landslide because they're not supposed to suck, but they do it anyway. Not only that, they do it with an open contempt that even banks and utilities have learned to at least try and mask. EA is so new to the "being evil" game that they're naked and obvious about it, and that's doubly insulting.

That's why they won. Because they're not supposed to be able to trade punches with BoA and Comcast and Ticketmaster, but they do it anyway, and do it well. They're the Rocky Balboa of shit companies. A well deserved win.
Thanks for the plug, Daystar. You're a good guy. EDIT: Good person. I have no evidence you're a guy or a girl.

That's pretty much it, folks. If you're wondering why they won, it's because they're pretty much the only company on that list that shouldn't such but does anyway, and with such contempt for their consumers that we're insulted to the point where we'll happily send them messages like this.

Compounded with tone-deaf non-apologies from their COO and what you have is a recipe for a company in serious decline.
Well shit... Took all my thunder... oh wait, and at least banks etc try to show a nice side and apologize for they reason they are evil, "it is just the way the loan is setup". EA just sticks their fingers in their ears and screams "not listening to you we are nice and love kittens!"

Nothing like pretending you have no idea why people are pissed at you and LYING all the time about what happened. Because people love you when you insult their intelligence.... MMO my ass......


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Other than the 'people expect banks/insurance companies/etc. to suck', a large part of why EA rockets to the top is because it's a global distributor that makes a unique product you can't get anywhere else. You want a shirt but don't like Wal*Mart? Go to Target, go to Mandee's, go to a local clothes store, buy one off the internet, you have a lot of other options besides Wal*Mart. Want to bank but hate Bank of America? There's Chase, TD Bank, Citi Bank, and a whole lot more. Want to fuel up your car but find BP too shady? You've got Shell, Hess, Texaco, and etc. Want to get Dead Space but hate EA? Tough shit, it's EA or no Dead Space for you.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Karathos said:
You gotta love it. Banks and insurance companies are causing actual homelessness and are ripping off people and literally ruining their lives in this current economical climate. EA makes us play games with a constant internet connection and puts microtransactions into their games. And people proclaim EA worse than these companies that actually ruin actual real lives of actual families because MUH GAME IS RUINED BY DIS MICROTRANSACTION ;___;

First world problems on a GALACTIC scale.

And before the instant knee-jerk reaction, I'm not defending EA's shit business practices. They are shit, that's a given, boohoo waah. But comparing a gaming company making you unhappy with their style in the industry of video games against companies that force people out of their homes so they have to live on the street is paste-eatingly, mouth-breathingly, banging-your-ehad-against-a-wall retarded.
You know, I really wish people would stop insulting others for not making the "right" choice when it comes to voting on an opinion based poll.

Brad Shepard

New member
Sep 9, 2009
canadamus_prime said:
Again, what? Worst company in America?? Really? I mean I hate EA, I really do, but worst company in America? I don't think I'd even put them in the Top 5, Top 10 maybe, Top 25 certainly, but #1 hardly.
Think about it this way, If like, BP or BoA do something shady or something like that, its just on them, but if EA does something like say, make a quick cash in game, other game companies are going to look at it like "OH! thats the hot thing right now! We got to do that!" because they make so much money, being one of the leading game companies right now, thus, other game companies will make shitty cash in games, thus, bringing down the whole medium in general. An oil spill can just hurt BP's image, a shitty game made by EA can bring down the collection of video game companies in general, thats why they "won" this contest two years in a row, plus, we saw his reactions, blaming homophobes and "Whiny madden fans" In my mind, they had it coming, i would hope for a hat trick next year, but i honestly hope they are gone by this time next year.

Im not even going to get into how they treat there employees.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
I think people are forgetting the source. You would see a different result if the site was called The Ecologist, The Economist or The Humanitarian(ist?). But the site is called The Consumerist, and nothing pisses off consumers like fucking with their leisure.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
"Second verse, same as the first.
This time though, a little bit worse.."

I've banged on about BoA and TWC being far, far, far worse companies already (in just about every way). But I know that repeating those arguments here is a fruitless exercise; the outcome is decided.

Might as well make the best of the situation and break out the Popcorn...maybe Marshmallows if this heats up.

*crosses fingers, hoping EA responds*

EDIT: I see a common defense for the outcome that goes along the lines "EA hasn't paid their dues like everyone else. Companies like BP and BofA have been sued, and now it's EA's turn...etc"

Realize this is only further proof that EA doesn't deserve it.
There is a reason those institutions are receiving REAL financial and legal punishment instead this minor castigation from an internet poll.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
It's like this. Most of the companies on the list are bad, but have wound up seriously getting theirs. As this article mentions "Bank Of America" has wound up getting slammed in the long run by the people it victimizes, and the US goverment. It's suffered 40 billion in lawsuit settlements for it's behavior. Companies like "Haliburton", British Petroleum, Wal*Mart, and others, have all taken their lumps in return over a period of time.

The thing with EA is that their behavior is so far met with smug invulnerability. EA does all of the garbage that people hate it for, yet it never winds up suffering any penelties for it, it keeps right on doing what it's doing, creating things like EULAs that prevent class action suits to prevent these kinds of responses, while pretty much telling people that they can either deal with their greed and abuse, or go without their video games and IPs.

It's important to note that EA's influance is also felt throughout the world of media, the things it spearheads like Microtransactions, DRM, etc... (even when it doesn't invent them) tend to then get picked up by other media producers. The fact that it's rapidly getting to the point where you can't play a game without being online constantly, and are going to be nickel and dimed even with single player games, largely comes from EA, and other forms of media are apparently looking at their success and finding ways to exploit it.

To put things into perspective, Bank Of America might have done some really bad things, but it only really effected some of their customers who noticed. BP caused oil spills, and they are nasty, and will be a chore to clean up, but don't directly effect most people in the civilized world and will eventually be dealt with. EA on the other hand has brought it's antics into most people's homes and lives, even if indirectly. You can arguably blame EA for your kid who runs up a $5,000 microtransaction bill, because they are the ones who largely made it so everyone and their brother are jumping on that bandwagon.

Honestly I think what we're seeing with EA's election is more of a sign that the goverment really needs to get involved to stop the kind of exploitions EA is involved in, while not currently illegal, or regulated they probably should be. I think people are pissed because EA keeps feeding them crow and nothing happens, because there is no avenue to effectively pursue it unless you want to go without their product. At least with say Bank Of America you can file lawsuits (and win, as you see) and can choose other banks. With EA, if you want want of those IPs you pretty much have to deal with all their DLC/Microtransaction scams, DRM, always online connections, nor do you have any real recourse if they wind up screwing you on a product unless they choose to provide one (see "Simcity" and the problems people have had getting refunds for it). You can't just choose to say buy "Dead Space 3" from someone else that isn't going to put douchy microtransactions into it.

I think a lot of people laughing about this tend to mostly think in terms of how EA is "only" a video game company without bothering to look at it in the big picture and how it pisses people off. Sure in the scope of things their product seems petty, but the invulnerability with which they exploit people is not. Not to mention that IPs, digital property, etc... are becoming a big deal nowadays and the precedents EA is establishing are very bad for the consumer. Practices EA makes normal now could be being used to exploit consumers for centuries down the road, long beyond the time someone finally finishes cleaning up one of those huge BP spills with engineered bacteria ( or whatever method the use, but I've been hearing stuff about how ever-improving petroleum munching bacteria is going to solve this problem in the long term... an idea going back probably decades now, I believe Dean Koontz used such as the weapon that eventually killed the monster in the book version of "Phantasms" as well if I remember... just to end with a bit of pointless nerd trivia).

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Brad Shepard said:
canadamus_prime said:
Again, what? Worst company in America?? Really? I mean I hate EA, I really do, but worst company in America? I don't think I'd even put them in the Top 5, Top 10 maybe, Top 25 certainly, but #1 hardly.
Think about it this way, If like, BP or BoA do something shady or something like that, its just on them, but if EA does something like say, make a quick cash in game, other game companies are going to look at it like "OH! thats the hot thing right now! We got to do that!" because they make so much money, being one of the leading game companies right now, thus, other game companies will make shitty cash in games, thus, bringing down the whole medium in general. An oil spill can just hurt BP's image, a shitty game made by EA can bring down the collection of video game companies in general, thats why they "won" this contest two years in a row, plus, we saw his reactions, blaming homophobes and "Whiny madden fans" In my mind, they had it coming, i would hope for a hat trick next year, but i honestly hope they are gone by this time next year.

Im not even going to get into how they treat there employees.
Well I suppose that's true too. Never thought about it that way.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
I think if you look at the actual implications the actions of big banks, Walmart and some of the other businesses that were up for the vote, they are far worse then EA. EA sucks and it's actions are bad for the gaming industry as a whole but these other businesses corrupt governments, destabilize nations for profit and so much more that it almost becomes difficult to wrap your head around. It seems like the poll is completely wasted when it goes to small fry like EA.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Andy Shandy said:
Yeah, count me as one of those people that believe that there are much worse companies than EA, and that they only won because gamers are more... "internet ready" for want of a much better phrase, than some of the other people who would be complaining about the other companies.

Not to say that EA haven't done some bad shit but I think there should be some perspective when it comes to things like this.

I am not a fan of EA in the slightest, but being voted as the worst company in the entire country is a joke.
Scars Unseen said:
I think people are forgetting the source. You would see a different result if the site was called The Ecologist, The Economist or The Humanitarian(ist?). But the site is called The Consumerist, and nothing pisses off consumers like fucking with their leisure.
Although this is also a good point. It's not like a national survey was done to establish the countries opinion. This was done by a very specific publication.


New member
Apr 9, 2013
inkheart_artist said:
I think if you look at the actual implications the actions of big banks, Walmart and some of the other businesses that were up for the vote, they are far worse then EA. EA sucks and it's actions are bad for the gaming industry as a whole but these other businesses corrupt governments, destabilize nations for profit and so much more that it almost becomes difficult to wrap your head around. It seems like the poll is completely wasted when it goes to small fry like EA.
I think you're overestimating the power of a plastic poo trophy when it comes to the other companies.