Electronic Arts Wants To Be Voted Best Company In America


New member
Oct 1, 2012
All I can say is "Good. Luck."
Cause selling microtransactions for respect, newsflash: Will not work this time.
Also this is the internet, may God be with you if you're trying to get EVERYONE to like you.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
They only doing what they are doing now because they're trying to limit the PR damage. It's not a genuine change.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Reed Spacer said:
FIFA, Madden and NHL practically define milking ~ each year they release a new edition, the only differences being minor graphic tweaks and different names and numbers on the uniforms, and every year the sheep buy it.
No. No they are not and this attitude people have of sport games irks me so much. Especially because so many people who foolishly hold this belief just LOVE to call me a sheep for buying them when I could make the same exact criticism of just about every game that is a franchise.

I'm sorry if you don't like sport games but there is a LOT of changes made between the games that you don't see if you don't play them. It's an absolutely ludacris take to call sport games "roster updates" every year (though granted, there are years where there are minimal changes made like Madden 12; I did not purchase it because it didn't do enough to distinguish itself from 11).

Hell, FIFA 12 and Madden 13 completely rebuilt their animation system and it has 100% changed the game. I could never ever pick Madden 12 back up because the changes made were incredibly drastic. It'd be like going back to 98 with the top down 2D sprites. FIFA 13 added a brand new league-play for multi-player which drastically changes how online play works (I do not own 14 but when I played the demo, the ball physics are much better). Madden 25 added a ton of changes to the online franchise mode that drastically changes how online franchises work and made some changes to the physics system to make it more realistic.

So no, they are not the same thing and I would greatly appreciate it if people would stop insulting me because I like them.


Senior Member
Aug 7, 2011
EA makes up a majority of my Gamecube game's list. Granted I was young and didn't have much consumer sense, but I still enjoy myself today when I play the James Bond games they released. If the games are good and aren't blatant money making schemes or just plain bad I will probably start buying from you again.

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Well, the good news is that EA hasn't done anything particularly heinous this year beyond not pulling a complete 180 on everything they did wrong the last couple of years. So there probably won't be any huge surge to stack the votes against them from angry gamers. Hell, if anything, Microsoft might win it this year. Though personally I'm rooting for a tie between every retailer that signed off on "Black Thursday" (online retailers excepted).


New member
Oct 14, 2010
If they truly do think they can turn things around, more power to them. If being called the worst company twice took down the online pass it means something good.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
Nothing has fucking changed. It's now a well-known fact that EA pushed Battlefield 4 out of the door despite knowing full-well it was NOWHERE NEAR ready for release, with the intention to beat CoD:Ghosts's launch by 1 week.
And I don't even know why the fuck a game like Battlefield would need to "compete" with a game like CoD, they cater to completely different audiences and do completely different things!

Rodolphe Kourkenko

New member
Dec 10, 2012
trty00 said:
EA, I'm not excusing your anti-consumer practices, but there's no way in hell you deserved to be voted 'Worst Company in America' two years in a row, that's a fact. The only reason you ever won that is because the internet is full of introverts who only focus on the smaller picture, ignoring mass corruption or downright illegal and manipulative actions in favor of focusing on online inconveniences and, arguably, lackluster products.

And because the internet also tends to be a vindictive ***** that LOVES to hold a grudge, I don't think you'll be digging yourself out of the hole anytime soon.
I voted for them for the last poll, not because they're the worst (faaar from it) but because they cared about it.
Do you think that Bank of America or companies like Goldman Sachs care ? pfff they don't give a s.... about it. The "firm" don't care because they're already milking you. So, please, don't make generality, everyone is different (even if, i agree, some can be as you describe) it undermines the rest of your post which should not be the case since it's interesting.

I voted EA because they're able to do better and to change. Some announcement about "not making a Star War game from the movies" or postponing DAi for examples are good first steps. But, as a pc player, it's not good enough, Orign must not be mandatory, put your games on steam, stop milking IP (like the Sims3's store or your sport's games) and forget the "always online" for Simcity.

After that, well, microtransactions of course, not forgetting poor Dlc and never, never say a single time "pay2win".

A this moment, i'll honest and vote for you. Until that, i'm boycotting any of your game.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Yeah, and I want to be named sexiest man alive.

Much as I love John De Lancie, I believe this drives the point home here...


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Baahahahahahahaha great now the only thing your going to have to do is scrap origin the most ridiculously draconian piece of DRM I have ever seen I was genuinely looking forward to battlefield 3 before you took a dump in punchbowl by adding origin to the party. If more people were bothered to read the terms of service of origin your servers would be empty and I can honestly say if that did happen and EA went bankrupt I would dance for fucking joy!

You have bought and killed 5 games studios. 2 of which made games I grew up playing and fell in love with (Bullfrog and Westwood) so you will never have my custom, trust or respect until you make some pretty dramatic changes to your current business model.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Well that's good.

You have to start from somewhere.

Nothing is so bad it can't be fixed, and it's never too late to turn a new page and start over.

If EA wants to try and not be utterly incompetent, then I'll cheer them on every time they make a good move.


Warning! Contains bananas!
Jun 21, 2009

Well, nothing's stopping you from trying, EA.

And if you fail, take hope in being well on your way to Funniest Company in America.

CAPTCHA: for sure
Damn straight.


New member
Jul 19, 2010
So long as they do what it takes for that to happen then I've got very little to complain about.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Voted "best company in America"? Well, sure, EA, that's something to shoot for. Small steps. I mean, I'm sure there's a few people in Montserrat who've never even heard of you, who you could probably convince to vote for...

...waaaaaaait, you mean in the United States of America?

Sorry, but unless you have the phone number of a Marvel Comics supervillain and can arrange for a powerful amnesiac drug to be released into the water supply of the entire nation, you've fomented far too much ill-will with all your poor decisions to ever hope to be the "best company in America".

Maybe if you lie low for a couple of decades, try not to do anything stupid and hope that the memories fade....


New member
Nov 18, 2009
EA, as things stand I can see only one way you'll achieve this.

Step One: Buy up all other companies in America.
Step Two: Make them worse than you yourselves are.
Step Three: ????
Step Four: Profit.

Have fun.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Once again, someone from EA misses the distinction that the contest has always been about the "worst" company from a standpoint as a consumer. Keep peddling that spin EA, because if you acknowledge that you may well deserve the title from a consumer perspective than you may not get the triple this year.