omicron1 said:
Question is, are Faraday cages going to become the next hot item in near-future warfare?
All in all, though, this is cool. Should've been kept a secret, though, until its first use. Surprise is a powerful weapon, too.
I don't think you realize what a faraday cage actually is/does. a faraday cage is a metal structure created out of metal (typically iron, or steel) rods that when placed at given distances from each other create a wall for high frequency waves. much like a cell phone, and other radio frequency based systems.
this is based on the principle that the rods reflect the steady signal back on itself, and create interference in the form of noise. this does not stop the waves from passing through the "wall" it just causes interference from clear/constant signal. and realistically most building constructed after the 1990s technically are feraday cages because of the amount of re-bar the is required by building codes for all structures taller then 3 stories, and different compositions of buildings were probably included in the test (to see what if anything could block/minimize it)