Energy Crisis Solved by Science


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Not sure if anyone here has heard the news, but a scientific discovery may solve human-kinds energy crisis, as well as dramatically cut down world-wide pollution and Co2 emissions. As you know, coal is quickly running out, with predictions saying we could run out of fossil fuels in as little as 100 years. Here's some facts about these new 'Kernel' power plants:

1. They require NO FOSSIL FUELS - Instead using fuel called Actinouranium which is a renewable source of energy that could power the world for 10,000+ years. In fact, Actinouranium the size of a pencil eraser can provide as much power as 6 tons of coal. The icing on the cake is that use of this fuel creates zero (0) greenhouse gases.

2. The difficulty of mining coal, as well as coal emission pollution is responsible for an average of 30,000 deaths -Per year- in the US, and as many as 500,000 per year in China. That's half a million fatalities a year in one country! Comparatively, in the mining and production of Kernel power, there have been zero recorded deaths in the US.

3. Waste- Apart from the mentioned greenhouse gases produced by coal, it also produces approximately 3 tones of ash -Per Second- and over 100,000,000 *One Hundred Million* tones of waste per year. To compare, Kernel power produces just small amount of spent Actinouranium rods per year, which can be safely stowed deep underground without posing any threats to the environment.

It's getting late, so I'll sum up. More efficient, cleaner, cheaper, renewable energy that could sustain the human race for many thousands of years, till we come up with an even more effective way of power production.

-For the intelligent ones, I've steered away from words that have a negative stigma attached to them, call it an experiment- Read more


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Kernel power eh? Sounds pretty corny to me. You do realize that Actinouranium is Uranium 235?


New member
Feb 6, 2008
`Actinouranium'? So... nuclear power then? And I'm pretty sure people have died while mining for Uranium (though I will agree, there have been no deaths due to mining in the US -- mainly because it's not mined in the US).


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Leppy said:
Not sure if anyone here has heard the news, but a scientific discovery may solve human-kinds energy crisis, as well as dramatically cut down world-wide pollution and Co2 emissions. As you know, coal is quickly running out, with predictions saying we could run out of fossil fuels in as little as 100 years. Here's some facts about these new 'Kernel' power plants:

1. They require NO FOSSIL FUELS - Instead using fuel called Actinouranium which is a renewable source of energy that could power the world for 10,000+ years. In fact, Actinouranium the size of a pencil eraser can provide as much power as 6 tons of coal. The icing on the cake is that use of this fuel creates zero (0) greenhouse gases.

2. The difficulty of mining coal, as well as coal emission pollution is responsible for an average of 30,000 deaths -Per year- in the US, and as many as 500,000 per year in China. That's half a million fatalities a year in one country! Comparatively, in the mining and production of Kernel power, there have been zero recorded deaths in the US.

3. Waste- Apart from the mentioned greenhouse gases produced by coal, it also produces approximately 3 tones of ash -Per Second- and over 100,000,000 *One Hundred Million* tones of waste per year. To compare, Kernel power produces just small amount of spent Actinouranium rods per year, which can be safely stowed deep underground without posing any threats to the environment.

It's getting late, so I'll sum up. More efficient, cleaner, cheaper, renewable energy that could sustain the human race for many thousands of years, till we come up with an even more effective way of power production.

-For the intelligent ones, I've steered away from words that have a negative stigma attached to them, call it an experiment- Read more
You do realise that this fuel produces large quantities of lethally dangerous, HIGHLY polluting waste that remains a persistent lethal threat for millenia, that is costly and very dangerous to store, nearly impossible to dispose of safely, and that in the event of an accident at the power plant, almost unlimited environmental damage can result.

Also, the mining of it is dangerous and limited.

Interesting experiment you're trying out, but anything can be made to seem good if you don't mention the bad ;)

BTW, Actinouranium = Uranium 235, for those wondering ;)


New member
Mar 28, 2010
I'm still confused on what these new 'Kernel' power plant are...Don't tell me, it runs on Vista?

All forms of energy sources emit CO2 either primarily or secondarily and I believe any fission based nuclear power plants are inefficient no matter what.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I thought we were all just sitting around waiting for those crazy scientists to figure out nuclear fusion? Then we just power the world with treated sea water...


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Wicky_42 said:
Leppy said:
Not sure if anyone here has heard the news, but a scientific discovery may solve human-kinds energy crisis, as well as dramatically cut down world-wide pollution and Co2 emissions. As you know, coal is quickly running out, with predictions saying we could run out of fossil fuels in as little as 100 years. Here's some facts about these new 'Kernel' power plants:

1. They require NO FOSSIL FUELS - Instead using fuel called Actinouranium which is a renewable source of energy that could power the world for 10,000+ years. In fact, Actinouranium the size of a pencil eraser can provide as much power as 6 tons of coal. The icing on the cake is that use of this fuel creates zero (0) greenhouse gases.

2. The difficulty of mining coal, as well as coal emission pollution is responsible for an average of 30,000 deaths -Per year- in the US, and as many as 500,000 per year in China. That's half a million fatalities a year in one country! Comparatively, in the mining and production of Kernel power, there have been zero recorded deaths in the US.

3. Waste- Apart from the mentioned greenhouse gases produced by coal, it also produces approximately 3 tones of ash -Per Second- and over 100,000,000 *One Hundred Million* tones of waste per year. To compare, Kernel power produces just small amount of spent Actinouranium rods per year, which can be safely stowed deep underground without posing any threats to the environment.

It's getting late, so I'll sum up. More efficient, cleaner, cheaper, renewable energy that could sustain the human race for many thousands of years, till we come up with an even more effective way of power production.

-For the intelligent ones, I've steered away from words that have a negative stigma attached to them, call it an experiment- Read more
You do realise that this fuel produces large quantities of lethally dangerous, HIGHLY polluting waste that remains a persistent lethal threat for millenia, that is costly and very dangerous to store, nearly impossible to dispose of safely, and that in the event of an accident at the power plant, almost unlimited environmental damage can result.

Also, the mining of it is dangerous and limited.

Interesting experiment you're trying out, but anything can be made to seem good if you don't mention the bad ;)

BTW, Actinouranium = Uranium 235, for those wondering ;)
did you know death prevents you from getting any sicknesses? it also stops all crisis's from effecting you in the slightest!

OT- well, that sounds nice and all, but i feel you left out a lot and the post was hella vague in explaining what actinouranium actually does.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Ok, this is good, but it's nuclear power, and frankly, after chernobyl, people are a bit cautious of using such materials.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
Leppy said:
3. Waste- Apart from the mentioned greenhouse gases produced by coal, it also produces approximately 3 tones of ash -Per Second- and over 100,000,000 *One Hundred Million* tones of waste per year. To compare, Kernel power produces just small amount of spent Actinouranium rods per year, which can be safely stowed deep underground without posing any threats to the environment.
Please tell me this is sarcasm.
Waste is the issue of nuclear power precisely because you can't just put it underground and pretend it doesn't exist (although most governments do just that anyway).

Are you by any chance a NEI representative?


New member
May 5, 2011
Leppy said:
Not sure if anyone here has heard the news, but a scientific discovery may solve human-kinds energy crisis, as well as dramatically cut down world-wide pollution and Co2 emissions. As you know, coal is quickly running out, with predictions saying we could run out of fossil fuels in as little as 100 years. Here's some facts about these new 'Kernel' power plants:

1. They require NO FOSSIL FUELS - Instead using fuel called Actinouranium which is a renewable source of energy that could power the world for 10,000+ years. In fact, Actinouranium the size of a pencil eraser can provide as much power as 6 tons of coal. The icing on the cake is that use of this fuel creates zero (0) greenhouse gases.

2. The difficulty of mining coal, as well as coal emission pollution is responsible for an average of 30,000 deaths -Per year- in the US, and as many as 500,000 per year in China. That's half a million fatalities a year in one country! Comparatively, in the mining and production of Kernel power, there have been zero recorded deaths in the US.

3. Waste- Apart from the mentioned greenhouse gases produced by coal, it also produces approximately 3 tones of ash -Per Second- and over 100,000,000 *One Hundred Million* tones of waste per year. To compare, Kernel power produces just small amount of spent Actinouranium rods per year, which can be safely stowed deep underground without posing any threats to the environment.

It's getting late, so I'll sum up. More efficient, cleaner, cheaper, renewable energy that could sustain the human race for many thousands of years, till we come up with an even more effective way of power production.

-For the intelligent ones, I've steered away from words that have a negative stigma attached to them, call it an experiment- Read more
Fusion or bust. Unless you find a suitable way of storing the waste materials (which can also be used for great destruction) then fission creates more problems than it solves.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
well all we need to do is not see how much extra power we can get by taking the control rods further out. like the russians at chernobyl. anyway, i'm a supported of nuclear power, except when it goes wrong, because thats like a nuclear explosion. mainly because it is. but it does provide a lot of power.
the problem is the waste. we need lead boxes to keep the waste safe, then we need to bury them, then wait a few thousand years.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
So it's just smaller amounts of nuclear fuel? That's fine, I suppose, but just finding a place to put the plants that keep it save from environmental contamination and natural disasters would limit the availability of it.

That, and since it seems to be more potent than the normal uranium used for nuclear fuel, so disposal would be a major concern. Facilities like Yucca Mountain would suffice for the disposal, but it's almost guaranteed that not every country would have access to or even bother to construct such disposal sites. Environmental contamination would be a major risk, and with everyone still on edge after the Fukushima catastrophe you'd be hard pressed to find many who would support the effort without an enormous amount of regulation.

That does make me wonder, though... Why don't we just sent our waste to the sun yet? Load up a rocket with spent fuel, launch and let inertia coast it to the big ball o' fire..


New member
Sep 26, 2009
"Actinouranium"... so it's nuclear powered. I'm not calling our energy crisis over because there's a new form of fuel, especially a nuclear powered one.


New member
Apr 29, 2011
Eh, so wait a minute. This would lead to nuclear-driven cars? Haven't you guys played Fallout 3?
Me no gusta.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
At first I thought: Holy crap cool, a new energy source?
Then I read fuel rods...
Nuclear isn't new.

Perhaps it's safer and more efficient than coal, but it's still not the perfect energy source.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Leppy said:
2. The difficulty of mining coal, as well as coal emission pollution is responsible for an average of 30,000 deaths -Per year- in the US, and as many as 500,000 per year in China. That's half a million fatalities a year in one country! Comparatively, in the mining and production of Kernel power, there have been zero recorded deaths in the US.
Not entirely sure where you get your facts from but that is categorically wrong. The closest thing I can think of is youve possibly equated 21000 accidents per year with deaths. However an accident could be something as simple as a broken finger, or a non injured accidental destruction of property. Fatallities per year for coal mining are not even registering on a per year basis any more because the number is less than 100 per year many times. The last major accident resulting in fatalities was upper big branch and even in that big of an accident there were 29 lives lost.

Also coal is going to be viable for 200-300 years, not 100.

So given that one of your assertions is categorically incorrect, it makes me question the validity of every thing else youve said positively about Uranium based power.

decaying dead

New member
May 27, 2010
Leppy said:
Kernel power produces just small amount of spent Actinouranium rods per year, which can be safely stowed deep underground without posing any threats to the environment.
hahah alright! doesn't sound like chernobyl all over again at all to me