Escape to the Movies: Gravity


New member
Nov 2, 2007
lacktheknack said:
Go ask about the Escapist on IGN, GiantBomb, etc.

If you're brave, ask about it on Reddit.

If you're REALLY brave, ask about it on 4chan.
Aren't especially Reddit and 4chan considered scum-holes of the internet, anyway? Why would anyone care what they think about our cozy little scum-hole over there?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Skeleon said:
lacktheknack said:
Go ask about the Escapist on IGN, GiantBomb, etc.

If you're brave, ask about it on Reddit.

If you're REALLY brave, ask about it on 4chan.
Aren't especially Reddit and 4chan considered scum-holes of the internet, anyway? Why would anyone care what they think about our cozy little scum-hole over there?
I wasn't aware that Reddit was considered scum. Hmmm.

Generally, when the mention of a website results in entire communities foaming with rage, it's worth asking why, no matter who it is.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
I wish Bob didn't include the smug criticizing the critics thing. "How much would they have praised this movie if it were by Synder or Bay?" The fact is Synder and Bay don't make these kinds of movies, which is exactly why they celebrate some directors over others; because they make these good films which they enjoy. The "Directed by" tag might create an expectation, but nothing more.


New member
Sep 25, 2013
You know i'm the first person to say critics have their pet directors to gush over,

but if critics wanted to stick it to michael Bay if at long last he did make that one amazing super hit,
I fail to see how that would be out of line lol.

it looks interesting. and Bob thanks for referring Prisoners, it was a budda in a sea of hell and bad movies.

Big up to the poster who made the "pacific rim" reference that magically seemed to disappear.
Seeing as how bobs about as guilty if not more so in pandering to his favorites.


New member
Nov 6, 2012
Abomination said:
Stabby Joe said:
Joe Aguayo said:
Grabehn said:
I'm a bit lost here, what is that "3rd act bullshit" from Children of Men that Bob talks about?
Having read his twitter fairly often, he does mention that the scene where the crying baby stops the battle for a moment as one that took him out of the movie. Here is the scene in question:
Ruined? Given the setting, characters, tone... basically the whole context for the film, I'm failing to see how it "ruined" the film. Yeah, seeing the last bastion of hope for humanity giving reason to pause "ruined" everything...

It was pretty much the only positive moment of what was a very down beat film.
I hope that isn't what people are saying ruined the film. I thought the whole children not being born thing was the whole frigging point of the setting being the way it was. To suddenly hear a child cry would cause everyone to stop in their tracks. It'd be like seeing a Pegasus or a dragon.
Here is what Moviebob had to say on his blog review of the movie regarding that moment.
"It works at first. I'm perfectly willing to buy and even be moved by them escaping from that one Fish sniper and the first few soldiers they meet because they're so dumbfounded by the baby...

...But extending into the big, long, slooooowwwwww walk down the corridors and stairs and into the street, and EVERYONE suddenly goes all solemn and lowering their guns, falling to their knees, crossing themselves, clasping those Irish dockworker hats over their hearts, parting as a group to let them by and bowing their heads as though Clive Owen is lugging Baby Simba up to Pride Rock and Elton John is about to hit the loud part of "Circle of Life" at ANY moment... NO. No, no, no, no, NO.

Not in THIS movie, which has just spent it's whole running time proving how stark and realistic and un-stylized and "this is the REAL world" it is. The scene would be perfectly fine if the rest of the film were as blunt, unsubtle and hyppereal as IT is; but thats not the case and it sticks out like a sore thumb. With 06 over, I can safely call it the single worst scene in an otherwise good movie of the year, and in addition the stupidest use of cheeseball Messianic symbolism as well (yes, even including "Superman.")"

Needless to say I disagree, but to each his own. Here's the link to the blog post if you are interested.


New member
Dec 17, 2012
Joe Aguayo said:
Abomination said:
Stabby Joe said:
Joe Aguayo said:
Grabehn said:
I'm a bit lost here, what is that "3rd act bullshit" from Children of Men that Bob talks about?
Having read his twitter fairly often, he does mention that the scene where the crying baby stops the battle for a moment as one that took him out of the movie. Here is the scene in question:
Ruined? Given the setting, characters, tone... basically the whole context for the film, I'm failing to see how it "ruined" the film. Yeah, seeing the last bastion of hope for humanity giving reason to pause "ruined" everything...

It was pretty much the only positive moment of what was a very down beat film.
I hope that isn't what people are saying ruined the film. I thought the whole children not being born thing was the whole frigging point of the setting being the way it was. To suddenly hear a child cry would cause everyone to stop in their tracks. It'd be like seeing a Pegasus or a dragon.
Here is what Moviebob had to say on his blog review of the movie regarding that moment.
"It works at first. I'm perfectly willing to buy and even be moved by them escaping from that one Fish sniper and the first few soldiers they meet because they're so dumbfounded by the baby...

...But extending into the big, long, slooooowwwwww walk down the corridors and stairs and into the street, and EVERYONE suddenly goes all solemn and lowering their guns, falling to their knees, crossing themselves, clasping those Irish dockworker hats over their hearts, parting as a group to let them by and bowing their heads as though Clive Owen is lugging Baby Simba up to Pride Rock and Elton John is about to hit the loud part of "Circle of Life" at ANY moment... NO. No, no, no, no, NO.

Not in THIS movie, which has just spent it's whole running time proving how stark and realistic and un-stylized and "this is the REAL world" it is. The scene would be perfectly fine if the rest of the film were as blunt, unsubtle and hyppereal as IT is; but thats not the case and it sticks out like a sore thumb. With 06 over, I can safely call it the single worst scene in an otherwise good movie of the year, and in addition the stupidest use of cheeseball Messianic symbolism as well (yes, even including "Superman.")"

Needless to say I disagree, but to each his own. Here's the link to the blog post if you are interested.
Well, Bob is hardly a neutral party when it comes to his reviews. I imagine he's got a bit of a staunch atheist vibe going for him so a messiah symbolism scene probably just naturally rubs him the wrong way... or maybe he's offended the child was black - I dunno.


New member
Mar 8, 2010
As a Russian I am a bit surprised to hear Moviebob and his "intellectual" persona say "it's probably hell for anyone to live under an oppressive, homophobic swagger macho creep of a dictator"

No, it's pretty damn OK to live in Russia. Even Snowden had to hide here.

But in all seriousness that was the most strawman thing he could say. Man sure didn't do his research.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
Yuuki said:
The worst thing about Gravity is that it's only available in 3D, as far as I know.
I'm part of the percentage of population for whom 3D simply isn't enjoyable. The increased cost, the stupid glasses dimming the colors/contrast, just having to WEAR those stupid glasses for the entire movie, the fact that one of my eyes is blurrier than the other, and after about 30 minutes I start getting headaches. .
It doesn't matter if "this movie was made for 3D!", I don't care, for me movies are best viewed in 2D and that's that.

I'd LOVE to see this movie, but I will wait for a 2D blu-ray release.
I'm with you 100%

There has never been a 3D movie that looked good to me. They all look like old Viewmaster Slideshows in motion. 3D should just be a dead fad.


New member
Mar 19, 2013
chozo_hybrid said:
Note: I can't watch films in 3D, so is that a deal breaker?
Ummm AFAIK the movie is only available in 3D, something about "core part of the experience" etc (which I disagree with). So yeah, that's a deal breaker.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Yuuki said:
chozo_hybrid said:
Note: I can't watch films in 3D, so is that a deal breaker?
Ummm AFAIK the movie is only available in 3D, something about "core part of the experience" etc (which I disagree with). So yeah, that's a deal breaker.
Ah, well being stereo-blind, that means I will give this a miss.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Hitchmeister said:
vxicepickxv said:
Andrew Siribohdi said:
Jinx program? What's that reference to?

Anywho, great review. Can't wait to see the movie.
I have no idea. For some reason, my Googlefu is failing me.
It would seem to be from Space Camp ( ).
Curse you kids for not knowing things that I know.

It's an 80's movie about criminally negligent launch procedures and a cute little robot voiced by Frank Welker. Also there's some kids or something.

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
I hear Gravity 2 is going to start with Martin Sheen restoring the shattered bodies of George Clooney and Sandra Bullock after they smacked into the Earth, so that they can pull together a rough team of badass misfits to resolve mummy and daddy issues before killing a giant Terminator.


Senior Member
Jan 9, 2008
I'm not going to talk about movie, I haven't seen it. But I will say that if that is your honest opinion of Russia all I can tell you is that you don?t know Siberia from Paskha. Yes, it's bad there now. Especially for "undesirables", but its orders of magnitude better then it was under Yeltsin.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Every time I saw the trailer for this movie, I think of the scene in FFVIII where Rinoa is trapped in a spacesuit and helpless. Then, Squall goes out trying to rescue her before they eventually stumble upon the Ragnarok floating in space.

I don't know why, but that is always my first thought.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
chozo_hybrid said:
Yuuki said:
chozo_hybrid said:
Note: I can't watch films in 3D, so is that a deal breaker?
Ummm AFAIK the movie is only available in 3D, something about "core part of the experience" etc (which I disagree with). So yeah, that's a deal breaker.
Ah, well being stereo-blind, that means I will give this a miss.
It's not only in 3D. I don't know about the situation where you are, but I saw it in 2D. I know there are definitely more 3D showings, but a regular 2D version definitely exists, don't worry.

OP: This movie is absolutely incredible. Granted, I'm someone who was very impressed by the initial trailers and was rather confused by the wave of skepticism at them, but holy shit. The actual film surpassed every possible expectation that I had for it. The cinematography and technical aspects of the movie are beyond belief- this film will easily pick up every technical award that the film industry knows how to give out in a few months. I want to hang shots from this movie on my wall as framed portraits. They are beautiful to the point that the film quite literally took my breath away at times. Couple this with a masterful sense of pacing and incredible buildup of tension, and you have a nearly unmatched visual experience. Like I said above, I saw it in 2D, as well, so you still get this kind of experience without the IMAX or 3D, although those might even further improve it. I don't know firsthand about those formats.

I actively dislike Sandra Bullock, and I loved her performance in this. A single performance can turn around my entire view of an actor from negative to positive if the performance is good enough (see: Ryan Reynolds in "Buried" and James Franco in "Spring Breakers"), and Bullock's is most certainly good enough. She really carries the film at times. There are one or two moments of somewhat clunky storytelling devices, but they work just well enough to keep things moving and incredibly engaging.

Seriously, this film is amazing. I'm rarely this thoroughly blown away by a single film.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Shirokurou said:
As a Russian I am a bit surprised to hear Moviebob and his "intellectual" persona say "it's probably hell for anyone to live under an oppressive, homophobic swagger macho creep of a dictator"

No, it's pretty damn OK to live in Russia. Even Snowden had to hide here.

But in all seriousness that was the most strawman thing he could say. Man sure didn't do his research.
Don't mind Bob, a lot of his videos are made through a liberal/progressive/leftist lens at best, and straight-up leftist biased at worst. He's completely unashamed about it too in that he doesn't even try to be subtle about it. That's actually why there's a number of people around here that can't stand his videos...even if they happen to agree with his politics. He's just so hamfisted about mixing politics with entertainment that it gets distracting and even face-palm inducing at times.

lacktheknack said:
Escapist users refuse to see it because of trailer soundtrack or potentially bent physics

You know how much of the internet dislikes this forum? This is why. This is also why we've made a "restore the fun to the Escapist Forums" group.
And here I always thought it was because we can't go a day without having five topics regarding gender/race/sexuality pop up that are all basically the exact same.

lacktheknack said:
If you're brave, ask about it on Reddit.

If you're REALLY brave, ask about it on 4chan.
To be fair, you have to be really brave to go to either of those websites in the first place.

Someone once made a "just for fun" topic which asked people to come up with a slogan for The Escapist, mine was "The Escapist: Well, At Least We're Not 4Chan."

Got a pretty good response and a lot of laughs by other responders in the thread. :3

lacktheknack said:
Skeleon said:
lacktheknack said:
Go ask about the Escapist on IGN, GiantBomb, etc.

If you're brave, ask about it on Reddit.

If you're REALLY brave, ask about it on 4chan.
Aren't especially Reddit and 4chan considered scum-holes of the internet, anyway? Why would anyone care what they think about our cozy little scum-hole over there?
I wasn't aware that Reddit was considered scum. Hmmm.
Well...they DID get a completely innocent college kid killed during the whole Boston Bombing thing just by some user posting "OH MY GOD I THINK IT'S THIS GUY!!!" followed by the guy's name and address.....


New member
Oct 6, 2013
thepyrethatburns said:
Ashley Blalock said:
DeadCoyote said:
What do you mean "russian are bad guys again"? When have they stopped being bad in american cinema and games? I mean, shurely they were shadowed by muslems, vietnameses, aliens and zombies for some time, but they never steped out of "100% villain, free to be shoot right betwin their evil communistic moustache" territory in general.

Though, to be fair - russian science right now (and the rocket science especially) is so complete mess with so incredible morrons in charge, that exsploding sattellite is kinda not that racist after all.
There was a brief period of recent history when people actually thought the Russians would fix their problems with corruption and fully embrace the ideals of democracy. Sort of the idea that after they fully shook off the shackles of communism they would get to be just like the rest of Europe.

But then they started repressing free speech, kept Pussy Riot locked up under flimsy charges, sell weapons to bad people, and they don't seem to give a crap if they are a place where homophobia can be celebrated as a good thing.

Just part of our overly optimistic nature to think that change is going to bring something good instead of it still being the same bungholes just without the world domination thing.
Oddly enough, you could exchange "Russian" and "American" and both of these posts are still correct.
I just registered to say I love you. No offence MovieBob, but I hope you're grossly over simplifying your political stance for the sake of making a quick point.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
PortalThinker113 said:
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any 2D screenings where I live, may have to wait until I can rent it :/ but you've given me a bit to think about :)


New member
Jul 13, 2010
chozo_hybrid said:
PortalThinker113 said:
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be any 2D screenings where I live, may have to wait until I can rent it :/ but you've given me a bit to think about :)
Ahh, that's too bad. There certainly were a lot more 3D showings than 2D ones in my area, so I would believe that the 2D showings might not be available everywhere. I hope you do get to see it at some point!