Escape to the Movies: Love & Other Drugs


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Dec 31, 2008
Love & Other Drugs

This week MovieBob takes a long hard look at Love & Other Drugs.

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Dec 14, 2009
Soooo, sex makes everything better? ALERT THE PRESS!
Good, review, I'm not gonna check it out of course because I hate those kind of films.
Jul 22, 2009
I generally dislike Romantic Comedies just for that reason... they're so forced and 'feel-good' and fake that it throws any chance of enjoying the story out of the window.

I recently finished reading a book called 'Forbidden', which is fairly controversial in that it's a book about incest between a brother and sister.
However the writer is amazing and genuinely makes you care for these people and the whole situation and relationship feels real.

Now it will never ever become a film, and if it did it would be nowhere near as good as the book, but at least it was believable and an amazing read... romantic films need better writing! Well, generally everything could do with better writing.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Sounds pretty decent, I might give it a go.
Hooray for the first actually good romantic film in a long while


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Jul 15, 2009
Great, now I have to decide between this and Tangled. Why do films I actually want to see all come out at once so I don't have time?

Da Joz

New member
May 19, 2009
I too hate romantic comedies and how they unrealistically portray relationships and how that can affect people into making them think that one day some magical person will come a take them away from the shit hole that is they're lives. Even though this sounds like a refreshing take on the formula I think I am going to skip it.

Oh and by the way I'm surprised Bob didn't mention (500) days of summer, that movie was quite good. Although some could argue that its not really a romantic comedy.


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Jul 16, 2008
No... No, no, no, no, no! You did just not shatter the view I have held on romantic comedies for the last decade?!

Sigh, oh well, I guess if I go on a date I can take a girl to see this movie and I might actually also enjoy it.

Also, awesome review as always.


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Dec 20, 2009
My reason for disliking romantic comedies, apart from the aforementioned wishy-washy PG crap is the predictably formulaic plot, and if this movie follows it I don't think any amount of good acting or nudity could save it for me. Great review though!
Step 1: boy meets girl or girl meets boy.
Step 2: they like eachother
Step 3: guy bangs some other girl and main girl is upset
Step 4: new girl quickly turns out to be wrong for the guy or evil
Step 5: main girl and guy make up in a spectacular and/or public fashion
Step 6: final kiss and roll credits
Step 7: Profit.


Digital Oracle
Nov 9, 2008
Did anyone else think that the comparison between Jake Gyllenhaal as the Prince and this role was rather shocking?

And the first step to recovery is admitting you have a lechery problem, Bob... (Nice way to spin that into a rationalization, tho)

zombie711 said:
did bob edit out Any NSFW parts of the film in this review or is this pg 13
He definitely edited it out. A friend who saw a preview of it with his wife said there was a lot of nudity.


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Jul 12, 2010
"We see them fuck, so it's like they're real people!"

That's what I got out of this.

Apparantly it still has every other romcom cliche in the book, the fack that they get it on doesnt sound like enough reason to stop this from sounding like another immensely annoying movie to watch.


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Sep 2, 2009
Yeah...I don't agree. OK fine the problem with most romantic comedies or romantic movies in general is that they are fake. Yes the lack of sex makes it feel know what I mean. But here's the deal...I like those kinda movies...Yes they are awful and yes 99% of the time it never happens this way but I still love them because I'm a hopeles romantic with the stamp: "I support love not lust" written all over my face. I started my first relationship when I was 16. I got my first kiss (and her first kiss) exactly an year later. We were togheter all the times. We moved to the US because that was always her dream. And here it comes...*drum roll*...We had sex when we were 22...Yeah...OK look the point I was trying to make was that I know that this is the way to make romantic comedies but I don't like it and even though I support the thruth and nothing but the thruth I still like the other kinds because my life was basically a movie. I'm gonna put up my shield now...


New member
Apr 2, 2010
i thought he was gonna tear it a new one because it was a romcom. wasn't expecting a good review, although naked hathaway probably helped a bit.


"Breathe Deep, Seek Peace"
Sep 28, 2009
Megaman truly does go with everything. And congrats on getting out of the retail hell of working black friday. My cousin just got hired at Victoria's Secret, he's a 21 year old introverted gamer. His first day is today. God help him.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Romantic comedy that doesn't suck?

Obviouse question; Is it better than the only other romantic comedy that doesn't suck, (500) Days of Summer. That's actually one of my favourite movies.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
You got me thinking if there are any decent rom-coms that maintain a PG-rating. I can only think of some of the oldschool ones--1930s, 40s, 50s. What they had going for them seemed to be:

i) The leads were generally on even ground--at least they acted like it. Whereas a lot of rom-coms today seem to be Cinderella-variants: successful man sweeps woman off her feet.

ii) The dialogue was generally pretty snappy in that Old Hollywood way. Granted, there's some culture shock: I liked It Happened One Night but was thrown for a loop when Clark Gable tells the girl's father about her, "She ain't so bad; she just needs someone to beat some sense into her once in a while" and this convinces the father he's the right man for his daughter. /facepalm

iii) The plot of those movies was usually the thrill of the chase--a lot of Slap Slap, Kiss Kiss--with the admission of romance coming at the end. The chase is the interesting part. But watching a couple totally in love, gushing over each other? That's just cavity-inducing. Alternatively, you can throw some conflict into the relationship, but it always seems to be some stupid case of misunderstanding instead of something meaty.

On second thought, you're right. It's better with sex.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Nice review Bob.
Might go see that.

obliterate said:
Yeah...I don't agree. OK fine the problem with most romantic comedies or romantic movies in general is that they are fake. Yes the lack of sex makes it feel know what I mean. But here's the deal...I like those kinda movies...Yes they are awful and yes 99% of the time it never happens this way but I still love them because I'm a hopeles romantic with the stamp: "I support love not lust" written all over my face. I started my first relationship when I was 16. I got my first kiss (and her first kiss) exactly an year later. We were togheter all the times. We moved to the US because that was always her dream. And here it comes...*drum roll*...We had sex when we were 22...Yeah...OK look the point I was trying to make was that I know that this is the way to make romantic comedies but I don't like it and even though I support the thruth and nothing but the thruth I still like the other kinds because my life was basically a movie. I'm gonna put up my shield now...
I have much envy for you sir.

Baby Tea

Just Ask Frankie
Sep 18, 2008
I kind of have to disagree that sex is 'relationship fuel'.
Sounds like a pretty hollow relationship to me.

Sex is certainly there, and important to a degree, but to call it 'fuel' is vastly overstating it's importance.
And by 'vastly' I mean 'really really vastly'. Unless you're 15 or something.

And since your recommendation seems bend around the fact that they seem to be 'real' only because they are having a bunch of sex (And that's what real people do, apparently. All the single people I know obviously have a 'friends with benefits' thing on the side. Totally realistic), that the rest of the cliched tripe can be overlooked?

I find that hard to digest, Bob.

You try to pass off the addition of sex as something 'real', and then say 'see it for the obvious eye candy', essentially dumbing down that point of 'real relationships' to worthlessness. Apparently it's just boobs. How nuanced.

Are you seriously saying we have to overlook everything you said in your 'Yes' tirade, describing every romantic comedy cliche in existence (The only thing it's missing is her gay friend, apparently), just because they have sex?

Because, really, that was your big point: Sex is there. Now it's real.
Seems rather low-brow, and just an excuse for girlfriends to drag their boyfriends along.

I'll pass.
I'm not 15, Bob.