Escape to the Movies: Pacific Rim


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I saw it last night. It really was a great movie, but I don't think the various flaws should go completely forgotten...

The other two Jaeger teams were like the definition of extreme red shirts. They're introduced, their Jaegers look pretty cool, you hope they will have cool characterization beyond "these guys are Russians/Chinese" and they kill them off almost immediately. The way the romance starts and really the whole first act after the prologue is sort of ran through in a way that makes you wonder why they even bothered with half of it.

With no spoilers, it is quite a predictable movie and not quite on the same intellectual level as Mass Effect, but it does really recall a sense of child-like wonder without the "thinky-talkiness" or more grown-up sci-fi and the cynicism of most other action movies.


New member
Apr 6, 2004
Gotta love a movie where every so often you ask "Did they just...?" And the response is "Yes, and it's awesome. :D


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Why aren't I going to see it right now? Because I'm poor.

Also, someone needs to gif-erise that 'punch it in the face' bit of the review.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
Gush more Bob :D

I saw it this morning.

It's alright, not great by any means, and I'm easy to impress.

I don't know, I think I was just expecting it to be more like this in terms of fun.

What is awesome, is that the voice of GLaDOS says 'Rocket Punch engaged'

I repeat

[HEADING=1]the voice of GLaDOS says 'Rocket Punch engaged'[/HEADING]

Now I wait for Platinum games to make a movie...

Hey, it could happen :D
Seeing it tonight! Seeing it tonight!! SEEING IT TONIGHT!!!

Also, im glad im not the only one freaking out over Wonder101.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Sorry Bob, cant watch this one yet. I'm off to see Evangelion Pacific Rim tonight, so I'll watch later and see if I agree with you.


New member
Feb 13, 2010

This movie. The one movie this summer I have been genuinely looking forward to. From a director I genuinely respect and admire. The one movie I've been counting down the days to since May.

And it's not being shown within a 40 mile radius of where I'm living right now.

Thank you Warner Bros and Odeon Cinemas for screwing up my weekend. Good f--king job all round, people.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Glad to hear the movie is awesome. Love to read the comments who seem to disagree for the sake of disagreeing. "It's alright" or "I was expecting more"... those are priceless. I won't see it till tomorrow though, so we'll see what happens, maybe I'll agree with the "it as alright" crowd. Interestingly enough, I don't have much in the way of expectations. I don't know how these things will remotely look when they do it live action with a massive budget. I mean, half the time animated battles with giant robots looked like complete shit. So, I'm excited to see how I feel about it, almost as excited as I am to see this movie.


New member
Mar 25, 2010
pearcinator said:
It's not doing so well over here in Australia (opened in 4th place)
Not the first time I've seen this today, and it's really annoying me. It's been out for 2 days now, 2 week days. Save your judgments on how well the movie goes for the first weekend that it's out. The ONLY reason it is losing to kids movies is because it is currently school holidays.


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Why i'm not on the way to the theatre right now? Because while i really want to see Pacific Rim it's not quite worth the price of a flight to America. In one or two weeks, maybe.


New member
May 3, 2008
I can't get over how much that girl looks like a prettier Faith from Mirror's Edge. The black tank-top helped too. Makes me want to see her parkour all over the place.

B Goy

New member
Jan 5, 2010
Opening box office is apparently less than Despicable Me 2, meaning that it won't go that much over its budget.


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
I just hope this movie and the new godzilla is at least mildly successful. I just want big monster movies to be a thing again. I think the last Kaiju(Not including cloverfield) film I saw in theaters was Godzilla 2000.

I especially want the Godzilla film to both be successful enough to warrant sequels and just be a solid film. Why? Becuase I want to see King Ghidorah and Mothra in all their modern cinematic glory fighting Godzilla in IMAX.

They don't have to be the absolute bet films or the next 'big thing', I just want them to be able to be a semi-consistent presence.


New member
Aug 18, 2008
1. I have no money.

2. I have no interest in this movie.

3. I would rather watch Kaijuu monster movies and G Gundam.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Sorry, Bob. Right now the only movies showing are The Lone Ranger and Despicable Me 2. I'll see it as soon as I am able though.
Dec 14, 2009
A3sir said:
pearcinator said:
It's not doing so well over here in Australia (opened in 4th place)
Not the first time I've seen this today, and it's really annoying me. It's been out for 2 days now, 2 week days. Save your judgments on how well the movie goes for the first weekend that it's out. The ONLY reason it is losing to kids movies is because it is currently school holidays.
Why there are bound to be those who go against something to seem different, I honestly thought the film was only alright.

It felt restrained, I mean, robots punching giant monsters in the face should make me feel more awesome than this movie did.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Retrograde said:
Is this up a hell of a lot earlier then usual or what? Sweet. Lunchtime Escape.
I've heard that they have made some changes in the schedule to reduce the stress on servers caused by people waiting for the videos to be uploaded then opening multiple videos in multiple tabs to get them all ready, but I'm not sure. This has been the case with Unskippable, Feed Dump, Top 5 and Rhymedown spectacular (I might be forgetting some now) so it sounds plausible.

OT: This wont air here until the start of August... Oh well, at least I've got something to look forward to.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Do they say in the movie why we need giant mech's as to just using tanks and air strikes on these things? Don't get me wrong, I'm still gonna see it, just wondering about that.

Well, glad to see that it didn't suck and now I can see it this weekend. :D

Would have loved to the see the UK make a Warhammer 40K style mech for the movie but oh well.


Elusive Paragon
Aug 31, 2012
Gotta say, you screaming at me for a whole minute telling me to watch a movie I had barely heard of while constantly being reminded of how light my wallet is with payday on Monday (and a Steam sale going) made me want to try and see this movie even less than I did before. Sort of like how I feel about the Hunger Games books and how I did with Harry Potter: so much hype and too many people telling me how AWESOME they are just makes me cringe. I'm sure a psychologist has termed a name for it.

It's also weird that the more you dissect a movie and feel either "meh" or "hate" to a movie, the more I tend to enjoy them and your reviews (I didn't like Into Darkness though). Outright gushing doesn't do it for me.

About the movie: why are giant robots a must see? Is this some part of geek culture that I have either never learned and just don't give a crap about? The trailers never got me remotely interested, it looked like another generic action flick, and sue me but I like exposition in my movies. Why are you always ripping on characters having, well, character? If a book didn't have exposition we'd all be reading Twilight.

Frankly, I'll pass. I can't say specific reasons why other than I don't find the premise interesting, which should be enough by itself. Big giant robots just does not do it for me, no matter the setting. I'll wait for Netflix.

OT: I'm getting really annoyed at this layer of "you're not a *insert generic stereotype of a sub-cuilture figure here* unless you LOVE this movie/book/game/etc" idea that is reappearing. Felt like your entire review was based off of this when you, for as much I know of you, don't even like that idea.

Not feeling bad for not watching the movie right now and definitely not feeling like I'm less than "x" if I don't.