Escape to the Movies: Shrek For Ever After


New member
Feb 26, 2010
J03bot said:
I hear Transformers 4 is going to be good; the decepticons invade Earth, enslave humanity, and kill Sam Witwicky (this is optional, but will appease many fans). The film features a tiny bit about the human resistance, but is mostly about the robots, and Starscream's revolt against Megatron.
Please tell me this movie exists somewhere other than "J03bot's and RestamSalucard`s minds".

ad5x5 said:
So I guess it was too much to hope for an apology for getting the English flag wrong in last weeks' episode...
Sorry to say this, [a href=""]but...[/a]
Antacid said:
I sense that you are mistaking me for a troll.
What? You, a troll? Just because you post a random xenophobic anti-pixar message for the sake of being anti-pixar? Now, how would anyone get that idea?


In brightest day...
Nov 18, 2009
RestamSalucard said:
J03bot said:
I hear Transformers 4 is going to be good; the decepticons invade Earth, enslave humanity, and kill Sam Witwicky (this is optional, but will appease many fans). The film features a tiny bit about the human resistance, but is mostly about the robots, and Starscream's revolt against Megatron.
Please tell me this movie exists somewhere other than "J03bot's and RestamSalucard`s minds".
I fear not, and the inevitable release of Transformers 4 (Trans-4-mers?) will be the final straw for many a nerd, as we turn our backs upon all things transformers related, even abandoning the original series for daring to associate with Bay at all...


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
I didn't even know there was a Shrek 3... I thought this was going to be the third one.

I gues that goes to show how much I lost interest in the franchise after the first movie (the second one was decent).


New member
Apr 10, 2010
Abedeus said:
2) Does that make them really, really bad? Does it mean they eat children?
No, but it makes the amount of hype they get mildly irksome.
gushing from critics despite lazy writing
3) Yeaaah... I don't really recall a movie like that in the past 5 years. Maybe except for "Up". But Shrek, for instance, is not really a children's movie. It can be watched and enjoyed by everyone from age of 5 to even 80. Except for Shrek 3 and this piece of shit that came out recently.
Ratatouille? That had a literate rat controlling a human's movements by pulling his hair. It's transparently obvious that it's whole story is derived from a stupid pun on the title. It has a 96% Tomatometer rating.

I'm not going to argue with you about Shrek - if you think it's a good, smart movie what am I going to tell you? I thought it was terribly paced, featured shallow spoof moments like the Matrix bullet time merry men and worked at all only because of a handful of effective scenes and characters. It has a 90% Tomatometer rating.
4) I forgot that animators can't hire someone to write a script, dialogs and they would only have to focus on making the animations and graphics...
They don't hire someone to write the story, because in animation the person who can direct animators has all the power. And the story is what actually matters, not specific witty lines of dialogue.
5) Because they can/want to/children movies also rack up a lot of cash thanks to video games based on the movie? It's all about the profit.
Animated movies aren't guaranteed moneymakers, and they require a vast initial outlay. There's a reason the number made per year is tiny in comparison to the number of live-action. What that means for me is a very small number of chances per year to see one that doesn't suck. Thanks to the limited imagination of most animation studios this chance winds up being a de facto 0%.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
Ya know Bob I heard when you said HTTY Dragon was OK, but are you sure you wouldn't have rather reviewed that than "Yet another shrek movie." I could feal the cliches there in "Dragon" but they we're pretty well dulled by the movies presentation, and it was alot of fun for me and my wife, and we don't even have kids. Course maybe I'm just a sucker for dragons, but I felt like the overall plot, dialogue and characters and pretty well done action scenes net the movie at least a 7/10 for non Dragon fanboys, UP it was not, but even saphires sparkle. The movie almost flew under the radar for me but the wife and I happened to be bored on the right weekend and found it checking if iron man 2 was out yet. Incidently I saw Dragon Twice, once in 3D (Mothers Day, I come by the dragongeekin honest) and Iron Man 2... twice. I raised an eyebrow at a 4th shrek movie.... then again I've only seen the first. It doesnt help that these movies just have an aura that makes em feal like a big cheap plug for that easy money. When a movie is announced and 2 weeks before it comes out theres a video game, diapers, and a burgerking big kids meal featuring it, I'm sick of it before it even started.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Shrek needs to be put down. NOW.

Those films have gotten worse with each installment. First one is still awesome though.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:


Don't say it.

They'll do it!
Thanks Moviebob, you doomed us all!

OT: I won't watch it. It looks stupid anyway


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Oct 10, 2009
GrinningManiac said:
You know what REALLY irks me about Dreamworks?

The Bee Movie

The moral is: Trying to be different never works, you'll only cock up. Just stay in line and do as you're told and die unremembered and unfufilled
And the movie sucked, because it had Jerry Seinfield and that

And I loved the first two Shrek films, I thought the third one was the end! The fuck is this shit?

Panda Mania

New member
Jul 1, 2009
Yay! TV Tropes reference! Like I need any more encouragement to set foot in that site....

Oh, and shame upon thee, MovieBob, for not being able to distinguish the contraction "it's" from the possessive "its." Yeah, yeah, I know, Grammar Nazi, but that's such a basic, basic rule that everyone ignores...


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Elesar said:
Firstly: Hey...Dreamworks made Road to El Dorado, and I liked that movie.
Secondly: Just a quick bit of showbiz advice Bob, you should probably stop putting your opinion of the movie in question in the text description. Took a lot of fun out of the Iron Man review when I knew going in that you liked it.
So you must HATE Yahtzee then.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
The smirk thing isn't exclusive to Dreamworks. Pixar does it in every movie featuring a character with an expressive face. Wall-e is about the one exception because it doesn't have a mouth.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
I think the crowning moment of glory for the series was Shrek 2. But then it sort of kind of died at 3. 4 kind of jolts a little bit of life back into it, but it still isn't nearly as good as 2 was.


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Apr 5, 2010
LordVyreth said:
As for Dragon, I'd move it past okay into actually good/great category. It's not Pixar caliber, but it got like 98% positive reviews, which is a good sign.
Sure it got 98% where almost all of the critics gave it a B.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Elesar said:
Secondly: Just a quick bit of showbiz advice Bob, you should probably stop putting your opinion of the movie in question in the text description. Took a lot of fun out of the Iron Man review when I knew going in that you liked it.
Probably not gonna happen. It's very common for critics to give a quick one-liner that gives the audience the gist of their opinion so that they aren't forced to read the whole article if all they're interested in is a quick "Yes/No". If they want specifics, that's what the article (or in this case video) is there for.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
this is the second time in your reviews that you are suggesting to go see iron man 2 again.
Repeat...noone wants to see that piece of shit for the second time.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I feel like the idea of the movie is what is being hated more than the movie itself. The "world without you" plotline left an inevitable window for the entire movie not even mattering, except for Shrek learning a very special lesson. But still it was decent, infinitely better than its predecessor. I found myself smiling through most of the picture, which isn't bad. The mid life crisis was okay for Mr Incredible, is the holy empire of pixar the only one allowed to do that?