Escape to the Movies: The Last Airbender


New member
Oct 29, 2009
man i was so looking forward to it :/ i love avatar and i was hoping to see toph in action and the taekwondo kid... but i have to wait another month for it to come to slovenia. it better be worth it


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
Zeromaeus said:
khaimera said:
Zeromaeus said:
khaimera said:
I don't watch many of these videos but I thought it was a great and helpful review. The movie seems like a rental at best. Ten minutes of cool doesn't warrant 20 bucks.
Holy hell it costs a lot for you to go see a movie. I typically have to shell out seven to eight bucks (matinee price) tops.
It so does. I'd have to take the wife, so that another ticket. Then so it can be called a date so that she doesn't get upset and say "we never go out and do anything" we have to go at night. Nine dollars a ticket plus a soda, way too expensive.

PS. when she complains, I just suggest playing more video games, works half of the time :p
People have learned that I'm terrible company when at the theater (thousand-yard stare kind of bad company) so I usually am not obligated to take anyone 'cuz they don't like going with me.

Not to mention I usually sneak in a Coke from the Sheetz next door.
Thats a good and bad thing I suppose.

Korroth Dyahwanre

New member
Jul 3, 2010
WOW...... honestly Wow.

Where honestly to start......

Sixth Sense was his best movie... in my opinion his only truly good movie. Unbreakable was entertaining for me, but as a Comic Book collector and buff, it was terribly predictable, but I enjoyed it for its own merit. I didn't love it and I wont buy it on DVD, Blueray or anything else. Signs was the beginning of the end for this director and my money. I thought it shyte! I saw The Village on a VHS copy a friend had... I loved the movie... RIGHT up until M.Night dragged his testicles across your forehead and pissed you off with the lame ass ending. Lady in the water.. I refused to pay for, I continue to adamantly NOT see. The Happening I burrowed from My Girlfriends Grandmother and laughed my balls off. Except for the lame ass scene that netted that movie it's "R" rating. The scene did nothing to progress the story, it did nothing to help add conflict for Mark Walhberg or the other "survivors" he was with. IT(the Happening) WAS however a laugh riot the likes of Robocop III... The only thing any of his movies have going for them is the fact that YOU CAN SEE THE ACTION, and they are shot well with good back grounds and solid cinematography. But someone else is running the camera so can M.Night really be praised for that?

Now M. Night is given the opportunity to do "Avatar:The Last Air Bender". When I saw G.I.Joe and the first teaser for this movie I was intrigued I was even a little curious, I had not seen the show at that time. My girlfriend immediately took care of that downloading the first season as soon as we got home and showed me the first episode. I was hooked. I loved everything about the first episode, its pace, the opening prologue helped set the stage, and told me where in the time line of this world I would be picking up. I'm 36, and I powered through the first season. 80% of the fans of this show that I Have talked with are adults around my age group. I have yet infact to find a child that is as into it as the adults. My watching of the first season in the speed I did Forced my Girlfriend to find and download the next two season which took longer to download then it took for me to watch.(We will be buying the DVD sets as soon as money allows).

Where was I, seemed to have gotten off the beaten path... oh yes... now the first five minutes of the movie did not grab me the same way the first episode did, in fact after the first ten minutes(of the movie) I was ready to walk out of the theater and demand my money back. I stayed becasue my girlfriend wanted to see the movie worse then I did. Moviebob nailed some of my opinions spot on, I would like to offer what they should have done instead for the beginning... Had they left the very first episodes prologue alone exactly the way it was in that first episode, they would have had a ton of opportunity for character development for the actors and story. They would not have had to explain everything for the rest of the movie instead of letting us find out who the characters are. Instead M.Night shitsonastory, went in a different direction with a slightly less informative scroll text and left themselves having to explain everything that was in the original first episodes "this is what's happened and because of it what's happening now."

Where was the sneeze... either of them? Those helped create a bit of humor and really showed how much a child Aang was(is). Where's Katara's explosive rant at Sokka(thus freeing Aang from the larger glacier his protective bubble was trapped in, and THEN using the boomerang to crack the bubble and finish the job of freeing Aang and Oppa? That would have helped explain Katara's over bearing "Mom syndrome" early(which we can forget about cause she has no character and no chace to prove shes got such a thing). Where was a single one of Sokka's goofie one liners that helped keep the show humorous and light? Honestly the First episode should have been followed as closely as possible and given a full 15 minutes of the movie. It would have freed up opportunity for fast Forwarding things.

My next knit pick is the way names are pronounced Aang sounds like Ung? did anyone watch the show? It was like watching the re-dub of Akira and accepting that Kanada's(Ka-nay-da) name is now Canada(ya the country). That was driving me from my seat. I will give this... the kids looked like the kids in the show. Everyone has pointed fingers at recasting.... some of the casting was fine, honestly, the kids looked like the show and even sounded a bit like the show versions. It's not the kids fault they were GIVEN NOTHING TO WORK WITH!!!! Iroh is not short and pudgy, Zuko isn't bald with a topknot and the scar is almost an after thought! Suki is non-existent... you know the place where the Statue of of Avatar Kushi really was... on KUSHI ISLAND not in Haru's home town. Haru's Capture and the fight on the (INSPIRED by Katara) Metallic platform in the middle of the ocean is now, as others have already pointed out, Earth benders are imprisoned in EARTH? WTF how was that a good idea? I reiterate Did you(M.Night Shallneverseeadimeofmymoneyagain) Watch the f*cking show? Where is the introduction of Boomie? Where is the subplot of Gram-gram's former love leaving and then being met in the north water tribe and his refusal to teach Katara cause she was a girl? Where's any back story for the necklace Katara was supposed to be wearing? MoeMoe was there but very nearly as an after thought.

I walked out after 45minutes of this debacle, and Had I had a working cigarette lighter I would have no opinion of the last half of the movie, as it was I took my sweet ass time refilling my popcorn bag at the concession stand looked at future movie posters and then finally decided to rejoin my girlfriend in the theater for a Nap if I could work it. Sadly I couldn't work in the nap. The pacing is(was) all wrong no one is allowed to have any kind of fun, there wasn't a single scene that I recall in the less then half full theater where anyone laughed. There is so much left out that they should have made this movie at least 2 hours in length. And released a special addition with an extra 30-60minutes of footage that didn't make it into the theatrical release due to target audience antziness ..... oh... I'd also like to point out 2 families brought children for a total of 5 "kids"... every single person in the theater was over the age of 10, and it was 5:30 in the afternoon... not a late showing... there wasn't a child under 10 there so who is this film aimed at? Cause its lost, a kids show w/ an adult following that cant find its target audience.

Worst 3D I've ever seen. Even Clash of the Titans after filming 3d effects were better(sadly due to epileptic camera work combined with the 3d action I threw-up twice at Clash) I would agree with MovieBob that the scenery was pretty and what not, but, it was blurry-undefined and out of focus. It was SHIT! pure and simple. They never should have bothered 3D-ing this film unless they were going to do it out the gates!

In closing since my rant about how shitty this film is could go on for days and days while I tare apart everything I despised... which was pretty much from the opening scroll text till I couldn't stand anymore and did leave in the last 5 minutes. I was apprehensive at best when I found out M. Night Shitsonagoodmovieidea was going to make the movie, and I was right in that apprehension. I for one will return to my F#ck M.Night and everything he does(except Sixth Sense and Unbreakable) I will NEVER put money in this asshats pocket again! I hope they find someone else to RETELL the story and finish it. Anyone that hasn't seen the movie(or the show) Rent the DVD's for the TV show and watch that, you'll enjoy that more and it will stick with you longer. You wont be ashamed after wards for enjoying a "kids program" The Movie.... avoid like the bubonic plague! This movie isn't even worth pirating!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I'm going to pass on this one. Never really liked Avatar anyway

Good review


New member
Nov 29, 2008
I've seen a lot of animes that cram an entire series of a manga into a single animated movie, but I don't think I've seen any live action movies do that with books or TV sereis before.

The Astroboy & Dragonball movies flopped, so the ratings this movie got is no surprise.

I've been meaning to say this forever...The music at the end of the reviews sounds heavily influenced by the guitar solo from La'Cryma Cristi's "Warm Snow." Skip ahead to 3 minutes:


New member
Apr 9, 2010
meganmeave said:
That's too bad. The trailers looked so awesome, I kind of wanted this to be good.

Though, I think Shyamalan's career tanked with Signs tbh. I mean,

What kind of idiotic alien race that just so happens to have a deadly allergy to water lands on a planet that not only is more than 60% water, but the shit falls from the sky!!
You have a point, also the village was just stupid, both plot twists were retarted

Not only were the monsters fake, but the film also takes place during modern times


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Simply enough, I nerd raged. If you have ever watched the series, stay far, FAR away from this movie.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Look you'd think with a franchise as popular as Avatar all parties involved would assume most people going to see it would understand the plot and just want a high res version of the show with better action sequences, but oddly enough the writers, producers, and ultimately the director assumed that just cause they never heard of it, no one else has either and spends 99.99% of the movies trying to give you information that they believed you didn't have, the short length only makes this all the more obvious and most devoted fans will probably hate this film for it. Personally, I'd say get the first season on DVD and watch that instead, hopefully the next movie in this franchise will not make this mistake again.

Edit(1): Why does everyone get pissed at the director when a bad script goes the way of the Hindenburg, if the scripts sucks don't blame the director, blame the writers, you don't hear people hating David Slade because the recent Twilight movie sucks, you blame the writers for bad writing, the actors for bad acting, and so on. Also the director is not the ultimate authority as far as what does and doesn't get in a movie, the producers are! You only blame the director cause his/her name is the most convenient for you cause you're to lazy to actually find out who's responsible!

Edit(2): I mean the above statement as a general thing concerning movies, it doesn't pertain to only one director or film


New member
Jul 28, 2008
Adult fans of AtLA (and there are about twice as manny of thsoe as there are children fans, it's that good)have bemoned for three years about this ever since Shamilan was casted. And then we learned white people will be in it. There are no white people in Avatar, it's a fantasy world that draws from asiatic cultures, such as China for the Earth Kingdom, Japan (especialy it's milataristic eras) for the Fire Nation, Tibetens for the Air Nomads, and Inuits for the Water Tribes. It's a deep world with interesting charecters; Aang the sole survivor of his people with survivors guilt because he survived by running away, and now he's stuck trying to save the world in less than a year because the commet that will superpower fire bending is coming that summer. Sokka, a young warrior who was left behind and feels inadiquate, feeling like his father rejected him, and also feeling useless as the non-bender on the team. Katara, who hasn't gotten over the death of her mother, and is the last Water bender in the South pole and therefor has nobody to train her so she has to strugle to master these powers on her own. And that's just the first season. Charecters this complex cannot come from an exposition heavy movie. If they were going to franchise it, they should have adapted the plot instead of shoehorning it all down, and maybe spread out all the exposition. The Blue Spirit was unecessary for the entire movie line, and though a fan favorite, really isn't critical to the plot. Cutting that out would have saved a good amount of time to flesh out the charecters and other scenes. And before Blue Spirit fans say it DOES flesh out his charecter (not revealing who it is for anti-spoiler reasons), I feel he doesn't need any development untill either the second movie, or a spinoff movie dedicated to him and his wandering days that leads into the second movie proper.


New member
Jul 4, 2010
i went to see the midnight showing and, being a fan of the show, i hated what was done to it. i understand that he had to cut out certain things in order to fit it in the span of a movie but he could have made it more than an hour and a half long! another problem i have is how he changed the pronunciation of around half the main characters names and for no reason at all other than to "make the movie his own". there were just too many unneccasary changes that either did not fit well in the movie or in the avatar lore from the series. one thing i did agree with was how Night made each nation its own race: water = eskimo, fire = indian, air = white, and earth = asian. i wouldnt recomend seeing this if you are a big fan of the tv series because it doesnt do the show any justice and if you never saw the show i wouldnt recomend seeing it because the story is rushed and there is NO character development, just people trying to throw story and lore down your throat


New member
Sep 16, 2009
ok just got back from seeing the movie, and i am also a fan of the show. if i used 1 word to describe The Last Airbender it would be......OK..

its worth a look i would say but i did have some problems with it. like Bob said ALOT of the dialogue is just mass exposition leaving zero room for character development.

Zuko was ok, they got his anger down but lacked his soft side and his bonding with Iroh

Iroh was also ok, they got his kindness down and he seemed to care about Zuko and the spirits at the north pole, but there is almost NO mention of his dead son except one line from Zhao. they also forgot his sweet side and bum-baling funny guy side during this point in the show.(also miss Mako!)

Zhao was ok as well, he should have been more cold though and show more anger during some bits..they didn't really paint him as the real bastard that he was in the show.

Sakka & Katara, were some what empty, Sakka wasn't ass bad but his interactions with Yue were pretty reminiscent of Aniken and Pad'me (which was NOT how it was in the show). Katara is basically an empty shell pretty much contributing NOTHING to the story, there's no healing powers and really the fight with Zuko was the only thing she did.

Ang, yeah this one bothered the show hes an innocent kid that was mostly very cheerful but also has a wide range of emotions when he realized his people are dead and when shit got serious when he needed to rescues/fight/etc. in the movie hes the most whiny EMO little brat who never even seemed the least bit aware that Katara existed instead of becoming his love-interest whom he starts to have a crush on the minute after they meet.

overall the main plot of the story was reached, everything that was suppose to happen happened with the exception of a few characters that weren't introduced (however they don't do much until seasons 2 and 3) and Ang's final attack that wins the battle at the end was a bit off, he should have turned into a giant water spirit monster channeling the ocean spirit's rage when the moon spirit got killed (he was also suppose to kill Zhao instead of water-benders which pissed me off a bit.

it does look very nice, Moe-moe could have been CGIed a bit less though, the bending seemed neat BUT i didn't like how the bender's movements translated to the element they were the show every minute movement the benders did moved their element in some way. here it feels like the forces of nature don't feel like moving until the bender does a little dance first and it comes across as a bit silly at times.

i think one of my biggest problems is them showing the fire-lord Ozai, first off he should NOT have even been in the movie because we never see him until the end of season 2 (only other times are seeing him as a silhouette with fire surrounding him) he gave his orders though the shadows in the first season and it was Zhao who planed on killing the water spirits himself, not the fire lord. also i really can't stand the guy who plays him, he is suppose to be this cold extremely POWERFUL and threatening person (which would make sense for the most powerful fire-bender in the world). the movie version makes him out to be just a exposition dump/ plot device.

so yeah there are some big problems with the movie, but its not beyond fixing and there could be some potential for better sequels now that a lot of the exposition is out of the way. i feel the same way about the movie that Bob does about whether or not you should go see it and i am still looking forward to the next one if there is one.

EDIT: oh and one last things that bothered me A LOT, there was NO Avatar Roku, the guy who was suppose to be Ang's greatest source of knowledge about being the Avatar and the spirits/spirit world. instead we get a generic dragon spirit that tells him what to do. (granted Roku in the show DID have a dragon companion but he never talked and there doesn't seem to be any connection with Roku.) he is only mentioned in a single line of dialogue and COMPLETELY forgotten afterward and that really pisses me off.


New member
May 12, 2009
Zolem said:
There are no white people in Avatar, it's a fantasy world that draws from asiatic cultures, such as China for the Earth Kingdom, Japan (especialy it's milataristic eras) for the Fire Nation, Tibetens for the Air Nomads, and Inuits for the Water Tribes.
First off, influence does not mean that the race of the characters will be of that influence. The races of the characters have never been linked to anything, and the creators have not said one word about what race the characters would be. It has been said that the influence was for art, religion, customs, clothing, imagery, style, etc. Not, and never, race.

So yes, some characters could be white or could be a mix of races. You, and others who say there can be no white people in this cartoon, are just fans. What you say means nothing until the creators confirm or state what races the characters could be linked to, and what races are indeed supposed to be or could be in the cartoon.

Funny that the fans have tried to use this as a 'fact' when the creators have never said word one about race, just cultural influence (which is not about what skin tone you are or what physical features you might be born with, it's what social influences you grew up in or around). If they are smart, they never will and will let people think that any race can be a possibility in their world, despite the obvious cultural influences.
You don't have to be a specific race to be a part of a specific culture. That is a far more racist idea than what is supposedly being said about this movie.

Riven Armor

New member
Mar 1, 2010
crypt-creature said:
Riven Armor said:
No, each nation in Avatar is a clear representation of a real Asian country. (Water tribals are the Inuits, the Air Nomads are the Tibetans, etc) Real Chinese is used in all depicted script in the series. An Asian American advisory group was brought on board by the screenwriters to make sure customs used were rendered accurately.

As for the movie, the casting called for "Caucasian or any other ethnicity" for the "good" protagonists and then casted most of the extras as people of color. The casting director herself was so ignorant of racial tradition that she associated kimonos with Koreans. (Do you really want to bring the argument that all Asian actors and actresses in that age group are WORSE than the Caucasians casted??)

Please read the material on if you want to learn more. Attempting to equivocate on this issue is frankly wrong.
No, from what I have read from many different sources, the influences (dress, art, some religions, etc.) were from many different asian or Eastern/Middle Eastern countries but the races of the characters in question had never really been expanded upon or said to be of any particular people. Their looks (dress, architecture, etc) have been, but their race has never been linked.
Yes, they all had a certain dress style and some of them could be said to have certain racial traits, but that is all. I did read about the group you were referring to, but again that was used more for customs and dress style than it was for what race the characters were.

As for the casting director, the earliest article I read about the incident (sometime last year, perhaps even the year before that) made it seem like Shyamalan himself ordered it to be done like that, which is why it seemed odd to me.

Also, I'm not trying to equivocate on the issue. Fact is, the races of the characters had never been explained or really touched upon in the cartoon. Most of it was assumed because of the art styles or influences people could identify.
However, the writers can use all the influence in their cartoon that they want, but that doesn't mean the characters will be of that race unless the writers say so (which, they never did). So no, they don't have to be of any one particular race since it's an imaginary setting (keep in mind I'm not for racism, I'm just trying to argue that the actors in the live action movie could have been any race so long as they made a passable character).

Please don't assume someone knows nothing about these incidents just because they don't agree with you.

EDIT: As it is, I thought Aang looked mixed and the only main 'not supposed to be' Caucasian characters were Sokka, Katara, and Iroh (though I liked Iroh). I'm not counting the Ice princess Yue as a main character, but she was also Caucasian.

Riven Armor said:
(Do you really want to bring the argument that all Asian actors and actresses in that age group are WORSE than the Caucasians casted??)
I'm not saying that they are, or were.
My point is, we don't know how many people auditioned, what they looked like, how they portrayed the character, or anything pertaining to the casting process (aside from the 'racist' claim).
I don't want to follow or pass judgment until I know more.
All of this is hearsay until you actually cite sources. All of mine are accurate. The evidence points to clear racial discrimination. What you think might be the characters' respective races in the show doesn't stack up with the intentions of the creators.

I've also heard MNS casted the actors that way, but just because a brown person was behind the decision does not in any way absolve it of the racial edge. By the way, did you know Zuko was also a white actor up until outrage forced them to cast Dev Patel?


New member
May 12, 2009
Riven Armor said:
All of this is hearsay until you actually cite sources. All of mine are accurate. The evidence points to clear racial discrimination. What you think might be the characters' respective races in the show doesn't stack up with the intentions of the creators.

I've also heard MNS casted the actors that way, but just because a brown person was behind the decision does not in any way absolve it of the racial edge. By the way, did you know Zuko was also a white actor up until outrage forced them to cast Dev Patel?
Do you need me to put a link to wikipedia, which does cover many if not all the points you made while citing it was all for cultural/art/dress/custom/etc reference and not race (they are two different things, you know). In fact, it holds most the same information as your racebending site.

All of mine are accurate as far as I or anyone else knows of, and I will stress that influence does not mean that the race of these characters can not be mixed or even non-asian (since their race was never mentioned or touched upon). I will also stress that culture and influence do not mean race, unless race is specifically stated.
Even that site has nothing to confirm that the creators meant for their characters to be of a certain race. In fact, they specifically mention wanting to ask them what they thought about the whole situation when the creators were out signing autographs, but didn't.

So cite multiple sources that say specifically what the races of these characters are supposed to be, and I don't mean what cultures their world was influenced by (which is all that has been said, influenced) because I can promise you, race was never mentioned in that influence. You only gave me one cite anyway, and as it stands I can put your same source down for another 'cite' and that everyone is looking at things with a glass half full or glass half empty point of view.
The word 'Ethnicity' doesn't really count, as that can mean sometimes racial, cultural, social, or any of a dozen descriptions (your racebending site uses that word, yet provides no quote from the creators that says what racial ethnicity the kids are supposed to be. I fact, I've never seen a quote of the creators where the word ethnicity appears, just what the influences and cultures, not race or ethnicity, were). Like the specifics that are listed with the art and other cultural influences, show me multiple sites that have information that says what race these characters are supposed to be, that were confirmed to have been spoken by the creators.

It has all been speculation, even editorial staff from the cartoon show have been cited as saying that some (but not always which) characters were based off racially mixed people, but nothing and no one has been stated saying what races the characters are truly supposed to be in the show.
More so, some staff from the show believe it is supposed to have mixed and numerous racial ethnicities, but never say which ones the show is limited to.
All of that was taken from the same racebending site you pointed me to, and it proves nothing aside from cultural (which is not race) and real life influence and that the show had a mixed and diverse world, but not which races they were supposed to be or which they were limited to.

By the way, everything, even that racebending site, is basically spouting hear-say until the creators confirm or deny these guesses and unsupported 'facts' on what races these characters are derived from, and what races can exist in their show.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
OK I took a risk to see what the end message in the credits was and once again I was gravely disapointed, that is the most horrible Zhao I've seen, also i looked up what Uncle is like in this movie, I can't belive how much they butchered one of my favourite characters so much!


New member
May 31, 2008
ryuke2009 said:
ok just got back from seeing the movie, and i am also a fan of the show. if i used 1 word to describe The Last Airbender it would be......OK..

its worth a look i would say but i did have some problems with it. like Bob said ALOT of the dialogue is just mass exposition leaving zero room for character development.

Zuko was ok, they got his anger down but lacked his soft side and his bonding with Iroh

Iroh was also ok, they got his kindness down and he seemed to care about Zuko and the spirits at the north pole, but there is almost NO mention of his dead son except one line from Zhao. they also forgot his sweet side and bum-baling funny guy side during this point in the show.(also miss Mako!)

Zhao was ok as well, he should have been more cold though and show more anger during some bits..they didn't really paint him as the real bastard that he was in the show.

Sakka & Katara, were some what empty, Sakka wasn't ass bad but his interactions with Yue were pretty reminiscent of Aniken and Pad'me (which was NOT how it was in the show). Katara is basically an empty shell pretty much contributing NOTHING to the story, there's no healing powers and really the fight with Zuko was the only thing she did.

Ang, yeah this one bothered the show hes an innocent kid that was mostly very cheerful but also has a wide range of emotions when he realized his people are dead and when shit got serious when he needed to rescues/fight/etc. in the movie hes the most whiny EMO little brat who never even seemed the least bit aware that Katara existed instead of becoming his love-interest whom he starts to have a crush on the minute after they meet.

overall the main plot of the story was reached, everything that was suppose to happen happened with the exception of a few characters that weren't introduced (however they don't do much until seasons 2 and 3) and Ang's final attack that wins the battle at the end was a bit off, he should have turned into a giant water spirit monster channeling the ocean spirit's rage when the moon spirit got killed (he was also suppose to kill Zhao instead of water-benders which pissed me off a bit.

it does look very nice, Moe-moe could have been CGIed a bit less though, the bending seemed neat BUT i didn't like how the bender's movements translated to the element they were the show every minute movement the benders did moved their element in some way. here it feels like the forces of nature don't feel like moving until the bender does a little dance first and it comes across as a bit silly at times.

i think one of my biggest problems is them showing the fire-lord Ozai, first off he should NOT have even been in the movie because we never see him until the end of season 2 (only other times are seeing him as a silhouette with fire surrounding him) he gave his orders though the shadows in the first season and it was Zhao who planed on killing the water spirits himself, not the fire lord. also i really can't stand the guy who plays him, he is suppose to be this cold extremely POWERFUL and threatening person (which would make sense for the most powerful fire-bender in the world). the movie version makes him out to be just a exposition dump/ plot device.

so yeah there are some big problems with the movie, but its not beyond fixing and there could be some potential for better sequels now that a lot of the exposition is out of the way. i feel the same way about the movie that Bob does about whether or not you should go see it and i am still looking forward to the next one if there is one.

EDIT: oh and one last things that bothered me A LOT, there was NO Avatar Roku, the guy who was suppose to be Ang's greatest source of knowledge about being the Avatar and the spirits/spirit world. instead we get a generic dragon spirit that tells him what to do. (granted Roku in the show DID have a dragon companion but he never talked and there doesn't seem to be any connection with Roku.) he is only mentioned in a single line of dialogue and COMPLETELY forgotten afterward and that really pisses me off.
That's about what I said. Agreed.


New member
May 31, 2008
starwarsgeek said:
For fans of the cartoon:
As far what did make it lost all meaning and was repeatedly crammed down the audiences' throats. Zhou has to mention "The Great Library" a dozen times...instead the one, forgetable line from the series that the fans would probably forget about until the library comes up in the second season. They explain the order that Aang must learn the elements, instead of leaving it for the audience to figure out. Ozai is shown suddenly and randomly, without two seasons of buildup before we see his face. Shyamalan thought he'd throw "Chi" in, although it was never mentioned in the show.
Chi is actually mentioned in the show, when Mako's Iroh was teaching Zuko "a move that Azula doesn't even know".