Escape to the Movies: The Raid


New member
Oct 17, 2008
launchpadmcqwak said:
people calm down about Bob hating on the American pie movies in his review...i mean it HIS review.
And the comments section is OUR review of his review, do you honestly think the only reason for having them is to pat this guy on his back? I am pretty sure there is enough of that going on at the Escapist, no need for us to do it as well.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
launchpadmcqwak said:
people calm down about Bob hating on the American pie movies in his review...i mean it HIS review.
If he actually dedicated the episode to reviewing American Pie it would be a different matter. You're right, it is HIS review, but it was supposed to be "HIS review" of "The Raid." So for him to take such satisfaction in disappointing those that he thinks wanted him to review AP is as unprofessional as him calling Michael Bay a douche bag. Which he eventually apologized for doing as he does not know Mr Bay personally. The opening boiled down to:

"Oh? You were hoping for me to review AP. Well HA! HA! I'm not going to! U MAD, BRO?"

Do you remember when Bob reviewed "Machine Gun Preacher," without feeling it necessary to explain why he was reviewing it, and not some other movie that came out that week? It should have been the same here. He could have simply reviewed "The Raid" and made no mention whatsoever of AP. I'm sure there would have been comments asking "why no AP review?", but he could have explained that in an episode of the Big Picture, or Intermission. Instead, he cheats the people that watched his review of The Raid hoping for an in depth review of THE RAID, in order to grind his ax for AP, its audience, and all that he feels they represent. It's unprofessional.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Raid sounds it would be a very great movie to watch.

Pretty much agree with a lot of people on the forum though that MovieBob shouldn't have wasted 1/4th of the review bashing American Pie and going on again about how much highschool sucks. When it comes to the subject of highschool, I only somewhat disagree with Bob. Highschool is very "Your milage may vary." People have some good memories of it, some bad memories. Sometimes one is stronger than the others, and obviously Bob had a bad time in highschool. Me, I considered my highschool experience a "meh." Didn't really had any close knit friends to hang out with, and I had my fair share of being bullied, but I had good memories too of that time period. Unlike Bob, I'll probably go to my reunion, just to see one or two faces I do consider good friends. But if I don't, I don't consider it to be a big loss for me.

What I do agree with is that Bob once said in a "American Bob" video is that highschool, once you compare it to the other stuff in your life after it, is very much insignificant. If someone does indeed have a bad experience in it, they should remember that this is only a rough patch in life that you'll just have to bare for moment, cause it does get better once it's over and move on toward whatever future you're wanting to make for yourself.

So in closing, I pretty much say to MovieBob to try and not dwell too much about highschool. If you were bullied during that time period, I can sympathize, but it's just not healthy to be upset at it forever. Only other critcism I can say is that while bullying happened in the 90's Bob, it didn't just start in that decade. It's been with us since forever. Including the 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, and your favorite decades the 80's and the 00's. If the 90's sucked just because bullying occured in that decade, all the decades sucked because bullying happened in them too. May of not of happened to you, but they happend to somebody.

Overall, taking out the complaining about American Pie at the beginning, the his video review of the Raid was ok.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Kaulen Fuhs said:
Disingenuous. As in, not sincere. Not necessarily flawed, but I wonder how many people are just offended because he stepped on some toes, and don't want to be called out for liking a shitty series of movies, so they invent a list of grievances to express their anger.
Dude, I've never in my life seen an American Pie movie, and I made like five posts in this thread holding my position against Bob's tirade in this video.

People's feathers were ruffled because this is the thousandth time Bob's put a hold on everything just so he can remind everyone how much he hated his high school years.

If you actually read peoples' posts, most don't even mention American Reunion, mine included, as the grievance lies with the facts that 1) he put the video on hold and 2) started complaining about high school again. If that's honestly not enough, go ahead and believe everyone's just conspiring against Bob only because of some deep concealed love for a mediocre 90s comedy.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Kaulen Fuhs said:
It's the package. Bob isn't going to stop doing it, so there's no real point in complaining about it.
Whether or not that's true is speculative on both sides of that argument. Not really relevant beyond just your opinion of the situation.

Either way, we're allowed to voice our complaints just as you're allowed to voice your complaints about our complaints.

Kaulen Fuhs said:
And it isn't American Pie per se, though my wording thus far would definitely give that impression; my belief is that it is Bob's general disrespect for the things people value (or, in short, his opinion being different from yours) that causes people to get in a huff every time he releases a video.
Possibly for others, not the case for most that I've seen. Mostly it's about the arrogant bitching about high school. If you want to attach unspoken disrespect to all those comments, that's your prerogative since you made the connection where there wasn't any.

Kaulen Fuhs said:
The reason I think this is that I don't really see people saying, "You know, Bob, you're completely right, but I came here to see a video reviewing The Raid".
And you'd probably consider that to be just as pointless since it accomplishes just as much saying the opposite. Not to say there aren't people said something along those lines in this thread if you actually looked. And I've already established that most of what people have said has very little to do with Bob's opinion on AP. It's about the fact that he was whining about it. You're saying it would be better if everyone added a little disclaimer at the end of their posts on Bob's whining to say whether or not they agreed with his summation of AP?

You said before that simply calling out Bob's whining is pointless; are you saying doing that wouldn't be?

Kaulen Fuhs said:
Most just accuse him of whining.
Yes. We are. Not because he disrespected us.

Kaulen Fuhs said:
But the thing that really bothers me is people talking about how it violates some "professional credibility" for him to act this way. Put simply, if The Escapist doesn't really care, then he is not in breach of professionalism, as they are actively paying him to do this. Full stop.
We don't expect them to. Most people are, again, just voicing their opinions. And again, just like you're voicing your opinion against our opinion. Think we're pointless? It was your choice to argue against what you deem pointless.