Escape to the Movies: Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie


New member
Apr 24, 2010
You quite literally had me with, "and the food quart is patrolled by a wolf."
I have to see this movie.


New member
May 6, 2009
Well I've never really liked their stuff. The thing is I SHOULD like it. I like their kind of humour, I just think they're boring.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I watched an episode of Tom goes to the Mayor once.

After the show I thought, " Tim and Eric, huh, they must be related to the owners of Adult Swim, because no one in their right mind would think these two idiots are funny enough to be on television"

Then I saw that Tim and Eirc had been given another show. I didn't watch it, but I thought, " Tim and Eric must BE the owners of Adult Swim, because no television exec would give their retarded relatives a second chance to make a horrible show".

Annnd now I find out that there are people who actually think Tim and Eric are funny. That's truly depressing.

Oh, and Movie Bob, all respect credits you earned with me (like your appreciation for comics and MST3K ) have been nullified by saying you like Tim and Eric. You have been demoted from " movie critic I mostly agree with" to " eats paste, should be wearing a helmet, and sometimes comments on movies"


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Oh my God, I love Tim and Eric. I honestly believe they are the two funniest men alive. Fuck this ipad I want to watch so bad...


New member
Nov 9, 2009
ANImaniac89 said:
Dinnerman said:
I love how everybody hates Tim and Eric, but can't articulate it. Tell me WHY you hate Tim and Eric. Don't just say "it sux lololol".

I, for one, think Tim and Eric are fucking hilarious.

There "humor" is based on simple annoying repulsive gross out moments that frequently border on the homophobic and tasteless, Anti-humor is not funny even when done well (which they don't). They get whatever washed up hack/failure "celebrity" ( Weird Al, Marilyn Manson, Zach Galifianakis, Patton Oswalt, Jeff Goldblum, David Cross the list goes on) that they can find to do pointless shit and make it seem like they have some kind of deep cult following (which I prey to God they don't).
In the end all it is is a waste of time and money. There Style doesn't even work in 15 minutes intervals, so adding another 75+ minutes to it in my mind could qualify as lite torture. And Yes I've seen the damn movie (a friend made me watch it after I lost a bet)
The scene that Moviebob couldn't put into Family friendly terms that was inter-cut with the "sex" scene is of Tim in a bathtub being shit on(which in retrospect kinda sums up how I feel about them) Truly these men are deep visionary's with there fingers on the pulse of comedy.
Look I know humor is subjective and that everyone has there own opinions on what they think is funny or not. But ever since the first episode of Tom Goes to the Mayor up until a few hours ago I had yet to find ANYONE who legitimately found them to be funny or entertaining. And now the revelation that not only do you people exist but are willing to defend them. Well it makes me fear for the future and the damage your kind will do to the gene pool.
The thing is that you have to watch enough of it to understand it, then find it funny. I hated it at first, but now they're my idols. Yeah, at first it seems, awful, but once you get the humor, you can't stop laughing.


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
I liked Tom Goes to the Mayor. Haven't seen much of T&EASGJ, but the few clips I have seen were good. Then again the jokes were really gross out or anything like that. I've seen the 'shoes' one which, while stupid, got a chuckle, and another couple I can't remember right now. But it sounds like this isn't something I'd enjoy.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
The longest thing I can stand from this duo is some of the commercials they did for Old Spice []. I could not imagine being exposed to them for 90 minutes in a dark room.


New member
Aug 29, 2010
Now I understand why he says every other comedy movie he reviews is not funny. Actually going to go watch those: the sitter, etc. If you think tim and eric is funny, everything else must be too mainstream. Bob probably liked T&E before it was cool too.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Dinnerman said:
I love how everybody hates Tim and Eric, but can't articulate it. Tell me WHY you hate Tim and Eric. Don't just say "it sux lololol".

I, for one, think Tim and Eric are fucking hilarious.
Comedy is just one of those things that for some people, just doesn't work. It's far too difficult and diverse a concept that everything thought to be comedy will be funny for everyone. Reasons are not required where comedy is concerned, especially surrealist comedy.

Wriggle Wyrm

New member
Jun 15, 2011
While I did like the show in small bite sized pieces, I don?t think I could stomach a full movie. It?s not because it was bad or anything, it was for the most part very good. The thing is, I just found it to be way too depressing to watch at any length.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Pass. I couldn't stand to watch a single episode of that swill, and at the behest of annoying friends, I've tried several times. It literally grated on my very being that someone could find it, in any way, funny. Every aesthetic about it was like as if my eyes were being slowly pulled over a rusty cheese grater. The editing felt like someone ate the whole film, then rolled down a hill before throwing up the garbled, mangled nonsense. "Oooh, it's awkward!" and "oooh, it's gross!" can be reasonable ways to set up humor, but pointing at a turd and saying "eww, it's a turd, bet you weren't expecting that, now watch someone eat it!" is, at it's very best, trying to appeal to the lowest form of intelligence, sensibility, and sapience.

Fuck that nonsense. If I want surreal humor, I'll go rewatch Flying Circus, where competent people have handled the entire affair, and it's not just about how gross something can become.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
I've only seen snippets of Tim and Eric Awesome Show. I recall enjoying it, but it was just another Adult Swim 10-minutes-and-it's-over, short attention span-friendly quick-paced comedy that didn't linger so much on anything. I can't actually imagine anything even remotely attached to the Awesome Show formula would work very well at feature-length.

Still, I like what I've seen of their sense of humour. I think, that it's polarized so many people is signal that it's working. That said, I'm deeply cynical and largely a fan of pitch-black humour, and a lot of their stuff is incredibly stoic and confusing, which I am completely okay with. I can see quite clearly how it could come off as lazy and stupid.