EscapeGoat's Almighty Backlog - Assassin's Creed: Syndicate


Regular Member
Apr 3, 2020
Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate (PC, PS4, Xbox One [reviewed])
Released Oct 2015 | Developed / Published: Ubisoft

It is 1868 and London is awash in the smoke and fires of industry. Assassin twins Jacob and Evie Frye arrive in a city squarely under the thumb of Templar oppression, and at the centre of not just the British Empire, but the Templars’ too. Each branch of London society has a Templar placed in control, from the city’s transportation to the Bank of England itself. Above all else, the calculating Grand Master Crawford Starrick oversees from his offices in Westminster. Evie and Jacob both take different approaches on their arrival. Jacob decides to take the fight to the Templars by raising his own gang, called the Rooks, and striking down their key players, whereas Evie goes in search of the Piece of Eden that is rumoured to be hidden somewhere in Britain’s greatest city.

The bickering from the Fryes is constant, and is the source of much of the drive in the narrative. The Templars are almost an afterthought to their drama. Jacob is impulsive and violent; he takes the mission of assassinating key Templars to heart and goes about this with ruthless abandon. While this might have worked for earlier Assassins in simpler times, unfortunately Victorian England is far more complex and can’t be felled with a simple knife in the dark. Most of his work is followed up by missions with Evie as she frantically tries to fix what he has undone, such as establishing new supply lines of medicine after Jacob kills a prominent doctor.

Evie, in contrast, is more contemplative and quiet. Her role is built around her search for the local Piece of Eden, the Shroud. She is thwarted by Starrick’s second-in-command, Lucy Thorne, and so develops a focused enmity towards her. The emotional difference between the twins is striking, and naturally causes plenty of consternation. It’s easy to sympathise with Evie and roll your eyes at Jacob’s willfully destructive idiocy, but at the same time Evie comes across as cold and calculating, often ignoring emotions and humans in her need to complete her quest, and you can’t help but agree with Jacob that finding the Piece of Eden is a bit useless without also weakening the Templar presence in London.

London is controlled by a gang known as the Blighters. This is, of course, merely a justification for more map-clearing activities. You may be jaded to this and who can blame you, though in its defence Syndicate has a nice variety of missions which the Fryes take to destabilise the Blighters’ hold on the districts of London. These include delivering Templar targets to the local police force, assassinating prominent members, and even rescuing child labourers from workhouses. Each comes with optional objectives to complete, and for the first time in an Assassin’s Creed game these might actually be worth doing as they earn more XP and in turn unlocks more equipment or bonuses for the twins. Once cleared the Rooks move in and the streets become safer to stroll in, with gangs of recruitable mooks hanging around for you to aid you on missions.

That is not the end to Syndicate’s veritable hoard of guff to do in London. Veterans of the franchise will know well Ubisoft’s lasting obsession with spattering collectibles haphazardly across a map and Syndicate is no exception. For those who can be bothered to look into them it becomes clear that some lessons have been learned from this game’s unfortunate predecessor, Unity, and it’s an ongoing theme that often there is an actual reason for clearing the map. Seeking out the hidden locked chests loads the players up with schematics and items to craft new and better gear, and the regular chests always contain generic crafting materials with which the player can upgrade the twins’ equipment or pour into upgrading the Rooks. There are still some pointless collectibles – I can’t think of any decent reason why anyone would bother to get the Helix glitches or beer bottles for example – but these are easily ignored, unless you’re shooting for total completion, in which case they’ll be a huge boring time sink. On top of all the collectibles Jacob and Evie meet a horde of contemporary figures who have missions for them – they can help Dickens conduct investigations into London’s ghost stories, aid Darwin in looking into some scientific sabotage, and even give Karl Marx a hand rallying London’s struggling workers into a unified force.

Some holdovers from Unity make their return in Syndicate. The free run up and down system returns, making London an easy joy to climb around and descending at speed is as rapid and as useful as it was in Unity. Random events which crop up as you wander the streets, which are opportunities to help the citizens of London by stopping criminals, help to solidify London as a living world. This commitment to a world which feels alive was one of Unity’s biggest achievements, and it’s a boon to London as well. The shining star of the game is without a doubt the Thames, which is a thriving and vibrant waterway, lined with barges and ships which tear their way through England’s capital. Running across it without winding up submerged in the grimy waters is a recurring and wonderful challenge.

Combat has been changed yet again, this time to a more refined and somewhat more forgiving version of Unity’s. Similar to the Batman: Arkham games, enemies can be countered to hurt them a bit, and bigger baddies must have their guard broken before you can wail on them. The Fryes can wield kukri knives, knuckle dusters or (naturally) cane swords in fights, and all come with a slew of brutal animations. They’re both competent gunslingers, though interestingly throwing knives seem to be far more effective – investing early into skills associated with them can turn stealth sections into borderline trivialities as you silently headshot everyone with perfect accuracy.

Both Fryes share an ability tree but progress up it separately, meaning you have to flick between characters and manually level them up. Skills are split between combat, stealth, and ecosystem paths, though if you start clearing London you’ll rapidly earn enough to cover all three. Each twin has a set of upgrades that only they can access. Evie can carry tonnes of knives and can also turn invisible when she stays still while in stealth; Jacob’s are paltry in comparison, as he can merely improve his combat prowess. The game wants players to try and see Evie as stealth-focused and Jacob as combat-based and you can play them that way but by and large it’s possible to use them interchangeably provided you put your points into the right skills and wear appropriate gear.

Special mention must be made to the assassination missions which crop up in the story; I love the way in which they are formatted. Once again taking cues from and improving on Unity’s design, they typically offer the Fryes specific ways to interact with the mission. An early example lets you free a nurse locked up by orderlies in a hospital to gain a set of master keys which allows you access through every door in the building. Unique assassination opportunities are available every time, such as posing as a cadaver to get close to your target in the aforementioned hospital.

What to make of Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate? Have no doubt that I think this is definitely one of the good ones, as far as the franchise goes. Coming as it did after the disastrous release of Unity, it’s no surprise that it sold poorly and as a result seems to be a bit unremembered these days. That’s a bit of shame, I think. It’s no shining jewel for the series, but it’s a charming story, with a genuinely solid core cast and it marked another time when Ubisoft understood what it meant to make an engaging open-world game. It helps as well that the game has a sense of lightness about it at points, and straddles that balance between poe-faced solemnity and a bright joy quite well. If it stands out among the series it’s more because a number of entries are merely adequate rather than Syndicate being tremendous, but don’t let that overshadow the fact that this is definitely an enjoyable game.

5/7 – GREAT. Damn fine stuff, a game that doesn’t quite make the top echelon of games but sparkles regardless and holds the interest expertly. Make the time to give this a play.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
While I generally liked Syndicate, it felt like a lot of wasted potential. I've harped on this before but I was annoyed that the game sets up "The Templars(An evil capitalist, specifically) control London and by extension, the British Empire" early on and kinda doesn't bother to remember it very much after the intro missions. Instead it's more Jacob "Hey, let's go to London and create a gang because that'd be cool" and Evie ends up cleaning up all of his messes(but still gets a fraction of the required missions).

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Bat(wo)manning around VIctorian London and the big set piece missions were awesome, such as the mission where you have to assassinate a target holed up in the tower of London and had a number of ways you could deal with it(among them, faking being captured so you could be escorted right to her). However, the entire package ended up being "Good but nothing special compared to some of the others" for me.

I did like one of the DLCs, strangely enough. There's a non-story DLC called The Dreadful Crimes, where your chosen Frye Twin is called to play detective at a series of crimes across london, many of them playing homage to detective fiction staples but there's also one to Sweeny Todd(with an amusing subversion). My favorite of the bunch being a mission called The most hated man in London, wherein you find a man who has been crushed under a fallen crate, but investigating reveals no less then half a dozen people attempted to assasinate him before being crushed by the crate and the goal is to figure which of the murderers is the MOST responsible(amusingly, none of these people were coordinating with each other, they all just picked the same morning to carry out their plans).
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Regular Member
Apr 3, 2020
I'd agree on the plot point for sure. It's definitely more character-driven, and that's fine, but it's a shame it comes at the expense of the Assassin/Templar story and it ends up feeling like Starrick is wasted as a villain, despite being quite charismatic and threatening.

Good but not special about sums it up. Like, I do think it's more than just a decent game - it's probably one of the more solidly put-together Assassin's Creed games - but it doesn't really excel. It's probably in my top 5 for the series, but the gap between it and the other 4 is pretty big, though that kind of just speaks to level of merely adequate games in the franchise.

I'm gearing up to the DLCs :D I post all my reviews on my personal blog where I've been going through the franchise for the last 2 years, and the Syndicate DLCs are my last review to do - I'll then have reviewed every entry in the series I own, up until the point where I finally buy Odyssey XD