Escapist Community Outreach: Building Bridges (Hopes and Fears Edition)

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Am I too late for this party?

I'm Leg End. Underwent a renaming brand change here to transcend my physical shitposting limitations in the Wild West and shitpost forever in a mechanical body, timestamp in video related. But now, I am but a leg. Been here for nearly a decade, and this place has certainly had it's wild swings.

Biggest Hopes? Probably to rebuild my life before it's too late to enjoy it with the people I care about. Getting money owed to come in to make that easier. That we can all just get along and recognize each other as human beings. That a certain someone possibly reading this is alright. You know who you are.

Biggest Fears? That this decade that has not been kind to me has 6 more months to finish me off, and that it will do so. That everything will get worse for everyone. That we don't recognize each other as human beings, and the fighting really kicks off. That I'll fall into that Abyss, and that the certain someone mentioned above does as well.

Abstract and depressing? Definitely. Not much? Yup. But I suppose that's how I strum along when I'm not joking about the terrible stuff. I just want everyone to be left to their own devices. Live and Let Live. I'm a simple man. Could probably say more, and just might over the course of the thread. Actually, why half-ass this post? Been playing Video Games since absolutely forever, been a weeb for almost as long(ages 2 and 5 respectively). Living in California and melting my ass off because the Cali Desert is a burning hellhole. Lived in this state my entire life, but I should realistically consider moving to Arizona. Favorite games series is probably Metal Gear, followed or nearly equal with Kingdom Hearts. Yeah, I don't know what a coherent plot is. Pokemon probably fits there as well, but I haven't been able to play any new entries after Heart Gold or Soul Silver. Favorite anime is Cardcaptor Sakura, hands-down and you should all go see it. Shit, what else... Well, I've taken up playing traditional RPGs with some friends and have done some GMing as well, with my style for running World of Darkness being rather warped and seemingly very in-line with what my kind of tone is. With my connection to Dreams in reality, it has given me a lot of framework and reference to work with to get my players into that same zone. I think. We're playing a Pokemon tabletop right now, and we're going to be having another player GM D&D as soon as I get out of depression and finish my character.

Politically? Good lord. I range anywhere from a Libertarian to a no-compromise Voluntaryist, but really the latter because I think we should all be free to associate and not associate with the people we like or do not like to associate with. I want gay transsexualgenderhelicopterkin to protect their marijuana plants and cocaine crates with small-arms and A-10s BRRRRRRTing by. What you do ain't none of my fucking business, as long as every party is consenting in your BSDM cocaine dungeon with cattle prod bayonets.

ObsidianJones said:
*for the poke*
I think we've all had a similar idea for such a thread running about, but props for putting it well into action. We're the last guys and gals aboard a sinking ship, and we should go down loving each other. You're a cool d00d.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
Hope you?re all having a good day, I am Combustion Kevin and I thought of that name because it alliterates and sounds like a budget-superhero name.

I am from the Netherlands have a game-design diploma, and swiftly reconsidered my career options after seeing what the working conditions are like, switching over to a career as a nurse instead, I have a girlfriend halfway south the country and a now-girlfriend in Dallas that decided to make the transition.

My hope for the future is that I get to make the kinda living that allows me to engage in my other passions, art, LARPing, roleplaying and spending time with my loved ones, I have a lot of friends online all over the world and I would love to meet them IRL at some point.
Kids I am still uncertain about, but I am sure as hell not ready right now.

My fears? being unable to get my girl (in my own country) away from her emotionally abusive family, unable to help her make a fulfilling life for herself, the social scars are becoming more obvious as time passes and I am truly concerned.
Another fear is losing another friend to isolation and depression, it has happened before and I see a lot of my friends online suffering from the fact that they do not have any sort of direct social interaction in their day to day lives, I do try to be there for them.

Politics are something I've been raised with at home, though it has always been in a direct, personal way that asks what I personally think and why, my parents think being politically conscious is part of being an adult, especially in a democracy.

Saelune said:
I often think about how Zontar, a classic rival of mine loves MCU as much as I do. Perhaps not for the same reasons, but still. I do believe I have something in common with literally everyone on this site, I just dont think they are all worth selling out my morals for.

I wish I was more known here for being fun and funny, not for being the loudest left-winger on this site. But I feel like I cant be quiet, that being quiet now is wrong.
I do wish we meet under different circumstances, all I ever see from you are political posts so I've yet to glance at another side of you.
Still, I think you're only holding yourself back if you think breaking bread with "the enemy" is a bad thing, going by your avatar, I'm going on a limb and guess you at least relate to furry subculture, which is an intensely cuddly bunch in my experience, am I close?
I hope I am, you seem like the person that could use one, a big one.

I think having things in common with others helps building bridges and find solutions together, we'd both agree that American politics is a shit show but we both have different ideas as to why, we both champion equality but have different ideas how to achieve that, that is not grounds for conflict, it is fertile soil for healthy discussion. :D