Escapist Podcast: 054: Philsophical Discussions and Mike's Murder Mystery


New member
Jul 26, 2010
I think one area we need to look at is The general pulbic. One person on there own can form an opinon about something, is it good, bad or in the middle thats great the problem becomes when you have more people adding there voices to the debate then all the moderat opinions are drowned out and you have to be right or wrong. In the first men in black tommy lee jones said "a person is smart, people a dumb panicy animals" and he's right in a crown peoples IQ drops and they become less and less able to accept new a challenging ideas so that also has to be a consideration that maybe the genral pulbic are just ready to accept what you are trying to tell them. But I do agree that some topics are just not acceptable to shown, for example we all can agree that a child should not be shown a film of someone being raped and murdered, but that is not an absolute truth, that is a truth of our time. And one of the greatest truths of our time is the mob mentality is still on full force and unless you understand that and give you piece of art the right context it will be torn apart by the mob.


This is a...!
Apr 8, 2009
I couldn't stand Anne Hathaway's "I'm way cooler than anyone around me."

It reminded me of high school...


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
[The said:
Rock]On a more serious note, what's the name of that exhibit with the gun on the timer?
From what I could gather, it's actually the plot of a play, "The Potato Creek Death Chair". For all the time I spent with Google, I could not find a single trace of a real art exhibit with this premise. And it's definitely not an exhibit in France, that much is for sure. France is not as gun friendly as the US, and had there been even a hint of such an exhibit, you can bet it would've been all over the news.

Greatly enjoyed this podcast, especially the ethical discussion about good versus evil, and the difference between universal absolutism, personal beliefs and objective truth.

Keith Ballard

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Marble Hornets video (Slenderman) featuring that circle and X that resemble the silly string story:


New member
Feb 5, 2011
Video games are not toys. They are a valid form of art and should treated like one. Video games can tackle any subject (sometimes even more successfully than films or literature) and should not be subjects of censorship based only on the facts that they are games.[/quote]

my frined here comes the CHESNUT! - videogames are toys AND art. thats a sad/ or maybe awesome fact because it opens freedoms that arent open to other arts BUT it also closes certain venues - still just means u should just be able to make more of what u got.