Escapists, what are your deep dark gaming secrets?


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
-The only Tales of game I have completed fully was Tales of Symphonia
-I love the hell out of DDR: Mario Mix (despite its simplicity and lack of difficulty)
-I will always find Rayman more enjoyable than Mario, in terms of platformers
-I rarely play most AAA titles (I forgot the last actual one I have played in general...)
-The main reason for my PSP was for Kingdom Hearts... and now all of the games I have for it are JRPGs...
-I buy more console games than I do actually beating said console games...
-I have admitted to loving Monster Girl Quest in public alongside other erotic Japanese games...
-Out of all of the Zelda games I have played, I have only beaten the original...
-I have never beaten an actual Final Fantasy game... and I only have played 1,2,6, and DoC...
-I love the hell out of Kingdom Hearts... even the original 358 game and Re:Coded for the DS...

I think there's more gaming secrets than that... but, I'm not too sure about that...

Edit: Found another one...
I don't consider any of the following gaming secrets... well... secret... since all of my friends already know them...


New member
Jul 20, 2013
-I have never completed a Splinter Cell or Hitman game despite my friends raving about how good they are.
-I still have not played Bioshock Infinite
-The Binding of Isaac is my favorite indie game so far that I have played.
-I have still to play Dark Souls even though I have heard good things about it and am up for a challenge.
-Kingdoms Hearts 1 & 2 are two of my favorite games and I am hyped for the 3rd one coming out!
-I enjoyed both games in the Final Fantasy 13 series!

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I didn't enjoy the Mass Effect series as much as mist people seem to. I definitely wouldn't say the games are bad in any way, just not for me.

Haven't played Portal 2 despite playing the first game, which I'm not a huge fan of in the first place.

Despite loving Mario platformers like crazy, I don't find Super Mario Bros. and the American version of Super Mario Bros. 2 to be fun games. Iconic, ground breaking, but far from the best Mario has to offer.

I really enjoyed Resident Evil 6, while I don't think it was the best direction for the series, I do not think it deserves the hate it got. Resident Evil 5 on the other hand...ugh.

I play and enjoy Super Smash Bros. more with computer players. I know the game was made to be all about multiplayer fun, and I like fighting my brother or my friends since I'm pretty good with the game, but I like fighting bots even more.


I am Tizzy's Willing Slave
Aug 3, 2009
Well flame shields up, even though I doubt anyones going to bash me for my opinions. I just wanted to say it is all :p

-I have only beaten Ocarina of time a grand total of once. I have put an estimated 200 hours (Rough guess to be honest) or so playing that game off and on throughout my life.
-I believe the Saints row series is one of the best ever.
-I've wanted to beat RE4 so badly but I can't get a good hang of the aiming. I am just terrible at it and made it as far as the castle before I couldn't progress anymore.
-I find Portal to be very very overrated and I don't see why people love it so much.
-I played Half-Life 2 on the orange box. While it was fun I don't see it as the pinnacle of gaming everyone makes it out to be.
-I generally like the FPS' like Cod and Halo.

That's about all I can think of at the moment. Will come back with more though, maybe.

Jolly Co-operator

A Heavy Sword
Mar 10, 2012
Despite never having played it, I have declared Sonic 2006 to be a terrible game several times.

In stealth games, I often save-scum (not sure if it counts as a secret, since it's a pretty common practice).

EDIT: I remembered another one:

Despite loving the game, (hell, a quote from it is even the namesake for most of my usernames) I've never managed to beat Dark Souls. I've gotten to the the last few bosses, but another game always catches my attention, or I get a hankering to start a new character with a different play style, and my nearly-completed files always go unfinished. To make matters worse, by the time I come back to it, I've usually lost a bit of the skill I had accumulated.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Not only do I play Katawa Shoujo, but my favorite character is...


Followed by...



Chocolate Mousse

New member
May 23, 2011
let it be said that i wish to anger no one with my opinions.

-I think League of Legends is incredibly boring and stale.

-I have no inclination to play the first BioShock even if I liked Infinite and people are saying 1 was better

-I hated the original Deus Ex (I enjoyed HR though)

-I thought The Last of Us was overdoing it (Yeah. Real funny coming from an Infinite fan)

-I really, really, reaaallyy, REALLY fucking hate Persona (Or Shin Megami Tensei in general). It's not a bad rpg (ok yeah it is. it's also boring as fuck), I really don't like how it feels like I'm playing another generic high school anime with a bit of fantasy thrown in. Also, all my friends won't stop talking about it which irks me even more.

-I thought Catherine was a waste of time.

-I still like Gaben and Valve after all the BS they pulled me through for pure nostalgic reasons

-I still think Sonic > Mario

-I believe Godzilla Unleashed was good.

-I think Metal Gear is incredibly overrated

-I liked Kingdom Hearts 2 better than I liked KH1

-I thought Spec ops the Line was incredibly overrated and making the game unfun for the sake of a mediocre twist and some self deprecating themes was a terrible idea

-I hated Mass Effect as a whole

And my deepest, darkest one:

-I think hardcore gamer's opinions on which game is better than which are as equally valid as a filthy casual's.

Ix Rebound

New member
Jan 10, 2012
- I couldn't finish the first level of halo 1 because i was afraid of those grunts in the matience tunnels (i was 10)
- I didn't think bioshock infinite was all that great
- I thought the original ME3 ending was ok (EC made it better)
- I don't won't to say that i will probably get Xbox One in fear of being lynched
- I thought Bulletstorm was awesome
- I will re-do an entire game or trilogy just to get something right
- i can't figure out how to get the KOTOR 2 restored content mod working :(
- I never liked Timesplitters 2


New member
Jun 24, 2012
I have never played a Zelda or Mario game, fact.
*Dashes out before people cry BULLSHIT or faint*


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Only one really comes to mind but I think it gets a fair bit of hate.

I think Capcom did nothing wrong by shelving some of their MegaMan projects and the fans who feel they're ignoring chances to make money are speaking from ignorance born of strapping on nostalgia goggles so hard their scalp has lost circulation. MegaMan hasn't had a solid game since around 2005 and I'd rather see it shelved for a while than become another Sonic where it's crap after crap on a regular basis being sold just to keep the mascot out.

Oh, and Skyward Sword has been my favorite Zelda since Majora's Mask, though it would be better if it had more sidequests and another town or two in the sky area.


New member
Mar 1, 2013
-I like Final Fantasy X-2, but I love that Dress Up is a battle mechanic.
-I've must have put 50 hours on The Orange Box. The Half Life games make up maybe fifteen minutes.
-I totally sucked at Atelier Totori.

Eh, if not like I was respected around here anyways.


New member
Oct 28, 2010
(I don't mind the ending to Mass Effect - Mass Effect's ending was alright - I like ME Ending)
(ME Ending was good - I liked the ending to Mass Effect - The ending to Mass effect was good)
(I don't mind the ending to Mass Effect - Mass Effect's ending was alright - I like ME Ending)
(ME Ending was good - I liked the ending to Mass Effect - The ending to Mass effect was good)
(I don't mind the ending to Mass Effect - Mass Effect's ending was alright - I like ME Ending)
(ME Ending was good - I liked the ending to Mass Effect - The ending to Mass effect was good)
(I don't mind the ending to Mass Effect - Mass Effect's ending was alright - I like ME Ending)
(ME Ending was good - I liked the ending to Mass Effect - The ending to Mass effect was good)


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"Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble! Rabble rabble rabble rabble rabble!"


New member
Oct 12, 2009
I enjoy the stories in first person shooters. It's one of the reasons I buy COD every year (Though the recent one's have been just rotten, I didn't even complete Blops2) One of my favourite games of all time is Singularity, simply because of this reason. Infact I purchase all of my FPS games for the story and the multiplayer comes second.

Also I really enjoyed DA2 - yes they reused a lot of stuff, but it's still a solid game and it's a lot better than a lot of crap that comes out onto the gaming market.

Also, I can't play Sniper: Ghost Warrior 1 or 2 because of the motion blur in the games when you turn. For some reason it makes me feel super ill - I've never gotten this with any other game before, on my 360, PC or 3DS. Really freaks me out.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
I have nothing to confess, I'm right about everything, and I'm open about all my correct stances.
Griffolion said:
I have never played Half Life, and only played an hour of Half Life 2. I found it utterly boring, and cannot care less about Half Life 3.

I really didn't mind the ending to Mass Effect 3.

I like Modern Military Shooter games.

I have never played, nor have any inclination to play, League of Legends or DOTA 2.
With the exception of tolerating Space Wizards 3's ending, those are all perfectly reasonable.
Half Life 2 is sort of an ironic Chuck Norris-esque joke, (Nobody seriously thinks its a great game, it's just sort of a running joke among the gaming community) MOBAs are the most hostile unfriendly communities, and some Modern Military Shooters are pretty good.


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Growing up with the NES, being the older brother that beat the difficult sections for my younger siblings, I now prefer to play games on the easy difficulty setting.

Also, now my younger siblings, and their spouses, are better at console games than I am.

Also, I prefer Crysis 2 to Crysis 1.

xWestie said:
- I never played any Mass Effect Games untill 3 came out. I played them all in one go & I didn't see a problem with the ending.
- I actually like Navi.
- I enjoy Battlefield 3 far more than CoD
Navi isn't as bad as people say, it is just fun to hate. I actually have Navi as sound effect on my PC at work, notifies me when I've got a new tech support ticket to work on.

What is so bad about thinking Battlefield is better than CoD?
What is so bad about not liking the classics?
What is so wrong about thinking that MGS, or Half-Life, or Goldeneye are overrated?
Who honestly thinks that GTA IV was an improvement in anything other than graphics and physics?

--- The following are not "dark secrets". ---

I do hold the opinion that the ME3 endings were absolutely terrible, and expect that you will agree in time.

Never played Duke Nukem Forever, but hated everything it advertised, so I hate the game.

Goldeneye 007, Battlefield 1942, MGS for PS1, and Zelda:LttP are all among my favorite games.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
Despite being a huge RPG nerd, I've never finished Final Fantasy VII. Come to think of it, I've never even gotten farther than just a couple hours in.
I think the problem is that I never played it until years later, and it's just aged so poorly.

Also, I think Navi is more helpful than annoying.

Oh, and I absolutely cannot stand MOBAs. At all. I played League of Legends for like two hours, uninstalled it, and never looked back.

EDIT: I just remembered that I never finished Ocarina of Time either. Never even got the Master Sword.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
This seems to have turned into a very big hate thread, so I will try to avoid that here.

-I have never beaten Beyond Good and Evil or Ocarina of Time. The former because I could never get through the frankly atrocious PC port, and the latter because I could just never get into it.

-I absolutely love Nintendo, and really enjoy most of their franchises. I believe that they just make consistently excellent game, and I don't see what's wrong with using the same franchises if those same franchises consistently produce amazing games. I just wish Nintendo gave me enough good reasons to get a Wii U, because I want to want that console.

-Despite being a huge fan of the Mass Effect franchise (no comment on the ending), I still haven't gotten around to getting any of the DLC for #3. It has just never seemed like a priority.

-I own very few games that I hate. At the very least, I had fun with them at the time or I could appreciate what it was trying to do but it just wasn't for me. The only bad games I have went out of my way to purchase were when I was really young and bought mostly licensed titles.

-I really like Dear Esther, and despite the limited gameplay I do believe it is a game, because at what point does a piece of interactive media become a game?

-I like to follow TF2 news even though I haven't actually played that game in years.

-I think the Half-Life franchise has some of the best FPS's ever made, which seems to be and unpopular opinion on this forum.