Evangelion 3.0 + 1 discussion(potential Spoilers)


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2017
United States
I'm more than happy to hear the praising of Studio Triggers and their works, but I thought you dislike them them entirely. I know I don't like all their works and I don't care for certain ones, but even some of the ones I don't like can still be entertaining. What changed your tune?
I revisited a lot of older works that I hadn't seen in 6-10 years. I won't say I'm their biggest fan, they're still hit and miss for me, but clearly there's a lot of incredible talent. I can see an obvious through line in how the best Gainax anime flowed into the best of studio trigger. How Panty and Stocking and Gurren Lagan naturally evolved into Space Cop or Promare. How neon genesis obviously evolved into Darking in the Franxx.


Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
This is why I honestly prefer Gurren Lagan. If neon genesis was supposed to be a "deconstruction" (what a pretentious phrase), then Gurren Lagan was a reconstruction. A reconstruction of everything beautiful about anime. Hope, perseverance, overcoming odds, friendshipe, giant cool robots, and a plot thats deep without being pretentious and random. I liked EVA growing up, but looking back, so much of it didn't mean anything. Like, it wanted to make this grand statement about religion, but then it just didn't. What was the point? No real themes at all. Meanwhile, gurren lagan holds up so much better, with far more complex and likeable characters, and a story that actually makes sense.
I was literally going to comment that some of the last film seemed like it was paying homage to gurren lagaan, but I figured it might offend people. In general there's a sense that this last one was very informed by the last 30 years of anime. Lot of things that felt like subtle references, but as with all things anime it's becoming increasingly difficult to be wholely original. All these years of anime copying Eva only for it to finally copy the former.

Bokurano was better..*exits stage left*
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
How Panty and Stocking and Gurren Lagan naturally evolved into Space Cop or Promare.
Don't forget about Kill La Kill. It was a spiritual successor to both GL and P&S. When Ryuko and Satsuki look like female versions of Simone and Russo respectively.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Promare I love, but it should have been a TV series preferably. GL, I used to like, but I always hated the ending. That twist was so unnecessary and out of left field, that it felt like Hideaki Anno stepped into the writers room and locked everyone out. I hate cruel twist like that to just to screw the protagonist(s) over.

It's why I never bothered getting the box set.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Honestly, the people hating on that show were most likely burned Eva fans. I know Mother's Basement went through the crapper on that anime and start complaining about a whole bunch of "plot holes". Butt fuck acts like he's the to be all and the voice all of all things anime. Also, it got very popular and hyped at the time, and it's just one of those cases of people hating on things to be popular. I have no interest in Darling, but I can see the appeal to it. It definitely has a sizable fan base
A lot of people don't like the ending which is a bold and only partially successful attempt to just cram a whole series worth of story into about three episodes and then yet another series into one, but I cannot help but admire the sheer brass balls of them doing it.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
A lot of people don't like the ending which is a bold and only partially successful attempt to just cram a whole series worth of story into about three episodes and then yet another series into one, but I cannot help but admire the sheer brass balls of them doing it.
Wait, it's only three episodes? I didn't know that. That explains a lot of the backlash. Though I feel many went way overboard on the hate train. I'm noticing a trait with Studio Trigger, where a lot of their works feel rushed, or they try to cram a series worth into a movie or ova.


Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
Wait, it's only three episodes? I didn't know that. That explains a lot of the backlash. Though I feel many went way overboard on the hate train. I'm noticing a trait with Studio Trigger, where a lot of their works feel rushed, or they try to cram a series worth into a movie or ova.
The motherfucking aliens that were behind the whole thing arrive in episode 20, that arc largely gets wrapped up by Episode 23 then everyone has the entire rest of their lives covered in the last episode.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
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The motherfucking aliens that were behind the whole thing arrive in episode 20, that arc largely gets wrapped up by Episode 23 then everyone has the entire rest of their lives covered in the last episode.
And people complained that Kill La Kill had "too much filler or nothing happens until the 14th episode". While there were some filler episodes, most episodes served a purpose by either learning more about show's universe/lore, developing Ryuko, learning more about Satsuki and her elite 4 (whether it be with character flashbacks or how they interact with each other), and later moving the story forward.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
"Evangelion 3.0 + 1"?

The fuck kind of name is that?

Im not an Evangelion guy, but does this name actually mean something?
Fuck if I know. I've been complaining about it myself talking about the lead up movies in the Animu/Cartoon thread and I honestly refuse to call it that because it's too convoluted, it looks stupid and it smacks of someone trying way to hard to sound clever(and it's not). And yes, I'm calling it 4.0 and I don't care if anyone is salty about it.

I say that as someone who is arguably an Eva guy, since I've seen the series(and EOE) a couple times and I've rewatched the rebuild films each time a new one comes out to remind me what's going on in the new one, due to the multi-year time gaps between film releases).

Evangelion 3.0 + 1= Evangelion 4.0!


Other than that, I got nothing. It's the equivalent of those weird, nonsensical, and pretentious titles Kingdom Hearts would come up after the second game.
Fuck, I'm getting Kingdom Hearts PTSD just from you saying that and I've never played the games.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I am still left scratching my head as to what happened to the Seele leadership and organization because 3.0 and the sequel seem to indicate the entire operation is run by Gendo and Fyutski somehow.
There's a scene in 3.0 where Gendo is basically telling SEELE to fuck off and Fyutski starts pulling big switches which turns off the monoliths. Which means they were AI's and he just killed them or something or maybe he basically just permanently put them on video-conference ignore or something. I have no clue. It's never explained and never comes up again. What it amounts to is that Gendo answers to nobody anymore and it doesn't look like SEELE could do shit about it anyway even if they are somehow still around. Especially since NERV and Wille are essentially the only military powers left on the planet, for all we know. But yeah, it seems NERV is comprised of 4 people at this point and everything is completely automated, using the lovecraftian black magic that powers everything else in this series.

Hell, it's unclear if civilization exists anymore after Shinji 3rd Impacted 99% of the planet. Yeah, there's some villages that get supplies from elsewhere(connected to Wille) and otherwise scrape by in the safe zones, but then we seen Paris is basically dead in 4.0 and we can imagine the rest of the world is as bad. If there is any governments left outside of Wille, we sure as hell don't hear about them(unless it was buried in the dialogue somewhere). Until they showed those supply ships in 4.0 and started talking about disturbing supplies under another organization, I assumed Wille was just that big fleet that roams around and scavenges supplies to keep themselves going, despite the fact warships kinda require extensive logistical infrastructure to keep functioning(Former Navy Guy here). Maybe they also have a giant automated weapons factory like Gendo does somewhere?

What really got me in 4.0 in Paris, they see the army of Wierd Eva/Angel Hybrids coming to get them and Ritsuko mentions "That's a violation of the Vatican Treaty, using Evas for military purposes". I honestly hope that's supposed to be Sarcasm on her part, because othewise it begs the question "Ritsuko, 99% of humanity is dead and civilization is apparently gone with it in a world that's mostly red, hellish death world. Who the fuck cares about the Vatican Treaty at this point?"
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Endless Struggle
Mar 16, 2012
a homeless squat
Fuck if I know. I've been complaining about it myself talking about the lead up movies in the Animu/Cartoon thread and I honestly refuse to call it that because it's too convoluted, it looks stupid and it smacks of someone trying way to hard to sound clever(and it's not). And yes, I'm calling it 4.0 and I don't care if anyone is salty about it.
The reason it is called 3.0+1.0 is because 4 in Japanese sounds like death, and Japan has a big taboo around that number. But I believe the real reason is that with 3.0+1.0 Anno wanted the more hopeful and humanitarian themes of the movie to not clash with a title that has negative connotations. As a reminder, the movie was never getting called 4.0; at first it was Rebuild of Evangelion Q. Why did he not go with it and changed it to 3.0+1.0? Who knows. But it's clear he never wanted to add a 4.0 there.


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
The reason it is called 3.0+1.0 is because 4 in Japanese sounds like death, and Japan has a big taboo around that number. But I believe the real reason is that with 3.0+1.0 Anno wanted the more hopeful and humanitarian themes of the movie to not clash with a title that has negative connotations. As a reminder, the movie was never getting called 4.0; at first it was Rebuild of Evangelion Q. Why did he not go with it and changed it to 3.0+1.0? Who knows. But it's clear he never wanted to add a 4.0 there.
Ok, that makes a little more sense, but the problem is that you're going from 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0 so the logical next step is 4.0. And Q is apparently 3.0, IIRC, because it's based off Noh(?) dramatic conventions, where 2.0 would be Break. I'd have a little more tolerance here if they'd dropped the numbering thing or started on the weird system earlier in the sequence but as it stands now, it feels like they're trying to be cute or something. If they didn't want to do 4.0, they had other options then this. Fuck, just call it "Infinite/Final/Imaginary Rebuild" or something.

3.0 + 1.0 feels like an attempt to end run around the convention they'd already set up, but considering how far off the plan this series has already gotten(pretty much nothing in the 3.0 trailer was actually in 3.0 and apparently the entire production was troubled as hell, with major ass rewrites and Anno falling deep into depression again) this doesn't surprise me. I'm still calling it 4.0
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The reason it is called 3.0+1.0 is because 4 in Japanese sounds like death, and Japan has a big taboo around that number.
That does not even make sense as Devil May Cry 4, Resident Evil 4, and Samurai Warriors 4 have the number in their title, and they did more than fine. I know those are all video game examples, but that only further proves my point. I know you explained your reasoning for Anno to be more hopeful, but he comes off as extra silly and pretentious. Just call it 4.0 and be done with it.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
I saw this earlier this week and finally was able to suss out my thoughts on the matter to some extent. There's so much so unpack here so I'm gonna hit the stuff that sticks out to me. I also rewatched the 3 movies before over 24 hours so I could remember what the hell was going on...and I was still lost at times.

Obviously spoilers everywhere.

So after a very LONG fucking development cycle (I hadn't met my wife when 3.33 came out. Now I have a 4 year old kid), this film is finally out for the world to see. Overall it's Satisfying and does bring everything to a close. However, that comes with the caveat of it being all over the place with a number of highs and lows that makes it difficult to judge.

So picking up more or less immediately after 3.33, there's a rather cool Intro sequence where Wunder shows up a creepy red and lifeless Paris France, and a team of techs/bridge bunnies in spacesuits/hazard suits disembark via a flying submarine thing onto a big weird black monolith thing in the middle of the city and start doing something. In the meantime, a bunch of creepy-looking automated Eva/Angel Hybrids from the now Evil NERV show up to poop on their party so Mari ends up playing defense from the techs in a very interesting looking battle sequence until they can finish whatever they're doing. Eventually Mari wipes out the invaders and the techs activate the monolith which basically restores Paris to being normal looking, and reveals Paris was basically another barrier/fortress city like Tokyo 3 and has a ton of spare parts and weapons that used to belong to Nerv for them to rebuild, repair and rearm the Evas(which is good considering they lost Unit 2 at the end of the last film). Which is weird because there was no indication Angels were ever going to attack anywhere but Tokyo. It also introduces this new Anti-LCL(?) monolith stuff that apparently is also alien tech that just so happens to have never been mentioned before but apparently is required for people to actually live on the surface.

Afterwards, the movie settles down into a much slower arc about the 3 kids wandering out of the alien ruins of Tokyo 3, having lost their Evas, on foot and apparently it's fine? Presumably the Red areas are uninhabitable and that's why they need the big barrier monoliths(thus the hazard suits in the Paris scene) but these 3 are okay to just hoof it out because of reasons or something. They're picked up and taken to a quaint little town in the countryside which is being protected from the encroachment by said monoliths, where a number of characters they went to school with have been living, farming and raising families. It's slow but rather chill and wholesome and for a while I swore someone stuck a Studio Ghibli movie inside of this Evangelion film. It provides some much needed breathing room to just decompress and emphasize that life is still going on in some places. It's also important because, due to the extreme trauma Shinji has been through in the past 2 films, he's finally broken and is somewhere between extremely depressed, full on PTSD and catatonic for a while, basically huddling in a corner and vomiting every time he sees Asukas bomb collar(apparently all the Eva pliots get one, not just him. Thanks for not explaining that, Wille/Misato).

I also rather appreciated the fact it cast focus on Shinji's slow recovery from the PTSD/Catatonia/Depression resulting from pretty much everything he's been through in the past few movies. This kid has lost pretty much everything, almost everyone hates him, he has no one to talk to, and as someone who has suffered from depression before(albeit not nearly that bad), I totally felt for the poor guy here. While the movie might be moving a bit fast on his recovery for the sake of pacing(lets face it, shinji probably needed years of therapy he's likely never gonna get to be a remotely healthy person after all that), it was nice to show that progression and create a sense of hope for him and the rest of the movie by extension.

It was also nice to have Rei, who was basically a doll before at NERV HQ, starting to become an actual person here through the process of learning like a toddler/small child does about life in the village, allowing to start developing her own life. Asuka....damn, Asuka, the movie is trying to make me feel sympathy for you, but then you go and stuff a bunch of food down Shinjis throat, which very well could have killed him and....I just can't fucking like you when you keep doing acting like an abusive *****. I empathize with....well, the fact she's apparently a clone or something and doesn't age anymore, but Shinji being your eternal torture target for no particular reason is not remotely fucking cool.

Once that's done, the movie shifts towards the final act, which is Willie and Wunder assaulting NERV HQ to stop Gendo from ending the world for real this time(as opposed to Shinji's previous aborted two attempts, which I guess are now 3rd and 4th impact, or maybe 3rd Impact, 3rd times the charm). And this si where the movie becomes fucking jammed packed with stuff so much that it becomes really hard to follow at times. There's big action scenes, new terms and concepts are tossed at the viewer left and right, there's a ton of cribbing from EoE(God Help you if you didn't watch that first) that makes the whole thing feel a bit messy and insane and just a bit bloated. At one point I looked at the time left, thinking they were coming up on the end and realized there was still like 45 min left).

Aside from being just so full of shit at the end, it's the fact that even if you have watched the series ( and EOE ) and more or less can follow what's going on there AND have watched the previous movies enough to have some idea what's going on up to 4.0, it still doesn't matter. You're still pretty much screwed in knowing what the fucking hell is going on at least half the time, because now you've got all this new stuff that doesn't seem to follow the same rules at all and I'm assuming this is all following some sort of actual logic in Anno's brain.

There's plenty of references to EOE but now you've got shit like Imaginary Lilith (or whatever her name is) and the other universe and I mean, it's just a lot. It really is. Asuka has a tiny monolith under her eyepatch and then she turns into an angel? WTF is that all about? Ritsuko mentions NERV has a 4th battleship? You couldn't have brought that up earlier? Vessels of Adam? And apparently there are 4 adams at 2nd Impact now? Like, I know this series has LOST levels of not explaining shit but since the last act is like a bunch of crazy action shit and throwing this stuff out, like I feel like there's a bunch of explanations that should be in the movie but isn't. It's like EOE on steroids.

Speaking of EOE, I do need to address the elephant in the room that this is riffing a LOT on EOE, even down to certain events(though in this case Ritsuko puts a bullet in Gendo rather than the other way around, which was a nice touch). At the end you get a particular sequence where Impact starts due to Gendo kicking it off and Shinji following him into the whole....thing to stop him. Which leads to what's essentially him and Gendo talking it out to let Shinji bring the whole thing to an end.

What's interesting here is that since Shinji has finally managed to reach some stability in this emotional state after recovering from his depression/PTSD somewhat earlier, he's able to finally deal with his dad and come to term with his abusive behaviour while Gendo finally opens to and talks to his son, perhaps more than he ever did in the entire series up till now. Considering the events and the fact they seem to he happening in a context, not unlike the end of the series, it feels like a subtle confirmation of the theory that EOE and eps 25+26 happen more or less at the same time to some extent(or more accurately, eps 25/26 happen during the "Komm Susser Tod" sequence from EOE). But more improtantly, it FINALLY fucking resolves Shinji getting to deal with his dad head on, something that was never really resolved in the original series/EOE. So Shinji is able to close the book on that and rewrite reality from a position of optimism/confidence rather than being utterly broken by Gendos A+ Parenting skills and everything else going on.

With that out of the way, there's a couple other things I wanted to touch on. While not the focus of the movie, the reference Ritsuko makes to Evas being illegal(or as she puts it, in violation of the Vactican treaty, as if that matters now) as military weapons brings up the implications of Evas, particulary NERV's Evas are are fucking wierd as shit and very Angel-looking, being common battlefield tools is an interesting one. It reminds me of the Metal Gear Universe where by MGS4, Metal Gears, which were initially akin to doomsday weapons, are now Common Battlefield weapons, and the fact the Metal Gears and NERV Evas are essentially autonomous just drives home the comparison. The irony is that there's nobody left to use them on except Wille, because as far as I can tell none of the other governments exist anymore(and with 99% of humanity being dead, it's probably a moot point to begin with). I was also confused about Paris being a Barrier/Fortress City like Tokyo 3 but angels apparently never attack anywhere but Japan so what's the fucking point? Hell, there's an entire plot point in 2.0 about the Vatican Treaty preventing any nation from having more then 3 Evas which leads to that wierd thing where the US sends Japan one of their Evas so now Japan has to put Unit 2.0 in Storage because reasons, but why the hell do the other nations need Evas again if the whole point is to either fight Angels or...do SEELE's weird Black Magic Apocalypse shit. It would have been nice if any of this had been explained beyond "3 eva limit, we have to put Unit 2 in storage despite already having 3 functioning Evas".

I guess the other thing I should mention is how fucking ridiculous it is that apparently this is all part of Gendo/SEELE's plan. Shinji cares about Rei, Rei Gets eaten by Angel 9 and then Shinji Starts 3rd Impact to save her? Except then Kaworu stops it. But Shinji is manipulated by just letting Shinji go nanners into pulling the damn lances, which restarts 3rd/4th impact? But then Asuka/Mari stops that one. And finally, Gendo apparently lets Wille steal the Wunder and take Unit 01 and pull get to Unit 13 to restart 3rd/4th/5th impact again, but he also routinely tries to kill them all with his Eva army which would completely neglect the point because he needs other people to do it(Blow up the Wunder and you don't have your 4th battleship for your ritual thingy, Gendo. Ever think of that?). Not to mention how easy it could be for ANY of them to die and not be able to make the damn plan work(Shinji getting crushed by the Angel fight at the end of 2.0 would have basically fucked SEELE's plans pretty fucking hard).

I mean, there's 3d chess and then there's you getting damn lucky all the time because somehow your enemies do everything you need to do exactly how you need them to do it and it stops being amusing after a while. I honestly forget if Shinji was needed to do something to make Gendo's plan work in 4.0 but Asuka stuffing food down his throat could have ended that real fucking quick (Did I mention Asuka is the fucking worst, or would be except for Gendo). Gendo apparently did need Unit 01 yet again so presumably he needed Shinji? I mean, if Shinji had offed himself from the stress, would that have fucked SEELE hard due to losing the one guy who can operate Unit 01? I'm thinking way too hard about this, I'm sure.

Oh, and then there's the whole thing about Kaji apparently stopping 3rd Impact? When the fuck did this happen? It looked like it was Kaworu with the damn lance who did it. How the hell Kaji did anything like that is never shown but they just keep acting like it's a thing. They do mention something about him using Wunder as a seed bank to preserve life on earth, so maybe that's what they really meant or something, but that's not the same as saving 3rd impact and doesn't matter if the world is contaminated with LCL/Angel Blood/Red.

Overally, I found this overall Satisfying to bring the rebuild films to a close and wrap up a fair bit of both the series themes and arc but also the rebuild series. Since it's impossible not to compare this to EOE, I would argue EOE was much more focused and generally easier to follow, but this film(while being kinda all over the place near the end and arguably a bit overlong) has the advantage of not being a 90 minute parade of misery and depression that EOE was, partially because 3.0 already covered that ground and this shows Shinji finally recovering. Instead, Rebuild 4 at least has some hope that things will eventually get better and Shinji is finally reaching a state of stability and self worth, which yeah, is essentially the big key to making the meta as fuck ending work but you know what, I'll take it over waking up on a desolate beach with a complete asshole and presumably wondering what the fuck they're gonna eat in a few hours becasuse the earth is a lifeless hellscape full of angel corpses.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Evangelion will always suck in my eyes. They should have stopped at 2.0 and been done with it. Almost none of the original people at Gainax work there anymore. A majority of them went to form Studio Trigger and they're better off for it. Gainax has nothing left period. All their other properties are either too niche, came and gone, or they don't want to continue it, because the talent for it all left 10 years ago.
For future rant reference; Gainax is not involved with the Rebuild series.
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Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
For future rant reference; Gainax is not involved with the Rebuild series, they haven't released animated Evangelion related stuff since the 1990's.
I think Anno's new studio more or less got the IP from Gainax anyway. ANNNDDDD aparenty several heads of Gainax have been arrested for Tax Fraud and.....Taking illicit pictures of a teenage employee....Ewwwww.

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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
For future rant reference; Gainax is not involved with the Rebuild series.
Which makes sense considering a lot of the animators and actual talent left.

I think Anno's new studio more or less got the IP from Gainax anyway. ANNNDDDD aparenty several heads of Gainax have been arrested for Tax Fraud and.....Taking illicit pictures of a teenage employee....Ewwwww.
Now they can go rot in jail for a long time. Good one on you Anno. I'm serious. Despite your pretentiousness, there is a real human being and good person. Thank you for the news, sir.
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Elite Member
Aug 26, 2017
United States
The reason it is called 3.0+1.0 is because 4 in Japanese sounds like death, and Japan has a big taboo around that number. But I believe the real reason is that with 3.0+1.0 Anno wanted the more hopeful and humanitarian themes of the movie to not clash with a title that has negative connotations. As a reminder, the movie was never getting called 4.0; at first it was Rebuild of Evangelion Q. Why did he not go with it and changed it to 3.0+1.0? Who knows. But it's clear he never wanted to add a 4.0 there.
The actual reason is because 3.0 + 1.0 is written to resemble the "end/repeat" signs in sheet music. I'm not sure why its called thrice upon a time. I've heard people argue that its because the film is the third ending to the series, but i would take that with a grain of salt.

Also the death thing, which you already mentioned.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
The actual reason is because 3.0 + 1.0 is written to resemble the "end/repeat" signs in sheet music. I'm not sure why its called thrice upon a time. I've heard people argue that its because the film is the third ending to the series, but i would take that with a grain of salt.

Also the death thing, which you already mentioned.
Seems to be the simplest and best explanation for it, if you ask me.

Third time they have shown the series ending through Gendo / Shinji's instrumentality project.

- First time in the last two episodes of the show
- Second time in the End of Evangelion movie
- Third time in the fourth Rebuild movie

( Bolded text really doesn't stand out in quotes here, does it? )
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