EVE Online Dev Rethinking Virtual Clothing Issue


New member
Jan 3, 2010
Ruairi iliffe said:
gimmly22 said:
The worst part of this is the possibility that the new in-game currency, AUR, is supposedly exchangeable for ISK. This would make the cash-for-ISK marketers now legitimate, instead of violators of CCP's policy. Many proposals are being posted regarding the Noble Exchange content and separation from ISK.
Cash for ISK has been around for 4+ years, its Called PLEX

Buy Plex on account page, Trade plex on market for ISK.

Aur is just another mark in the process that only leads to Vanity items(hopefully just) Which you can buy with ISK anyway, hell i picked up the new Jacket of NeX as i had some excess left over from a good few weeks.
My point is to just cut the unnecessary Cash -> PLEX -> ISK or Cash -> AUR -> ISK routine to just Cash -> ISK.

The article is also talking about the NEx being open to special ships or equipment that could make major game changing issues.

I do not see the NEx being an important part of my gaming in EVE. Just more money spinning.

Ruairi iliffe

New member
Sep 13, 2010
gimmly22 said:
Ruairi iliffe said:
gimmly22 said:
The worst part of this is the possibility that the new in-game currency, AUR, is supposedly exchangeable for ISK. This would make the cash-for-ISK marketers now legitimate, instead of violators of CCP's policy. Many proposals are being posted regarding the Noble Exchange content and separation from ISK.
Cash for ISK has been around for 4+ years, its Called PLEX

Buy Plex on account page, Trade plex on market for ISK.

Aur is just another mark in the process that only leads to Vanity items(hopefully just) Which you can buy with ISK anyway, hell i picked up the new Jacket of NeX as i had some excess left over from a good few weeks.
My point is to just cut the unnecessary Cash -> PLEX -> ISK or Cash -> AUR -> ISK routine to just Cash -> ISK.

The article is also talking about the NEx being open to special ships or equipment that could make major game changing issues.

I do not see the NEx being an important part of my gaming in EVE. Just more money spinning.
And thus Break the point of Plex? Its there for a reason, an alterntive way to pay for a Sub and gives the benifit of giving players a ligit way of gaining some extra isk. Aur is mearly a system added abet sloppy to secondary currency to deal with MT in game. Yes you can trade Aur for Isk (or just outright buy the clothes on the market for isk) But someone still has to buy a plex card like always, taking that away will accually hurt the market.

And The special ships/ammo that was in the 'Greed is good?' was sounding just like faction gear mearly sold outright, which we dont honestly know if it will get ingame. The fuss going on about it, combined with the E-meeting with the CSM(well the ones who didnt stand down from their seats) Is causing way to much heat over something that sounded like a debate paper, because who rightly in a Company statement adds comments from staff saying that its a bad idea?

Finially i agree with you, the way I've always played EvE over the years makes no diffrence if they are in a faction fitted Flagship or a T1 Rifter. Player skill and experance tops over hardware, if fear kicks in you lose that shinny Rattlesnake due to cockups not fits.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Valve made it work for Team Fortress 2. Blizzard sort of made it work for World of Warcraft. However! Please stop taking these two, very specific and very unusual cases as proof that randomly chucking micro-transaction stores into every single god-damned game that your company produces will make you oodles of money without completely pissing off your fan-base.

Blizzard and Valve did it.
You are(looks at CCP), quite simply, not that good.
