Eve Online Lead Designer Jumps Ship to League of Legends


New member
Apr 5, 2010
To the guy wanting a melee carry might I suggest Zed? He has extremely high assassination kills, not the easiest to kite and even can snowball and carry a game like a mother fucker. Not only that, he's played quite a bit at competitive level because the current meta calls for assassins and top/jungle tanks.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
sagitel said:
The Wykydtron said:
League is my try hard, DOTA 2 is my instalock Phantom Assassin (and only Phantom Assassin) fun times. Funny how melee carries are really good and numerous in that game and they're fuckin' shit in League unless you're pre-nerf Yi or gimmicky strat jungle pusher Aatrox.
i present to you tryndamere ,jax ,fiora, lee sin, and darius!
and also aatrox is REALLY easy to kill.

OT: im not sure how should i feel about this. i know that LoL needs new designers because they tend to be stuck at icy things. but i dont know the guy and i havent seen any of his works. anyway lets hope for the best!
LMAO FIORA? Lee sin is a jungler, darius is a bruiser, jax is jax but fiora...


New member
Nov 21, 2009
It's actually pretty rare that we see an employee leaving a company to go to another one that didn't involve one or both companies trading a lot of money or doing something dickish to screw over their employees, or having severe fan backlash have them back out of the industry entire, like... say... threatening to kill their children.

I don't play either Eve nor LoL, but I do hope the guy is happy where he ends up.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
I haven't played EVE but from what I understand it's a game that's primarily about balancing numbers meaning if someone is moving from that game to league they are probably going to be working on balancing numbers plus I heard league had started to put more stock in mathematical statistics a bit back and they are constantly working to make the game as balanced as possible so it would make sense if they hired someone experienced to try and work out the numbers.

P.S. saying "suggesting he'll have something to do with the competitive side of the game." is kind of redundant since every side of league other than maybe say the fluff is competitive.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
While i am a Eve player for over 3 years and i found LOL boring and quit i do not care that much. he seems to just made a choice on what he liked and good for him on that. Good luck to him and the world will move on.

Hero in a half shell said:
I'll sure he'll Excel in his new job post.
I see what you did there.....
Well at least one person knows this!

Caiphus said:
In between trade hubs being littered with scammers, awoxing, suicide ganking, hulkaggeddon, and I think miner bumping is the latest craze. So yeah.
Neither of which affected me in the least in 3 years of playing. why? because i use this thing called brains.
People get scammed because of their own stupidity. the only real problem could be seen as ganking but thats about it.
the thing behind scenes, market manopulations and such, are much more server things. but we dont get news how a corporation has double oxide isotopes rices in 2 days and made profit on that. no, we only get news about how somone scammed somone for 10 times less ISK.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
Symbio Joe said:
Maybe there will be some major leauge changes?
Most likely not. If he's not working in Santa Monica, very little he does will be of importance to the health of the game. Game decisions come out of California.